What Was The Last Western You Watched?

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  • "Four Guns To The Border" (1954)
    -Rory Calhoun

    Four Mexico bound bank robbers on the run stop and help an aging gunfighter and his beautiful daughter escape from the Apaches.

    Phantom's Review: Entertaining little time waster. Nothing really new or original, but it's not a bad movie.
    The best part of the film is that it's filled with a sea of familiar faces (Jay Silverheels, Walter Brennan etc)
    Not a classic, but worth watching if our a fan

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • "The Left Handed Gun" (1958)
    -Paul Newman

    Plot: IMDBWilliam Bonney - Billy the Kid - gets a job with a cattleman known as 'The Englishman,' and is befriended by the peaceful, religious man. But when a crooked sheriff and his men murder the Englishman because he plans to supply the local Army fort with his beef, Billy decides to avenge the death by killing the four men responsible, throwing the lives of everyone around him - Tom and Charlie, two hands he worked with; Pat Garrett, who is about to be married; and the kindly Mexican couple who take him in when he's in trouble - into turmoil, and endangering the General Amnesty set up by Governor Wallace to bring peace to the New Mexico Territory.

    Phantom's Review: Like most "True" stories, this film is about a spoonful of truth mixed with a barrel full of fiction. Things like the fact that Newman was 33 when he made this film or the fact that Billy was really right handed. But despite that and a few other things, this is actually a pretty good film. Newman (as usual) does a great job and the story is fun. Skip it if your into historical accuracy, but if you want to watch a good western, then enjoy.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • "The Last Hard Men" with Charlton Heston and James Coburn. My good wife thought it was a porno film title.
    It could have been much better, but Coburn played against type by never flashing his toothy grin and the music score is a temp track cobbled from Jerry Goldsmith westerns.
    Give it a shot if it's new to you

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Support Your Local Sheriff -- great movie!

    [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life..." ~John Wayne~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

  • Badman's Territory (1946), starring Randolph Scott, an extremely enjoyable movie about the colorful lawbreaker characters in the Oklahoma strip before it came under U.S. jurisdiction. They include a young Lawrence Tierney and Tom Tyler as Jesse and Frank James.

    Check out the young feller on the right. :)

  • 3 tim holt westerns
    arizona rangers with jack holt.above average b western.one of tim holt's best.
    law of the badlands,good b western
    riders of tucson