How's The Weather

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  • cold overcast and horrible summer come down under

    I'm confused, Smokey. As I understand it, Australia's seasons (since it's in the Southern Hemisphere) are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere. In other words, what we call summer are the (usually) hot months of June, July and August whereas those are Australia's cold months, aren't they? So wouldn't that be called your winter, instead of summer?

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • your correct stumpy i just want summer to come down under as i am sick of the cold and want to warm up that is if we get a good summer not like the last one which was raining,flooding, cyclones and cold to boot.

    it is overcast again today cold as far as im concerned

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Upstate New York is sunny, hot and suffering a drought. My lawn is a nice shade of brown and I'm enjoying every second of it. Stuff winter and break out the pina coladas.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Upstate New York is sunny, hot and suffering a drought. My lawn is a nice shade of brown and I'm enjoying every second of it. Stuff winter and break out the pina coladas.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    If I were in charge of the weather? I would make certain you all had year round Summer :lol::lol::lol:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ha ha, we FINALLY got some rain. Now I only HOPE it doesnt rain any on Friday cuz, that's when I flip bye bye to UBER liberal and full of freaks--Austin, Texas. :-D)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • cold this morning not to bad if you were out of the winds they had a chill factor with them today which made the day colder but we did reach 20 i think today summer please come back

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"