Carl's Update on WWI and WWII Veterans

There are 138 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 32,172 times. The latest Post () was by The Ringo Kid.

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  • Thank you both Mark, Todd, i'm glad that I can be of help, to make this heroic soldiers story be known. I'm in total awe, of these guys-as well as all who serve.

    Mark, thank you for serving-I owe you much.

    Take care and best regards--Carl.

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  • Rest in Peace, Jack Lucas. you earned it.

    I am always amazed at the bravery it took to jump on a live grenade. I think that trumps storming a beach head or a machine gun nest. Not that I am trivializing any type of heroism, but when you charge into enemy fire, there is a chance you just might make it. When you jump on a live grenade....Nah, not much of a chance at all. But a few men have done that very thing. To me, to give up your life so others can live is the ultimate sacrifice. He thought of his buddies, not himself. A well deserving Medal of Honor winner!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • I heard about this on Friday evening on the news. It was amazing that he was (I heard) 13 years old. Even if his mother's had signed a waver for him to enlist, how could they let him in at an early age? That is too young, and this was the 20th century. He is a hero and dedicated person. Some of those men and women today should know about this boy who loved his country and stop complaining about this country.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I've read many-a-story about Soldiers from both sides of the Battlelines, doing so many things like what Jack did. Audie Murphy (one of many) called in an artillery barrage on his own position. Those Gents sure did have Zeus's brass &@!!$.

    A modern case in point, just about a week or so ago, Pres Bush posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to a Soldier who threw himself on a grenade that was thrown into his Humvee. This man was either an Army Sergeant or a Sergeant in the Marines. Some people wonder why in so "into" this stuff, it's partly because they never fail to amaze me with their deeds and self-sacrifices.

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  • The last Australian WWI Vet passes away. John "Jack" Ross was aged 110. He passed away in his sleep in the early morning hours on Wednesday at a Nursing Home in Bandigo, In the State of Victoria. He was 18 when he enlisted in the Australian Armed Forces in January 1918. Ross was the last of some 417,000 Australians who served in WWI.

    Rest in Peace "Jack". :(

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  • R.I.P. Mr. Ross - We Americans tend to forget the contribution the Aussies (and others) made to keep the world free.

    Hi Jay, aint that the sad truth. Some of my most favorite of soldiers I like to read about as well as the WWI battles they were in-has to do with the Anzacs and the Diggers. Names like Gallipoli, Anzac Cove and Beersheba come to mind-as well as their contributions on the Western Front.

    I don't know if this was mentioned here before or not? but-just earlier this week or late last week-Milvina Dean (SP?) was the last Titanic survivor-and she sadly passed into history. I guess by now she is visiting with her Father, Mom and Brother.

    I do regret the day our last WWI Vet also passes into history. I wonder who will drink a toast to his memory-with Cognac?

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  • For those who don't know, Carl (aka The Ringo Kid) is our resident 'expert' on things related to the World Wars, and he often posts when members of those generations pass away. I've merged all those threads into one (and renamed it), to make it easier to read about all those who have served to protect world-wide freedom.

    Thanks, Carl, for all your hard work!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Carl, I heard that another WWI vet passed away sometime within a month. You know that any WWI vets would be over 100 years old right now, and I heard that there were maybe two or three left. Do you have any idea how many and where they are from?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • For those who don't know, Carl (aka The Ringo Kid) is our resident 'expert' on things related to the World Wars, and he often posts when members of those generations pass away. I've merged all those threads into one (and renamed it), to make it easier to read about all those who have served to protect world-wide freedom.

    Thanks, Carl, for all your hard work!

    Chester :newyear:

    Heh hhe, many thanks. It does help keep track on things ;-))

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  • Carl, I heard that another WWI vet passed away sometime within a month. You know that any WWI vets would be over 100 years old right now, and I heard that there were maybe two or three left. Do you have any idea how many and where they are from?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    Hi Hondo, I had not heard about any WWI vets passing recently and I HOPE he was not ours-because that would be the last known American WWI Veteran. He I THINK was about 113?? The two more recent WWI Vets that I heard that had been called home-were both WWI British vets both passing within about a week of each other :( I know that 1 WWI Canadian vet still lives and he lives in Washington State somewhere.

    Any WWI Vet to still be living-will all be over 100 ;-)) and bless them all ;-))

    Take care--Carl.

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  • Hi Hondo, I had not heard about any WWI vets passing recently and I HOPE he was not ours-because that would be the last known American WWI Veteran. . . . . . . . . . .

    I think it was in Europe. I heard that he was the last in his country. I'm sorry I don't know where it was but it was sometime at the first of this month. It was announced on the news and I was half way listening when I heard it.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I think it was in Europe. I heard that he was the last in his country. I'm sorry I don't know where it was but it was sometime at the first of this month. It was announced on the news and I was half way listening when I heard it.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    Thanks, ill have to do some looking around and see if I find anything out. I know that this Gent wouldn't be the last WWI German Vet to pass away, as that already happened several years ago. I knew one WWI German Vet-by the name of Fridolin von Spaun-who was also in Freikorps Oberland-which was made up of men from Bavaria. Sadly, he too passed on some years ago.

    It's possible that the vet you heard about could have been Belgian-as I think theirs was still alive? I know all the WWI French Vets are gone as allegedly all WWI Russian vets, trouble is, is there were so many nations involved and id have to do alot of looking to see who was who and what was what on this. Im leaning towards this vet being that Belgian vet-but I can't prove anything. Its also possible that he could have been Italian, or even a Turk?? Hard to say.

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  • We had a WWII vet who recently passed at 89. He has been featured in the Montgomery Alabama Newspaper for years not including this past year around the December 7th anniversary of the attack of Pearl Harbor.

    He was stationed there when the Japanese came to town. I guess that made him around 21 years old. Anyway his name is Billy Golson. Not sure where he was or what ship he was on, but he was Navy. I wll check into that. His wife passed back in December due to an extened illness.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    Edited once, last by Hondo Duke Lane ().