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  • Hi Arthur.

    just reading those few lines has put me in the mood for more, so it's


    For me tonight. many thanks. ;)

    Emmanuel. :jump:


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi

    On this day 8th Junr

    27 years ago the actor and stuntman Chuck Roberson died aged 69, wehen working on the set he brought his grandson to see him, after watching a scene the lad turned to John Wayne and asked him what he did. Generously Wayne replied that he stood in for his grandfather on close ups.

    82 years ago the actor Myron Healey was born, he appeared in Wake of the Red Witch and Rio Bravo

    87 years ago Robert Preston was born he was in How The West Was Won

    93 years ago in German the actor Henry Brandon was born, he played Chief Scar in The Searchers.

    26 years ago John Wayne was in hospital and drifting in and out of a comatose state. During the day he was visited by his former secretary Mary St John by now the Duke was resigned to his imminent death and the couple discussed it. Mary quoted the following vesrse from the Rubayat of Omar Khayyam

    ['Strange is not? that of the myriads who
    Before us passed the door of Darkness through,
    Not one returns to tell us of the road,
    Which he discovers we must travel through.

    From John Wayne American

    The Duke seemed to take great comfort from the verse.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 9th June

    115 years ago the actor Harry Gribbon was born he played a doorman in Baby Face.

    61 years ago Brigid Bazlan born. She appeared in only five pictures including How The West Was Won

    36 years ago Abdullah died, aged 80, you might say who? but he appeared in I Cover The War his only film.

    26 years ago John Wayne spent the day flitting in and out of a coma. At some time during this day he reputedly converted to catholicism.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 10th June

    72 years ago His private Secretary was released in the United States

    38 years ago the actor Spencer Tracy died aged 66, although John Wayne wanted to appear with him but never did, and his face never appeared on screen in a John Wayne movie, never the less he s one of the many who featured in How The West Was Won, in the pivotal role of the narrator.

    61 years ago the actor Lew Kelly died aged 64.

    26 years ago

    John Wayne spent his last full day in a coma, his time was drawing to its inevitable conclusion.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 11th June

    39 years ago the actor Wallace Ford died aged 68

    86 years ago the actor Richard Todd was born

    35 years ago the actor Frank Silveria died

    50 years ago the actor Walter Hampden died

    73 years ago the actress Jean Arthur married Frank Ross.

    26 years ago John Wayne, after spending the majority of the day in a coma woke briefly he said a few words to Pat Stacey, before going back into the sleep from which he never recovered. At 5.23 pm he died and was declared officially deceased at 5.30pm.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On This Day 12th June

    30 years ago the film Brannigan was released in the UK

    [Brannigan approaches a motorcyclist who has just thrown a bag in the Thames]
    Brannigan: Can you swim?
    Motorcyclist: Yes.
    Brannigan: Go get it!
    [pushes motorcyclist into the river [I]

    42 years ago The film Donovan's Reef was released in the United States

    Gilhooley about to throw bottle during fight]
    Michael Patrick 'Guns' Donovan: Not the brandy, you dope!
    Thomas Aloysius 'Boats' Gilhooley: [puts bottle carefully down on bar] Sorry!

    26 years ago
    As the news of John's death reverberated throughout the world preparations were being put in hand for his funeral. The Olympic torch above the Los Angeles Coliseum was lit in his honour and would remain lit until Duke's funeral



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • arthur,
    very rarely does anyone else
    post, on this, your vauable thread,
    l'd like to offer you my personal thanks,
    for the work you put in,
    and the information you give,
    and always look forward to your daily posting.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Ethan

    Thanks for the kind words I like to think that this is a free for all thread and I can learn the same as everyone else. perhaps someone will post with a fact that will make me say well I'll be blowed I didn't know that.

    Kind Regards


    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 13th June

    87 years ago Ben Johnson was Born

    105 years ago the actor Ian Hunter was born he appeared in the Long Voyage Home.

    111 years ago the director Tay Garnett was born



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hey Arthur,

    What's going with the prep of Duke 26 years ago? I can't remember when the funeral was, and what the family was doing at the time. It has been a long time.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Hondo

    Duke's funeral was tomorrow (the 15th) Like the family then, I'm now preparing a piece hopefully to add a bit of solemnity to the occasion.

    However thats for the future.

    On this day 14th June

    43 years ago The |Man Who Shot Liberty Valance was released in Argentina

    72 years ago The life of Jimmy Dolan was released in the US

    89 years ago the actress Dorothy McGuire was born she was in the Greatest Story Ever Told playingt the Virgin Mary.

    35 years ago the cinematographer William Daniels died aged 68 Known as Garbos favourite cinematographer he also film Bardelays the Magnificent.

