Carl's Update on WWI and WWII Veterans

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  • Alas, I can't drink alcohol any more because of various medicines I'm taking for health problems but until about two years ago, I went through at least a half-gallon of 90 proof bourbon a week. I also drank it very strong. Sure do miss it.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Stumpy@Jun 5 2005, 05:39 PM
    Alas, I can't drink alcohol any more because of various medicines I'm taking for health problems but until about two years ago, I went through at least a half-gallon of 90 proof bourbon a week. I also drank it very strong. Sure do miss it.


    Hey, Stumpy, you were just a moderate drinker compared to an older friend of mine and his wife up in Oregon. They consistently put away a quart a day of their favorite whiskey (for the life of me I can't remember the brand, although I can picture the label - they had cases of it stacked up in the garage). Unfortunately, they are no longer with us, as they passed away a couple of years ago.

    So . . . on the brighter side, maybe it's better that you had to give up the stuff. When I'm down with a bad cold, the Mrs. puts a shot of whiskey in a mug, squeezes in the juice of a lemon, puts in a big spoonful of honey, then fills it with hot water - it sure does the trick - and I keep drinking that until I see two lemons . . . thanks, smokey :D.

    Chester :newyear:

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    Originally posted by chester7777@Jun 5 2005, 09:56 PM
    they are no longer with us, as they passed away a couple of years ago.

    I can understand why. :lol:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • hi ethan

    whiskey it is or would you prefer bundy (this is a rum make in queensland) on the rocks, just to broaden you taste buds ;) . only drink whiskey myself when i have a real bad cold and after 1 glass i get to see the 2 lemons real quick :lol: .

    chester glad mrs c knows about this one too we are a smart lot now aint we :lol: ;)

    oh stumpy sorry to hear that you had to give up the hard stuff looks like its soft drink for you well look on the bright side you are always the one who dont make a fool of himself you get to sit back and watch the others :lol:

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

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    Originally posted by smokey@Jun 8 2005, 08:51 AM

    oh stumpy sorry to hear that you had to give up the hard stuff looks like its soft drink for you well look on the bright side you are always the one who dont make a fool of himself you get to sit back and watch the others :lol:
    cheers smokey

    The cloud has a silver lining. I used to spend more than a hundred dollars a month for liquor. Now I have that much more money to spend on DVDs. :D

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Smokey, Stumpy, Chester and the rest of you that want to get rid of a Bug, I can remember when I was a young Kid some 65 years ago, Grandmother had a Bottle of Old- Bust- Head just for Medicinal use hidden away on a top shelve in the Kitchen and when I had Bug she would give me a Big-Shot of it with Lemon and Honey, and I would Sleep all day, :blink: but the next day I was Cured!!! :D

    In todays World I think they would have put Grandmother in Jail.

    Two months ago I had a bad Bug and thought I would try to Cure it with Duke's Favorite "Sauza Commemorativo Tequila" at $28.00 a bottle, and relive some of the Good old Days at the same time. :) Boy was that a Mistake :headbonk: but I am still here so it must have worked!!!

    Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Whenever I have a cold, I always taken Irish whiskey in some boiling water,
    a little sugar, a slice of lemon, and three of four whole cloves.

    I've drank Tequila a few times, Boy does it give you a bad head. :(

    Emmanuel. :jump:


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hey Stumpy.

    Sorry to hear you've had to give up the sauce. But just think, if we ever get
    round to Monument Valley. at least we'll have a sober driver ;) How much do
    you charge per day? ( think silver lining) ;)



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • hi stumpy

    glad that theres a silver lining for you just think of all the movies you have been able to watch at your pleasure. and if you do the get together in a couple of years just think you could be rolling in it and lots more movies will come your way maybe even enough for a hole new movie system :lol:

    chill bill i think every mum has tried this old faithful for getting rid of the bug (or wog as we call it, go out in the morning and bring home a wog now he wont leave :lol: ) just wondering what is old-bust-head when its at home is it something like moonshine if it is no wonder you slept all day and i think after drinking that any bug would leave :D

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Smokey;

    Grandfather made his own " Old-Bust-Head " :headbonk: in the Basement, and yes it is home made MoonShine and Grandfather or Big-Dad as I called Him was Phoenix Chief of Police at the time. :agent: And that was against the Law at that time, but everyone did it anyway!!!

    Chilibill :cowboy:

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    Originally posted by Emmanuel@Jun 9 2005, 10:29 AM
    I've drank Tequila a few times, Boy does it give you a bad head.

