There's just something special about John Wayne

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  • That was a great reflection on John Wayne. That about describes me accurately with regards to the affect a John Wayne movie has on me. When I want to relax and get comfortable, John Wayne is the tonic I seek. In fact, I'm sitting here this morning typing this with a cup of coffee and a copy of El Doroda playing. I have a long busy day in front of me and I wanted to start it with a boost of energy.

    I think part of my love of John Wayne is I can always count on who it is I see, both in movies and in interviews. His kind are from a generation we seem to be losing right now and I belong with that generation. So I watch these movies to both hold on to those days, but to also remind me that values never change, people do. I'll stick with the principles and values I grew up on.

  • Somewhere in the top 5 of my list would indeed be "The Quiet Man". He and Maureen O'Hara played in several movies together, and this was one of her very finest!

    Finally, "Red River" is a must see for any JW

    I own all commercially available JW movie's, and these two seem to always be played the most.
    But whichever movie you chose on any particular day, your in for wonderful entertainment!!
    Merry Christmas to All folks!

  • Can't go wrong with The Cowboys!

    Annie: I'll think about you when I go to bed at night."
    Will: "You do and you won't sleep!"

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Just re-watched The Sons of Katie Elder. Some quick thoughts: (1) First half of movie is a nice little the movie hands out little tidbits of information. (2) Wayne looks surprisingly fit...especially since filming was delayed for 4 months while he recovered from cancer treatments. (3) Movie is not nearly as impressive as Martin and Wayne's Rio Bravo....but it is still very enjoyable. (4) I bet Dean Martin thought he was doing a death scene when he falls down at the end....only saved by a throwaway line with Martin off camera at the Martha Hyer's character says..."Tom told the doctor it will take more than one bullet to kill him."

  • Good Morning Ethan,
    Not sure why this sighting has not been listed in JW’s FILMOGRAPHY et al, but here goes.

    I was watching TCM this morning, and to my delight, found a new movie I had NOT seen before with Duke in it with a some larger than “Bit Part”.
    It may be under a different name, but since I have all available JW films, I thought I would advise you for advice and notification .

    The information on the film is as follows:

    “IRELAND, the Emerand Isle” 1934.
    Could you look into this for me, and advise if it might be under a duplicate name , unknown to many of us?
    I hope the excitement is not for naught!
    Probably so....
    Best, “Town Council”

  • Hello gettingold80.

    I'm sad to say that we lost Ethan last year to illness and he has been greatly missed.

    As to your Duke sighting in an old film, I wonder if you could elaborate on what you saw. I looked up the film you saw, and it is listed as a 1934 Traveltalks 8 minute film on IMDB. Is that the one you speak of? I looked it up on youtube as well, and they have a short titled "Ireland, the Melody Isle" that was also a 1934 Traveltalks film of 9 minutes. Was the one you saw in color? The one on youtube is black and white. I watched it and saw no sign of Duke in it. It would be really cool if you really did spot Duke. Never get enough!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hi Mark,
    I was wrong as to Emerald’s length. It is indeed only 7-8min (depending on your source) but all my other info is the same.
    He is seen throughout this shortie, it was fun to watch something new for the first time in a very long time.Its actually on the TCM app now, and you may watch it as many times as you wish.ards


    Rob Wentworth