It's a tad cooler outside today than it has been in the last few days. We topped 100 degrees a few days in a row. Put the humidity on top of that, I stayed indoors!
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It's a tad cooler outside today than it has been in the last few days. We topped 100 degrees a few days in a row. Put the humidity on top of that, I stayed indoors!
Brutal as usual. Not a cloud in the sky to block any heat.
The sun shone, whilst many parts of the country
were being driven out of their homes by severe flooding
Cool nights, 58 degrees, with fog. After the fog burns off around 10:00 AM, warms up to almost 90 degrees. Clear and sunny.
After two months of continuous rain the authorities have removed the ban on using hose pipes this when most of the country is under water.
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After two months of continuous rain the authorities have removed the ban on using hose pipes this when most of the country is under water.
Agreed! I've been wearing wellie boots for longer than is healthy!
Grey and dull, does that mean rain???
Gloriously OVERCAST but only sprinkles so far. Better then nuthin I guess?
Flash flood driving home. Instantly 2 inches of water on the surface of the road, drains bubbling over, mud pouring down the sidings and can't see a thing. Driving for less than 10 mins then it's all sunny like nothing has happened! Welcome to the South of the UK!
Normal service resumed, guess what it's raining!!
The past day and a half, we have actually seen a little wet stuff falling from the sky. Not much just enough to wet the streets but-better than nothing. t least though--its slightly cooler and also overcast.
Rain, sun, rain, sun, thunder storm, sun.... And it goes on!
Nice days, though it's a bit warm (92) in the afternoon.
Rain, sun, rain, sun, thunder storm, sun.... And it goes on!
and on and on and on....
You guys are lucky to get all the rain. All the rain we had here for the past number of days--wouldnt even fill a tea cup. :-(((
You guys are lucky to get all the rain. All the rain we had here for the past number of days--wouldnt even fill a tea cup. :-(((
Oh and how we wish for a dry spell so we can put our waders away!
Somewhere in between would be wonderful.
Oh and how we wish for a dry spell so we can put our waders away!
Somewhere in between would be wonderful.
Any Islands mid-Atlantic??
Oh it's not currently raining.
Raining in Kentucky.. has been all day...sure is needed
Oh and how we wish for a dry spell so we can put our waders away!
Somewhere in between would be wonderful.
Hi Dooley, if I could trade weather with you gents--I gladly would ;-))