How's The Weather

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  • Carl.
    Here in the UK, we moan when it's too hot and when it's too cold! Right now I think most would wish we had more sun, particularly in the summer!

    Most do the same thing here but, I never complain about the cold unless I have to be in it when its raining heavily and my cheap walmart umbrella refuses to work. Id gladly freeze over sweating anytime any day.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • We in the UK, now seem to have had a climate change.
    Over the last three years we are having glorious hot March, April and May.
    Come June, July, August, it's just mixed, cold and raining
    and with a little sunshine at best!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • . . . <snip>I never complain about the cold <snip> . . . . Id gladly freeze over sweating any time, any day.

    You and I are on the SAME page on that one, Carl!

    I could easily handle the fog and overcast of the UK over the relentless heat of Texas in the summer. I hear the news reports of days and days of 100+º temps there, and think I would die of depression if I lived there and had to endure that.

    We get our 90-100+ summer days here, but it cools off every night! We can have nights in the fifties and go up to the nineties and higher during the day. I'm miserable during the day, but I give thanks for the cool nights.

    We have had unseasonably late rains this year (our Little League closing day was rained out!), and unseasonably cool days for this time of the year (although yesterday and the day before were 'normal').

    On those really hot days, I give thanks to God on behalf of all those folks who really 'love' the heat - at least somebody's happy on those days!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • cold windy wearing long johns to work as the wind blows into where i work am glad for it (the long johns) they keep me nice and warm. going down to 3 tonight was 4 this morning when i got up but a nice 21 during the day when out of the wind :))):

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • I've been reading these stories on the 'net that our sun is supposed to go into what they're calling "hibernation", which might bring on a "mini-ice age". Speaking for north Texas summer, I wish it'd hurry up. :laugh:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The days of all that fog, well we used to get 'smog'
    have long gone.
    I know down in the south-east there are days of freezing fog,
    but certainly not as it used to be

    Well, Rats. I was hoping top see some of that famed fog, when I get to go to England and visit a few good friends sometime. Some live in London, others in St Albans-which im not sure where thats at?

    Today here in Austin-got to 104 and felt every bit of it. Breathing this air feels like having an oven on cooking something that takes hours to d, then opening it and taking a deep breath. The next cold front cant come too soon ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Mrs C. I had a doozy of a reply but this stupid computer logged me out after 15 minutes? I was going to say that I was in California once during the summer, and we stopped at some relatives home in Norwalk. I remember the day was hot but dry, and at night when everyone was out in shorts and bikinis, I was wearing a winter coat.

    Heh heh, I feel sorry for God because, he cant please everybody all the time. Some complain about the heat (Me) and others complain about the cold.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Well, Rats. I was hoping top see some of that famed fog, when I get to go to England and visit a few good friends sometime. Some live in London, others in St Albans-which im not sure where thats at?

    Today here in Austin-got to 104 and felt every bit of it. Breathing this air feels like having an oven on cooking something that takes hours to d, then opening it and taking a deep breath. The next cold front cant come too soon ;-))

    St. Albans is a few miles north of London, but almost close enough to be a suberb. Don't bet on seeing any fog though, it ain't what it used to be!!!
    You might however see, plenty of the other stuff, RAIN!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • St. Albans is a few miles north of London, but almost close enough to be a suberb. Don't bet on seeing any fog though, it ain't what it used to be!!!
    You might however see, plenty of the other stuff, RAIN!!

    Hi Keith, that's great and it would make visiting there a bit easier. The two friends from those places also know each other by internet but never met in person. Both really are great guys to know.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Keith, that's great and it would make visiting there a bit easier. The two friends from those places also know each other by internet but never met in person. Both really are great guys to know.

    Theye will find it quite easy meeting each other.
    Be great to see you over here.

    We have a bit of summer today, hoorah!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Baking in 104 degree temps for three days. Supposedly, some relief is in sight. (Ha!!!)

    We beat ya, got 105 here yesterday and no wind and higher humidity. I was sweating before I left the house. ANYONE who likes this kind of weather needs to have their heads examined.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • ringo i would like to have your weather and you can have mine i love hot weather hate the cold. we are going down to below zero tonight again not looking forward to the morning but we are suppose to have 20 during the day.

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"