The weather is beautiful outside, I think i'll go outside and start cleaning our deck!
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The weather is beautiful outside, I think i'll go outside and start cleaning our deck!
Wet wild and windy
cold again in the morning days are warm
Hot again and no wind for at least 3 days.
Everyone expected a nice September, it ain't happening!
hot today near 90 but they promise by Wednesday we will have lows in the 30's
HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we finally have a breeze again.
wind and rain
It was 94 F at 9:30 this morning. Its gonna be a HOT HOT day today >:-((
cloudy but dry today
overcast and windy
Hallelujah - even my part of north Texas got a few drops of rain today. Sure could use more.
Sending some your way Jim, but even we have sunshine today
sunshine for the first time in 3 days
Had about a 3 minute rain "storm" this morning so now its seriously HUMID, gittin hot and my day is ruined because what started out to be a glorious OVERCAST day, is turnin into the usual kind of day.
FINALLY, we had an inch and a half of rain this morning. It has remained mostly cloudy with a temp less than ninty. The forcast is for much the same for the next five days. WOW!!!!
sunny and hot the lad has gone away camping and wont be back till monday arvo he left 8am saturday good weather for it
sunny at times but a bit overcast
We got a nice amount of rain too-sometime during the early morning i guess? BUT, its cooler and nice for a change.
Dark, overcast with heavy showers... autumns here !!