There are 11 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 3,703 times. The latest Post () was by The Ringo Kid.

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  • Hello allnot too sure if this is allowed to be on the forums but - I trust if it isnt it can eaily be gotten rid of.

    I was wondering if there were any other Star Wars fans out there on the boards,and if so what they thought og the newest installment (and anything else they want to discuss about this hit). I, myself am a huge fan of of the movies for about 10 years now.

    My collection includes both the special edition vhs and dvd's,the new dvd's (yes even episode 3 i have as a friend of mine taped it while in the theatre.....( rather ingenious way really...she hid the camera in her bra.)I also have many figures and different "sets" such as the death star,endor and hoth system playsets and a host of books etc.

    I thought the new movie was simply magnificent....Although,i noticed a few out of place things...

    1.Well i had hoped Boba Fett would have some sort of role in this film as he was a pilot for the Republic i believe before turning to be a bounty hunter (like his father).

    2.I had hoped Darth Vader would have been given more screen time...that was the biggest hype i believe was to see him again and he was only on screen for mere moments.

    3.The final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin...(Anakin being FAR MORE POWERFUL) was well left for death at the hands of obi wan....which i dont quite comprehend.

    4.THe birth of Leia and Luke.....?When luke asked keia in return of the jedi she said she only remembers her mother being very beautiful and she had died when she was very young).....she died at how culd she remember.

    I believe thats all that i can think of for you now...what does everyone else think.


  • hi inharmsway

    i havent seen the new star wars movie but my nephew did (he went to the first showing down under at midnight) but he has told me that it would not be suitable for my little bloke as it is too violent and the part when darth vader is born so i will ahve to wait for it to come out on dvd to see it and by that time my little bloke may be old enough not to be scared from it.

    my nephew loved it and wants to go and see it again.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • I went last night and being a long time fan of Star Wars, I must say its a good movie, not great, just good. There are many holes that are still apparent, but I think its tough when he made the 1st movie almost 28 years ago.

    A hole that I noticed besides the ones mentioned above is, how is Obi-Wan so old in A New Hope when its only approx 19 years from the end of this movie?

    One more thing I noticed, Hayden Christensen(Anakin/Darth Vader) is not a very good actor. I over looked his performance in Attack of the Clones thinking that it was his first major starring role. But he has had enough time to move on and he was still just as wooden at times and over acted at other times.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi,

    To my knowledge I thought it was 30years from the end of episode 3, to a new hope (#4).

    I partially agree with you viper, on the point of the acting talent of Hayden Christensen.He did appear to do a half decent job as Anakin, He seemed fairly convincing as being very confused,full of anger,hatred,deciet etc.

    Smokey I deffinetly would not recomend this for kids under 13, there are some moments as im sure Viper will agree ie - dooku's downfall and the end of "vaders" battle with Obi wan which are deffinetly not for small children.

    Thanks for the discussion.


  • I too am a long time fan of (the original Star Wars movies) and have only seen the first of this latest batch of movies and have not seen the latest one but would like to sometime. Anyway, when Star Wars came out, i was 10 years old and the only toy I bought was a Stormtrooper.

    Anyway, the only Star Wars movies i want on DvD are the first three that came out.

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  • Hello All
    I liked stars wars and found it easy to be drawn in to the movie. There is a resort on the west coast of Vancouver Island that has cabins on a bluff overlooking the bay. The cabins are connected to the dining lodge by walkways that resemble those in the Ewok village, to some degree. I think the star wars movies have had a large impact on many people. In a bio on George Lucas it talked about how Ron Howard studied the directing style of Lucas on the set of American Graphiti and that Ron learned a lot from him. It left me with the impresion that Lucas put considerable focus into his work. kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • I am a Star Wars fan, but not nearly as much of one as my husband who has a storm trooper tattoo on his right arm. Of the most recent trilogy, the last one was the best of the three. Hayden Christensen's acting improved enough in Episode III that it wasn't distracting like in Clones. I am sure that we will buy any special ed. trilogy sets that come out to go with the first trilogy and the hundreds of Star Wars toys my husband has.

    "Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway."

    Heroes live forever.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Duke.45@Sep 29 2005, 01:06 PM
    I am a Star Wars fan, but not nearly as much of one as my husband who has a storm trooper tattoo on his right arm. Of the most recent trilogy, the last one was the best of the three. Hayden Christensen's acting improved enough in Episode III that it wasn't distracting like in Clones. I am sure that we will buy any special ed. trilogy sets that come out to go with the first trilogy and the hundreds of Star Wars toys my husband has.


    Hi Duke .45, welcome to the site. Also, thanks for letting me know about the third SW film. I still have not seen it yet but I will make it a point to do so sometime in the next week or so. As for the 2nd of this latest trilogy, I have been told it was not worth watching.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote

    Hi Duke .45, welcome to the site. Also, thanks for letting me know about the third SW film. I still have not seen it yet but I will make it a point to do so sometime in the next week or so. As for the 2nd of this latest trilogy, I have been told it was not worth watching.

    Hey Ringo, actually the 2nd movie is alittle better then the first. Just close your eyes whenever Hayden Christensen(Anakin) is on the screen. And the 3rd movie will be released on DVD November 1st so unless someplace in your area is still showing Ep 3 you will have to wait till then to watch it. It is by far the best of the new trilogy, not great but much better then the first 2.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SXViper@Oct 1 2005, 07:33 PM
    Hey Ringo, actually the 2nd movie is alittle better then the first. Just close your eyes whenever Hayden Christensen(Anakin) is on the screen. And the 3rd movie will be released on DVD November 1st so unless someplace in your area is still showing Ep 3 you will have to wait till then to watch it. It is by far the best of the new trilogy, not great but much better then the first 2.


    Hi Viper, thanks for your info on Star Wars. I thik what ruined it for me was that character who looked like a Donkey. That binks character had too much screen time. I don't know, I might give the movie a chance but will have to think about it some. This weekend I did rent two movies though which were: Bataan and Stalag 17. I can't wait to get them on DvD. Also, by late next week I should finally have my Errol Flynn Signature Collection in. I can't wait to wath The Sea Hawk, Captain Blood, They Died With Their Boots On, and Dodge City. This set also included The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex but I have never seen that one yet. I'm also hoping to get one of the James Cagney sets by Christmas. I want the set that has The Roaring Twenties, White Heat and Blood On the Sun in it.

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  • Quote

    Hi Viper, thanks for your info on Star Wars. I thik what ruined it for me was that character who looked like a Donkey. That binks character had too much screen time. I don't know, I might give the movie a chance but will have to think about it some

    Actually in the 3rd movie Jar Jar Binks has a very limited role and is not at all annoying like he was in episode 2. You will enjoy the 3rd episode if you liked the original movies, so I think you are safe in watching the 3rd movie.

    Let us know how the box sets you are getting turn out. See ya.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SXViper@Oct 5 2005, 01:28 PM
    Actually in the 3rd movie Jar Jar Binks has a very limited role and is not at all annoying like he was in episode 2. You will enjoy the 3rd episode if you liked the original movies, so I think you are safe in watching the 3rd movie.

    Let us know how the box sets you are getting turn out. See ya.


    Hi Viper, thanks for the extra bit on that annoying character. I guess that might have been the first of the new star wars movies I saw thinking it was the first one? Yeah, I can't wait to get the original Star Wars trilogy boxed set in but that is still a few months away. I definately will keep you informed on the Errol Flynn collection and when I get it, the James Cagney collection as well.

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