Hi Gang been a while am in the process of doing western comic and just putting out feelers to see if any one would be interested in buying this sort of thing it's just a western no aliens or robots popping up out of the blue. Just a good old fashion cowboy. I have 3 pages done so far.
Thanks Guys

There are 24 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 17,331 times. The latest Post () was by CHANCE.
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That's cool, Chance. Are you making a copy and then maybe having them printed up, or you just making a one of a kind?
Hi mark going to get them printed ,but's going to be a limited edition it's one off issue and possibly a prequel ,I'm also doing a sci fi comic at the moment issue one is in print and issue 2 is ready for the printers and i've started issue 3 let me know if you would like to see them?
That looks really good, Graham. I'd be interested in purchasing a copy when you do finish and have them printed. Do you write the story as well, or have someone who does it for you?
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A little late to this conversation, but I think we would be interested, simply based on the few pieces of art you have shared here. Really glad to hear it is without aliens!
No Aliens, robots or monsters just an old fashioned( i hope ) Western.
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Looks pretty doggone good to me and if interested in selling the stuff as prints, I know a site you can make the $$$$$ off of, and im a member there as well-same user name. Its the http://www.smith-wessonforum.com lotsa people there interested in this kind of stuff including the ringo kid himself.
Thats Great Ringo Thanks but wouldn't know where to start.
Just post there and the interested will inquire. When I can get to where I can access the site? I can try to post a few of your images if possible and test the waters a bit?
That would be Great Ringo if you can manage to do it that would be great in your own time.
Ill try so now.
Chance, nothing I know how to try works but, I sent you an email if that works? with my email addy. Send them to me as just a regular photo as I have no clue how to get it as a file or a download0--and cane copy or paste those to the other site.
Hi Ringo can you send me your email again as i uaven't received anything. Thanks
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That's some really good art. Sorry ive not been around due to work, and now I'm down with Flu. Its hit me hard and I'm fighting it. When I get over it more-hopefully by the weekend, ill be posting all your art on the histomil site and will ask the big ape-if he will allow me to post it on the smith and Wesson site.
I'm also about to take custody of two kittens since my cat Shasta died due to vets neglect. Its been near 3 months now-and the home and heart has been very empty.
Thats OK ringo no rush get yourself well first kittems are Great and Great to watch as they get into everything. You Take care of yourself and the Kittens .
Hi Chance, sorry ive not been around much, work schedule has been changed, I'm working closing hours followed by opening hours. They are finally getting around to hopefully getting more normal with the next cycle. I will be posting your stuff on Histomil and wherever else I can hopefully by next week.
It'll be at least 2 more weeks before my friend can let me have the two kittens. Lisa went on a week cruise to Cozumal (SP?) and then came back with a fever. The 2nd kitten isn't weaned yet so-hopefully be early nov ill have both-and I can hardly wait. I miss having a furry critter around the place-just too quiet and my neighbors want to meet them as well. Ive already prepared for both-food, litter and box, toys etc.