    You guys (and gals) don't know what a bad head is. :lol:

    During my 67 years, I've sampled, at one time or another, just about every kind of liquor on this planet and some of them gave you a hellacious hangover.

    One of the worst was a Phillippine beer named San Miguel that I drank as a young sailor oh so many years ago. Someone said that one of the ingredients was formaldehyde and I sure did believe that because the next morning I felt as if I'd been pickled. :lol:

    Probably the worst stuff for a hangover though was ginseng wine, which I had a sample of in Vietnam (1966). Some Korean soldiers came into our camp scrounging for lumber with which to build bunkers. We told them we'd trade lumber for any kind of liquor they had. They gave us several bottles of this ginseng wine, all of which had a ginseng root in the bottle. Two or three of us drank about 3 bottles of that stuff and I swear, the next morning I wanted to die and was afraid I wouldn't. :lol: Not only a hangover but my mouth tasted as if someone had taken a big dump in it. Terrible stuff, that ginseng wine.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Stumpy, I drank San Miguel when I was in the Philipines. I didn't care for it much. but what I did like in Subic Bay was Bull Frog or MoJo. They are both "koolaid" drinks and they are awesome. You could be sitting there perfectly normal nad WHAM literally a minute later you would either be passed out or laughing hysterically. And the best part was, no hangover. Man that was good stuff!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

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    Originally posted by SXViper@Jun 9 2005, 09:38 PM
    I didn't care for it much. but what I did like in Subic Bay was Bull Frog or MoJo.

    When were you in Subic, Viper? I was there in 1956 and again in 1958. Olangapo wasn't one of my favorite liberty ports. :lol:

    I never tried that Bullfrog or Mojo. Must be something fairly new because as I said, I've tried most things with alcohol. Oh, the stories I could tell about my adventures in the Navy......of course, they wouldn't be suitable for mixed company. :lol:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Quote

    When were you in Subic, Viper?

    I was in Subic numerous times in the middle/late 80's. Strictly a working port. But the nights were filled with "stupid" sailor stuff!!! :lol: :lol:

    And I do have a few stories myself, but, they would not be suitable on this forum!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi Stumpy and SXViper

    I've drank a beer called San Miguel on many occasions while on holiday in Spain.
    I never made it to the Phillipines. But was in Singapore a few times, when I was in the merchant navy, many years ago. The Beer I drank there was called Tiger, We can now get it here in Ireland.

    On this side of the pond we call "Moonshine" "Poteen", I had a wee bit of it last weekend while I was down in County Kerry, Boy they know how to make that stuff down there. I had a hangover for 2 days. :agent::dead:

    I'd love to hear your stories, I have a few myself. :stunned:

    Emmanuel. :jump:


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Emmanuel@Jun 10 2005, 09:27 AM
    On this side of the pond we call "Moonshine" "Poteen", I had a wee bit of it last weekend while I was down in County Kerry, Boy they know how to make that stuff down there. I had a hangover for 2 days.

    I've never had a hangover drinking 'shine. I haven't had any for several years but the last I drank was just as clear as water and went down about as smooth. But when it hit bottom, WOW!

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Stumpy; You are so right about "Moonshine." I still can remember that the Tail Gunner on my B-29 was from North Carolina and every time he went home on leave he would bring back a Gallon Jug of "White Lightning" and the Crew would have a big party. :lol:

    It did look just like Water but when it Hit Bottom it was almost as bad as if that "Bad Thing" that we had in the Bomb-Bay had gone off!!! :dead:

    I think he told us that it was about 150 Proof, :fear2: and I think what you get at the store is about 80 Proof. :stunned: Correct me if that is not right? :uhuh:

    Bill :cowboy:

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    The Beer I drank there was called Tiger, We can now get it here in Ireland.

    I drank Tiger while on a liberty port in Pattaya Beach, Thailand. Now Tiger I didn't mind at all. Now that was a fun port ;)

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

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    Originally posted by William T Brooks@Jun 10 2005, 01:13 PM
    I think he told us that it was about 150 Proof, :fear2: and I think what you get at the store is about 80 Proof. :stunned: Correct me if that is not right?

    I think technically, Bill, it's possible to distill 200 proof moonshine which, as you know, would be pure 100 percent alcohol. But I'd be verrrrrry reluctant to drink anything that stout, for fear I'd go blind or something.

    The strongest liquors I've ever drank were a rum in Puerto Rico (might even have been Bacardi) that was 150 proof, and a plum brandy in Europe called Slivowitz that was about the same proof. Both of 'em had me howlin' at the moon. :lol:

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