    8 years ago the actor Richard Jaeckel died aged 70. Among the many films he made was Sands of Iwo Jima.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 15th June

    69 years ago Winds of the Wasteland was released in the US
    63 years ago the film Reap the Wild Wind was released in the UK
    43 years ago The Spoilers was re-released in Finland (It had originally been released on the 18th March 1945)
    75 years ago Rough Romance was released in the US
    140 years ago the actor Burr Caruth was born, he appeared in Overland Stage Raiders
    67 years ago the actor Jorge Rivero was born he appeared in Rio Lobo
    21 years ago the actor Ned Glass died aged 78 he was in Trouble Along The Way
    56 years ago the actor Ben Carter died he was in Reap the Wild Wind

    John Wayne's funeral took place.

    At 5.45 a.m John Wayne’s coffin was carried out of Our Lady Queen of Angels parish church Newport Beach. Archbishop McGrath conducted the mass. Afterwards the funeral party made its way to the Pacific View Memorial Park in Newport Beach. Besides the family in attendance were Dukes closest friends Chuck Iverson, Arturo McGowan and and Alice and Louis Johnson the owners of the Arizona ranch.

    When I’ve quit this mortal shore,
    And mosey around the place no more.
    Please don’t weep don’t sigh don’t sob,
    I may have struck a better job.
    Don’t go and buy a large bouquet,
    For which you find it hard to pay.
    Don’t mope around and feel all blue,
    I may be better off than you.
    Don’t tell the folks I was a saint,
    Or any old thing that I aint.
    If you have jam like that to spread,
    Please pass it out before I’m dead.
    If you have roses bless your soul,
    Just pin one in my button hole.
    While I’m alive and well today
    Don’t wait until I’ve passed away
    George Frank Lawson

    With thanks to William T Brooks.

    Two graves had been dug and following the funeral both were filled in and the flowers covering Dukes grave were moved to the other grave to deter any interference.

    There has been much debate about the decision to bury John Wayne rather than adhere to his wishes to be cremated. In 'Duke the Life and Times of John Wayne the authors quote that Duke expressed a desire to be cremated and have his ashes scattered over the Pacific. Pilar Wayne was shocked when he was buried.
    The facts are that Duke left no instructions in his will regarding his death.
    Other evidence to support Michael Wayne’s decision to opt for a burial rather than a cremation, can be found in Pat Stacey’s book when she quotes that on February 22nd 1977 she accompanied Duke to Andy Devine’s Memorial Service which was held at the Pacific View Memorial Park . On page 102 she quotes'


    ‘As we walked up the hill with its breathtaking view of the bay, Duke said, “When my time comes, this is where I plan to be”’.

    Five years after John Wayne’s death when ‘Duke the Life and Times of John Wayne’ was written the book ends with the following


    His burial was puzzling too. Duke hated funerals and found burial rights ‘ medieval and primitive’ when he was in his mid sixties, he said, “I’d prefer to be cremated – anything rather than be buried in a box. He also talked of having his ashes strewn in the sea between Newport Beach and Catalina Island. He made no such provision in his will however, and today he lies buried in a box overlooking the sea’

    ….What happened to the body on that June morning is academic. John Wayne’s grave is now marked and can now be visited. Marion Michael Morrison lies in a grave overlooking his beloved Pacific Ocean but to many people the world over John Wayne is alive and is still a major part of their everyday lives

    Do not stand at my grave and weep:
    I am not there I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow,
    I am the diamond glint on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the mornings hush,
    I am the swift uplifting rush,
    Of quiet birds in circling flight,
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there, I did not die



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Arthur,

    What a tribute, and a touching memorial. Thanks chilibill for your contributions to this as well. His spirit is still living in each and everyone of us here on this message board. I regret that so many today were not there when he made his movies and walk among us on this land. Though I bet many of us didn't meet Duke, we felt like he'd welcome us as a good friend.

    I'm kind of glad that Duke is not here today, I think he'd be disappointed in our landscape. He was concerned in his last public interview with Barbara Walters. I saw that interview a few years ago. He expressed concern about the way things were going in this world and in some ways he was right.

    I can read about his life and see his movies, and can escape from reality if only for a little while. Thank you, Duke. I am grateful for what you have given us.

    Arthur, thank you for the special service.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    Thanks to everyone who said they thought the piece was worthwhile.

    On this day 16th June

    25 years ago Bob Nolan died aged 72 he was one of the lead members of the Sons of the Pioneers

    117 years ago the actor William B Davidson was born he as in They Were xpendable.

    112 years ago te actor Philo McCullough was born. Thje original Tarzan he appeared as the outlaw chief in The lawless nineties

    32 years ago the actress Vera Ralston married Charles de Alva.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low