What Was The Last Western You Watched?

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  • Arrowhead with Charleton Heston, Milburn Stone, and Brain Keith. Boy, what a different Milburn Stone than I have EVER seen. He was a partner to Chief Army Indian Scout Ed Banner, (Heston) and was good at fighting Indians and saving Heston's life. Believe it or not, he looked a bit like Festus. If he had had chin whiskers, he would have looked a LOT like him right down to the clothes.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • The War Wagon. It holds up pretty well. Kirk Douglas comes off as a showoff in the film with his fancy horse mounts and dismounts. He seemed competitive with the Duke, somehow. It was distracting from the story.

    There's a glimpse of Hal Needham as a guard inside the War Wagon. Loved that. He's a special favourite of mine. :jump: He did a nice face-first dive from the coach as he was shot by the double-crossing ranch stealer.

    We're burning moonlight.

  • Watched one of my favorite Westerns ("The Big Country") which also co-stars the most beautiful actress of all time, Jean Simmons.

    Totally agree Stumpy. I watched this very recently, having not seen it for years, and it was as wonderful now as the first time I saw it. Fantastic musical score too!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Arrowhead with Charleton Heston, Jack Palance, and a most interesting and different Milburn Stone!
    Also Broken Arrow which I haven't seen for countless ages. Noticed Frank McGrath at bar and "almost" lynching mob and thought I saw Cliff Lyons next to him in the mob. He isn't "uncredited", but that doesn't mean anything. Once saw Jack Pennick with lines in a movie and he wasn't mentioned at all!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well...I FINALLY saw True Grit tonight. I missed the first 10 minutes or so, but watched the rest of it all the way through.

    I was surprised to find that I liked it, just not QUITE as much as the original. Nothing against Bridges, Damon, or the young girl (Hailee) who, IMHO, was a FAR better Mattie than Kim Darby, but I prefer the JW version.

    The music was good, even though the melody lines were changed (nearly unrecognizable at times) needlessly. This is my bread and butter, and having spent the last 45 years (at least) singing them, arranging them for quartets and choruses, and directing them...I'm QUITE familiar with their origin and melodic content.

  • It was a great day for John Wayne movies on AMC. Started out with The Comancheros, El Dorado, Rio Bravo, Hondo, The Shootist, Big Jake, The Cowboys, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Couldn't ask for a better list of movies for a day.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Thanks for that info Peridot. I will put it with the rest of my research on spotting stunt folks. Any other you spot, falling, whatever, I would appreciate hearing. Oh, watched a lot of HGWT last night....no Leonard. What episode is it that you are lacking? Saw one called Fandango where Paladin's old war friend, Ernie Backwater, shook hands with him and called him "Bobby". Missed that entirely first time I watched it about a year ago. This time it really perked my ears up and I rewound to be sure I heard right. I am certain you already know his whole name before, but it sure was difficult to think of him as a "Bobby", LOL.

    The War Wagon. It holds up pretty well. Kirk Douglas comes off as a showoff in the film with his fancy horse mounts and dismounts. He seemed competitive with the Duke, somehow. It was distracting from the story.

    There's a glimpse of Hal Needham as a guard inside the War Wagon. Loved that. He's a special favourite of mine. :jump: He did a nice face-first dive from the coach as he was shot by the double-crossing ranch stealer.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Seems so Russ. I did some searching and didn't even come up with that. Think I will post it out there. BOBBY.....well, he WAS very different before he met and killed Smoke.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • The BR of "Jeremiah Johnson". This movie didn't look as good as this in the theater as it does now in 1080 and on a large screen. It has an overture and, for some ungodly reason, an intermission, in a film that's only two hours. It destroys the momentum of the story.

    The scenery and photography are world class. I just wish it had starred another actor. Redford tries hard but can't convince me that he's not a frat boy being hazed.

    We deal in lead, friend.