Anyone Here Also A Big Fan Of

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  • I am and after yesterdays movies at TCM, I am even more of a fan of the both of them.

    I had never seen: The Roaring Twenties, White Heat and Blood On the Sun, untill last night. I might add, that all three of them are excellent movies and to see Cagney with Bogart, that duo cannot be beat ( as far as playing Gangsters goes)

    I hope all three of these are on DVD because they will move closer to the top of my "to get" list.

    Did anyone else here see any of these?

    Also, today as I was driving to the library to use their computer, I heard two radio spots advertising both Island In The Sky and The High and the Mighty, as being on DvD including hearing The Duke's voice in both ads. :D

    I did not see nor hear anything to do with The Duke yesterday but I guess he'll forgive me since James Cagney & Humphrey Bogart, temporarily took his place. :D

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  • Hi Ringo,

    Yes, I am a big fan of both. I've seen the movies they showed on TCM before, but I always watch them whenever I can. I don't know which movies they did that I list as my favorites because I like all of them. Cagney was in Mister Roberts with John Ford's regular cast of actors.

    Edward G Robinson would be another great actor I would list with these guys.


    My heroes have always been cowboys.

  • I love 'em both!

    With Cagney I recommend:

    WHITE HEAT (My fave Cagney movie; I'd love to have a fit like he does in the prison lunchroom scene someday...;))
    PUBLIC ENEMY (the grapefruit scene is in this one)


    IN A LONELY PLACE (Especially this one!)

    You also may want to look into that forgotten "tough guy", John Garfield:


    Garfield is probably my favorite of the three...

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • Hi Carl -
    I caught the last ten minutes of "White Heat" on TCM yesterday evening myself. Unfortunately, I was only taking a supper break and had to get back to the office to help put the paper to bed.
    Bogart, Cagney & Robinson were all great actors. One of my favorite movies is "Dark Passage" where we don't even see Bogart's face for almost halfway through the film. And, of course, paired with his wife, Lauren Bacall, made for special chemistry.
    Another one of my favorites pairing Bogart and Bacall is "Key Largo" with the addition of Robinson in one of his best roles.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi Nathan, Cole,

    Nathan, ah yesssss, I remember Cagney as the Captain of the ship in Mister Roberts -- which is also a favorite of mine as well. I watch them when i can too (unless a great Duke movie is on opposite)

    I agree with you on Edward G. Robinson. I sure wish he had been in The Roaring Twenties -- he'd have been perfect in it.

    Cole, I have seen Public Enemy too and loved the grapefruit scene. I noticed a similar scene in The Roaring Twenties. Cagney walks into the Paradise Club and approaches the club owner (who has a cigar in his mouth) who made a remark Cagney did not like so Cagney fakes like he was going to punch him but instead smashes his cigar into his face. I thought that was great and classic Cagney.

    I think I have seen Bogie in Dark Passage but if so it's been many years ago and I don't remember what it was about. I have not seen Dead Reckoning or In a Lonely Place yet. I also like Bogies Action In the North Atlantic and Passage To Marseille.

    I also like John Garfield but the only thing I remember seeing him in was a war movie in which he was a Marine who gets blinded in action. I don't know if I have seen any of his other films. Waitaminute, was he not in Cary Grant's "Destination Tokyo?"

    I think my all-time favorite Cagney movie is: The Fighting 69th w/ Alan Hale Sr As Cagney's Sergeant and Pat O'Brien as Father Francis.

    "Get out of my way you big mick SoB or ill knock your teeth out."

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by The Ringo Kid@Aug 3 2005, 12:40 PM

    Also, today as I was driving to the library to use their computer, I heard two radio spots advertising both Island In The Sky and The High and the Mighty, as being on DvD including hearing The Duke's voice in both ads. :D


    I also heard a radio spot for these two movies this morning . The statement that caught my hear was..."featuring the man who epitomized the word star, John Wayne." I could only think...what a true statement!!

    I missed the Cagney movies but taped the Bogart to watch later. I like to watch these old movies in the winter when I can't go outside. I will have to check for the Cagney movies I don't have any taped but I really like his style, musical and gangster.

    Baby Sis


    "Give me a man like Duke Wayne"...Marueen O'Hara

  • Hi Carl,
    Count me in as a great Cagney fan,
    I have his book CAGNEY by Cagney,
    and it is a fascinating insight.
    He was not only a great actor, but also
    a great dancer, YANKEE DOODLE DANDY
    being a classic.
    However who remembers both he and Bogart,
    in THE OKLAHOMA KID.1939
    Cowboy, he was certainly not!!


    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Ringo,

    You're right - I have Destination Tokyo on dvd and John Garfield is in that film.


    My heroes have always been cowboys.

