John Ford

There are 173 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 141,447 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • GT, please do give Deep Discount a try. I never had any problems with any orders I placed with them. There are two things that irritate me though. One is that they do not accept Money Orders, the other is that they do not carry several titles that have been released on DvD that I want, such as: El Cid, and 55 Days At Peking. There are several other titles I want but can't remember the names off hand.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Caught superb documentary on John Ford on TCM Directed by John Ford. My question is why dont they release this on DVD????

    There would be a market for it. Is there anyone with sense in the movie market!!


  • Hi

    Directed by John Ford was on TCM over here last night. I got everything ready and my DVD recorder being reasonably new and it being mechanical meant that I approached it as if it was some monster. But anyway I pressed the wrong button or something and by the time I had figured out what I had done I missed the first 20 minutes.

    Immediately after that finished I was able to record How The West Was Won on DVD. and this afternoon I'm hoping to get The Wings of Eagles off TCM as well.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur

    They were Expendable is on today as well I think at 1.00

    The good thing about TCM is that their programming comes round on a regular basis.

    I caught the Steve Mc Queen Essence of Cool on the third attempt!!


  • I see Cheyenne Autumn is coming up this month. I've never seen the film before but when I went to set the Tivo, I noticed it's 4 HOURS LONG! Was just wondering if any of you have seen it and if it's worth the watch.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Yeah, it's coming up on May 19 on ION television and June 2 on AMC. From what I've read on some of the posts, the movie isn't very good, but I'll probably check it out anyway.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Yeah, I was just wondering if it's worth four hours to watch. Guess we'll find out... :wink_smile:


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Hi,
    I received notification from that two Fords collection will be released for Region 2. The first (1 October) will include How Green was my Valley, Grapes of Wrath, Horse Soldiers and My Darling Clementine. The second will be released in November, but it is no information about the titles. Also there is no information about new features. Will they have any? May be someone here know more about that.
    Hope second collection will have some of Ford silent movies with Harry Carey Sr. It's my dream to see just one of them.

  • Hi,
    Watched John Ford and American West last night and became very exited! What a fine documentary. Again want to see some of never seen Ford's movies.
    Haven't anybody here bought Ford collection which was released along with Ford-Wayne collection. No comments was here about that.

  • Would be nice to see some of the more rarer Ford Titles making it to DVD. I have recently bought Prisoner of Shark Island with Harry Carey so I am looking forward to seeing it.
    I vaguely remember watching it on TV years ago.
