What Was The Last Western You Watched?

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  • I never saw "The Tomahawk Trail" but did see "The Sea Hawk", which was one of my favorite Errol Flynn movies. Guess I'll have to watch it again to see if I then recognize her. Thanks for the info, Keith.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The Indian Fighter. Great looking guy though pretty dang small, Kirk Douglas.
    He was only about 5'8" but wore lifts in later pictures to make him about 5'11". I know he was only about 5'8" because he didn't wear the lifts when out for dinner. And when he came to dinner with Tony Martin and Cyd, we invited them to sit with us at Jack London's in the Springs, (Tony was a great friend of Gibbons, and I had known him when he came to St. Louis before I took the golf pro job in the Springs.) Anyway, he found out I had the pro shop at Mission Hills and wanted to know if I had any size 28 waist golf slacks....I only had about 6 in the whole shop, but.......he came anyway. And guess what....although I was positive he would in no way fit into them, athough very trim........he did. After that, I ordered for him specially. Yep, Kirk really DID have a size 28 waist. Surprised to see he is still alive today at ninety five, I think. Saw pics of him this month serving food for the homeless. And still married to his wife of 58 years! Amazing, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • The Indian Fighter. Great looking guy though pretty dang small, Kirk Douglas.
    He was only about 5'8" but wore lifts in later pictures to make him about 5'11". I know he was only about 5'8" because he didn't wear the lifts when out for dinner. And when he came to dinner with Tony Martin and Cyd, we invited them to sit with us at Jack London's in the Springs, (Tony was a great friend of Gibbons, and I had known him when he came to St. Louis before I took the golf pro job in the Springs.) Anyway, he found out I had the pro shop at Mission Hills and wanted to know if I had any size 28 waist golf slacks....I only had about 6 in the whole shop, but.......he came anyway. And guess what....although I was positive he would in no way fit into them, athough very trim........he did. After that, I ordered for him specially. Yep, Kirk really DID have a size 28 waist. Surprised to see he is still alive today at ninety five, I think. Saw pics of him this month serving food for the homeless. And still married to his wife of 58 years! Amazing, KEITH

    I totally agree Ladyhawk, amazing man, still going.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Hi

    The Horse Soldiers.

    As a teenager I read the book which I thought was superb, when I heard the book was being made into a film i couldn't wait particularly with the cast.
    The film was good but not a patch on the book.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Just watched: The Search w/ Montgomery Clift and Ivan Jandl. Its a great post WWII movie about finding homes for orphaned kids.

    DvD cover:

    Monty (Steve) and the kid Karol (aka) Jim:

    Jim as a refugee:

    "Jim" on the lam:

    Steve and Jim:

    Steve trying to teach Jim some English:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..