  • Quote

    However who remembers both he and Bogart,
    in THE OKLAHOMA KID.1939 Cowboy, he was certainly not!!

    Oh come on! I like "The Oklahoma Kid"! Nothing like Chicago and New York gangsters playing cowboy! Almost as good as the Westerns done by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, but not quite!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Aug 3 2005, 07:23 PM
    However who remembers Bogart,
    in THE OKLAHOMA KID.1939 Cowboy, he was certainly not!!

    Bogart was known as the quintessential gangster, usually played seriously. But my two favorite Bogart roles were in "African Queen" and "We're No Angels", both of which showed Bogart with an unsuspected gift for comedy. In fact, "Angels" is my favorite Bogart movie of all, and I have probably 15 or 20 of his movies on either disc or tape.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Oh Yes, Bogart and Bacall what a pair. :rolleyes: I spent a little time with them years ago at a Big Party and you could tell they were two of the Film Greats! Bogart in "Key Largo" and Bacall in "The Shootist" you can not beat that . If you cannot have The Duke, give me Bogart and Bacall every time!!! ;)

    Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Hi Baby Sis, Keith, Nathan, Mav, Stumpy and Mr. Brooks,

    Baby Sis, Cagney sure was great and I too loved his dancing and other. I have a few of his movies on VHS and sadly nothing on DvD yet but that's quickly going to change. After seeing a few of his fine films, I just cannot pass him by. Also, i agree with you on what was said in the radio spots advertising John Wayne :D

    Keith, Yankee Doodle Dandy was a great film. I saw it in full only once but Cagney did such a great job in it. I heard but can't remember where, but I heard that Yankee Doodle Dandy was Cagney's favorite Cagney movie.

    Nathan, :) thanks for the clarification on that, now i'm even more in a hurry to buy that DvD as well. :D

    Maverick, I think I have seen Oklahoma Kid or parts of it and I don't remember it being a bad picture either. Guess it's another one i'll have to get so I can see it in full. :D

    Stumpy, African Queen was the first Bogie movie I ever saw. I loved Catherine Hepburn in it as well. Another set of Bogis favorites of mine are: Treasure of the Sierra Madre & Sahara. I am sorry to say im not much of a fan of Casablanca. I think because it's been played too much and the others have not had as much "play time." I do like The Maltese Falcon and I think it's going to be played on TCM very soon.

    Mr. brooks, it really must have been great to have seen them in person as well. :)

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  • Hi Carl,
    In his book, CAGNEY By Cagney,
    James Cagney, says, that:-

    'YANKEE DOODLE DANDY, turned out to be something
    I could take real pride in.Its story abounds in all the elements
    necessary for a good piece of entertainment.
    It has solid laughs,deep warmth,great music.
    And how much more meaningful are those patriotic songs today, in view of all our current national troubles!
    YANKEE DOODLE DANDY has lots of reasons to be my favourite picture'

    James Cagney won the Academy Award, that year,1942.

    Beat Wishes,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Keith, thank you as well for this info from his book. I think im going to go to and look for a copy of it to buy. :)

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  • I love Bogart - he was one of the all time greats!

    Bogart movies that I would recommend:

    The Petrified Forest
    Black Legion
    High Sierra
    The Maltese Falcon
    Casablanca (duh)
    Across the Pacific
    To Have and Have Not
    The Big Sleep
    Dark Passage
    Key Largo
    Deadline USA
    We're No Angels

    As for Cagney, I'm a fan, but I haven't seen as many of his movies as I'd like - but these are great:

    Blood on the Sun
    The Roaring Twenties
    Angels With Dirty Faces
    White Heat

  • My wife and I are more Humphrey Bogart than James Cagney fans. In the past, when we went on a Humphrey Bogart, we rented every Bogart film we could get our hands on. We've seen most of the ones on your list. We're kind of in Stumpy's camp, as African Queen and We're No Angels are among our favorites, although my personal favorite with Bogart is Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Every time I watch it, it makes me want to go GOLD mining :blink: .

    We have also enjoyed Bogart in The Caine Mutiny, Beat the Devil, and Sabrina.

    Chester :newyear:

  • I am a bigger Bogart fan myself. I have several of his movies on DVD, and my favorite is Key Largo. I also like Sabrina, and Treasure of the Sierra Madre. But he does a lot of movies I like. Wish that African Queen was on DVD.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Chester&the Mrs, Hondo.

    Chester, it's too diff, for me to choose between Bogie and Cagney. I think i'm leaning towards Cagney because I have seen more of his films than of Bogies films to date. However, i'd stack up bogies "Black Legion and Treasure of the Sierra Madre" to "Cagney's Fighting 69th and White Heat." I could not use "The Roaring Twenties" since both were in it. :)

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