Sterling Price Photo Restoration Gallery ~ Scrape the mud off your boots B4 entering.

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  • Welcome to the Sterling Price Photo-Restoration Gallery

    This strikingly handsome young fellow below with the spear in his hand is Navajo "Chief Iron Jaw" and is our "Gallery Greeter" ~ He couldn't get a job with his local WalMart only because he doesn't understand a word of English ~ but he is quite affluent in Navajo 'Sign Language' and that was good enough for us.

    So, while you're browsing through all of the wonderfully restored images you're about to see in here ~ should you otherwise come across a photo you either just may not like or disagree with my "interpretation" of the image ~ then by all means please feel free to express your concerns with "Chief Iron Jaw" ~~~ just be careful how you display your hand and finger gestures because in sign language, as in the English language, even many "sign gestures" could have multiple meanings.


    Since the hour now draws near to closing for an 'Old Timer' like me up here in the wilderness of the Poconos Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA ~ and the oncoming Northeast "blizzard" of 2013 is now here and the wind outside is beginning to howl ~ it's only a matter of "when" and not "if" I'm going to lose my electric power.

    So, before that happens, I'll just leave you all now with 2 of my "interpretive/restorative" images of the man who, without any doubt, had the greatest influence upon the American public through the art of motion pictures. He wasn't just another actor in "cowboy movies" ~ he was a genuine inspiration to all of us who loved him ~ ~ ~ and still love him today.

    Almost forgot to mention one thing ~ for all you "cowboys" out there ~ please check your guns at the door with the "Chief" before coming in. "Jaws" hasn't had to actually throw that thing he's holding in his hands for years ~ but he will if he has to.

  • Absolutely amazing pieces--thanks for sharing.

    PS, everyone else might be afraid to ask but I aint--any of these for sale? If so, I wouldnt mind the Guardhouse Fort Apache scene or the The Horse Soldiers scene.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Absolutely amazing pieces--thanks for sharing.

    PS, everyone else might be afraid to ask but I aint--any of these for sale? If so, I wouldnt mind the Guardhouse Fort Apache scene or the The Horse Soldiers scene.

    Thanks for asking Ringo but no, I can't sell them because I don't have copyright permission. Besides, selling any of these would take the "fun" out of it for me. Feel free to right click and "save picture as" and then print them out for yourself if you like. Just remember, these are all low resolution for the Web and your prints will have to remain relatively small.

  • Director Howard Hawks and his long time favorite cinematographer Russel Harlen sure knew what they were doing when they created this scene together for "Red River".

    Too often in the past a lot of movies were just shot "day for night" using either a blue filter over the lens for color or a deep red filter for B&W and then underexposed the shot. With very few exceptions those scenes always looked pretty phoney to me.

    Shooting "night for night" and then properly lighting it was definately not for the inexperienced movie maker. This scene and the night time "burial scene" out on the prairie from "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" directed by John Ford and cinematographer Winston Hoch are two of the best examples of movie makers who, in my opinion, really knew how to "create" a dramatice scene.

  • Thanks for asking Ringo but no, I can't sell them because I don't have copyright permission. Besides, selling any of these would take the "fun" out of it for me. Feel free to right click and "save picture as" and then print them out for yourself if you like. Just remember, these are all low resolution for the Web and your prints will have to remain relatively small.

    Thank you and, I did cut and paste them. These are fantastic to say the least.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..