Sands Of Iwo Jima (1949)

There are 127 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 168,491 times. The latest Post () was by luckyduke.

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  • Well, if you read this thread, you will find most Duke fans,
    rate this film highly.
    Duke was nominated for an Acedemy Award,
    so it can't have been too bad!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Is this film really that good? I pick it every time i go into the supermarket,read the back of the box but i can't make up my mind so i always put it back.Any input/advice would be most welcome thanks luckynedpepper

    I think it is one of the best Duke made and must see for any JW fun.

  • Thanks Ethan + Senta i'll get it next time i see it somewhere cheers luckynedpepper

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Deep Discount DVD has several options (individually and part of a two pack), as well as four posters (the fourth one down is the one that hangs over our computer :D ).

    Amazon offers it in both DVD and VHS.

    Chester :newyear:


    You absolutely should own this movie. Check the prices at Deep Discount and Amazon, and compare to the prices you are seeing in the stores. It's highly affordable, and should be a part of any John Wayne fan's collection. As you probably already know, it is one of the few films in which his character dies.

    If you haven't already read this thread from the beginning, it is a great discussion that touches on many things. Reading it makes me want to break out the movie and watch it again . . . but I do have some work I have to get to :headbonk: . . . (getting ready to sign off soon) . . . maybe tonight . . .

    Chester :newyear:

  • Thanks Chester,i'm going to get it after i come back from my holiday. Is Deep Discount an american store as i havent heard of that one before ?
    thanks luckynedpepper

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Is Deep Discount an american store . . . ?
    thanks luckynedpepper


    You know, it is. I forgot you are in the UK (sorry 'bout that :yeaahh:). DukePilgrim, ethanedwards, arthurarnell, and Robbie can probably direct you to good sources in your area. I don't know how the AmazonUK prices compare to the US version.

    Chester :newyear:

  • IMO one of the best (or the best ?) War Movie with John Wayne. Probably it's one of his best role during his career. He was nominated for the Academy Award but IMO he should have got the little golden Statue for his performance. Sands of Iwo Jima was nominated in four categories and didn't won any. :glare:

    I also thought that the footage scenes taken from the real battle are perfectly included. I was also curious because I watched the two Clint Eastwood Movies: Flags from our fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima. Both are really good but Sands Of Iwo Jima itself is a strong movie.

    "You're too good to give a chance to." John Wayne as Cole Thornton in El Dorado (1966)

  • I enjoy Sands of Iwo Jima a lot. On the whole, I'd give it an 8 or 9 out of 10. I hesitate to give it a 10 because some of the supporting actors' performances really bother me, but Duke was tremendous. I'm glad the Academy acknowledged this performance with a nomination, because I think it was his best role and performance to this point. I can't get too upset that he didn't win the Best Actor though, because I never saw Broderick Crawford in All The King's Men to judge it against. Still, Sands is one of my favorite John Wayne movies. Like many, I love the scene where he goes home with the woman who has the baby. I feel that, more than any other, that scene helped him get nominated.

  • Today I watched a colourized German version of the movie. It looked fine in full color, but they had cut away the scenes with the prostitute and her baby. These scenes, I feel, are very important for the character of Stryker! - So the next time I will watch the uncut black and white version again!

    I liked this war movie because of the background of the characters. It´s not only a war movie, it´s a great personal drama too. But my favourite John Wayne war movie still ist They were Expendable.

    "Never apologize. It´s a sign of weakness."

  • Today I watched a colourized German version of the movie. It looked fine in full color,
    I liked this war movie because of the background of the characters. It´s not only a war movie, it´s a great personal drama too. But my favourite John Wayne war movie still ist They were Expendable.

    A man after my own heart! They Were Expendable is also my favorite JW war movie.

    Last night, for my birthday, we watched a Republic colorized version of Sands of Iwo Jima. It was on an older VHS tape that we have . . . I discovered that I don't have it on DVD. Plus, I'm not sure if you can get it on DVD in a colorized version. I'll have to do a little research. I have known several people over the years that had been in the initial assault on Iwo Jima. Generally, they are one of three or four out of over a hundred in their company who survived, usually with bullet wounds.

    Many people of today have no concept of what sacrifices were made at Iwo Jima and elsewhere during WWII.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hello everyone....I watched this movie today and really liked's going to be on my favourites list !!

    Especially interesting for me is when they are about to go into combat as a unit for the first time...and they are looking and discussing Tarawa Atoll, or "pork chop '' island as I think I heard it called !! As it is a place I have visited and they mention Betio too, which you pronounce Bay- she- o , if I remember rightly.... I also saw the massive Japanese Guns on the island and some remains of Bunkers.....

    Though I wasn't expecting John Wayne to be shot and killed.... I'm never a hundred percent happy when it happens...guess I like my Hero to be alive and kicking at the end of the day !!!

  • Part of the "Sands of Iwo Jima" were filmed right in Newport Beach. I took a tour there and they pointed out the place, its all house now and not a very big area.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • This has to be my favorite John Wayne war movie. When I started to collect my VHS John Wayne movies in the early 90's, this was the second movie I received and fell in love with this movie. It shows a tough, mean, and hard man, who really cared for his unit and the men. He had a tough life with his family and he had problems but it didn't interfere with his job.

    This movie is a tribute to the US Marines, and it shows us what it means to care for your country and the people.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • really enjoyed this war film.the second best war film jw made.his best is they were expendable and my favourite.john agar and forrest tucker are good in iwo jima

  • Even though I was US Navy, and loved PT boats, I think Sands of Iwo Jima blows away "They were Expendable" and I don't say that because my Dad was on Iwo Jima, I just think it has more depth.

    Ben Cartwright SASS
    a good motto to live by
    What would John Wayne Do"