How's The Weather

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  • Cold, miserable and grey, and to make it a little more gloomy the clocks have gone 'back'
    making it dark even earlier!! Yuk !!

    The whole clock thing is a farce, there is no need for it. It makes winter seem even longer being pitch black at 4pm. Think you can tell I'm not a fan!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I seem to have a Hurricane heading in my direction. "Sandy" is headed up the east coast and will make a sharp left into my state, Maryland. They are expecting major damage and power outages all up the northeast coast. It will hit here Monday night, so wish us luck!


    Hi Mark,

    Hope you and everyone at home is OK. Hurricane Sandy is all over the news here!

    All the best,


    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Good luck, Mark. I'm in western New York where we're expecting high winds and long power outages. Went to the hardware store for flashlight batteries and it looked like a scene from "Soylent Green" Everyone is stocking up on canned goods and shotgun shells.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • It's past 4:00 here in Maryland and Sandy is letting her presence be known. My cable is out already, but the lights are holding. We have wind gusts in the 40 mile per hour range and expected to get worse as the Hurricane gets here later tonight. Already had tons of rain (my lawn is sludge already) with plenty more rain to come, 6 to 10 inches total are expected. They are expecting some trees to topple over because of the wind and saturated ground. I have plenty of trees behind my house, so it will be a long and nervous night. Don't think I'll sleep much. lol We are expecting the power to be out a few days, so I might be missing you fine folks for a while.

    I saw on the news that the 3 masted ship HMS Bounty, that they built for the film in the early sixties and used in a few films since, had tried sailing around the Hurricane on it's way to Florida. It took on water in high seas and the crew had to abandon ship. All but 2 were rescued by the Coast Guard, the two remain missing. Why on earth would anyone try such a risky voyage? I pray they find the 2 missing crew members.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • God bless, Mark. You've had it much worse than us so far, but predictions are claiming that we will be under the same hammer in a few more hours.
    My lawn is a swamp already and I may start planting rice next week.
    I bought a generator to run my sump pump, refrigerator and furnace and will feed it gas all night if necessary. My son and his family are on their way over now because they lost power two hours ago.

    Stay dry on the outside and wet on the inside.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • You stay dry also, Gorch. I was in the middle of doing the quote game Poll earlier when I lost power. I figured that was it for a few days, but the power came back on about 5 hours later. The wind is still blowing but we haven't seen that wind increase they were calling for as of yet. Trees are still holding strong! Still getting plenty of rain. I'll be planting rice right with you! lol Stay safe!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • High thirties. Fireplace doing it's thing. Will pick up my chain saw today, FINALLY....not much wood on the deck. Very lucky on our four day trail ride....few sprinkles, but not enough to spoil he days. Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Mark, I hope you are doing OK.

    It seems that NJ, NYC, and Long Island have been particularly hard hit - devastating damage esp. in NYC transit system! And the storm's not over yet . . . keeps on moving!

    My prayers are with all that are being affected by Hurricane Sandy! Keep us posted as you are able!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • I echo everything you've said as I'm sure do all those on the forum.

    Sincere regards to all those affected, Peter

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Got some "small" wood........need a WHOLE lot more. My little buddy who owns the power shop store gave me a Stihl chainsaw....(he still hasn't fixed mine, LOL). Will be chainsawing trees tomorrow. Oh, found a huge supply of lighter wood.....going to be getting that also.

    Yep, getting cold, not just chilly. No rain for now, but about 6 inches of snow from where I just came from. Strange how it is in the foothills and mountains. No rain here, yet a good bit of snow an hour never really know here.....just have to be prepared.

    Just finished riding my horse bareback for about an hour. Going to again in a bit. NEXT YEAR, I will be on my own horse who minds my voice commands, does not fight against me at all....well, just a little, sometimes. Haven't decided on a saddle yet.....may just stay with a bareback so love saddles and leather, LOL....but, my horse likes bareback, and I can "feel" his movements much better that way also.

    Fire going and will be all night as it is to be COLD.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well, looks like we got off lucky in Maryland. You are right, Jim, NJ and NY took the brunt of the hurricane and had lots of flooding. That was a hell of a storm. Hope to never see the like of a "super storm" again anytime soon. Thanks for all your concern, folks.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hi Mark and anyone else affected by the storm.
    Sorry for not "worrying about you" by JWMB, but believe you me, I was thinking about you and praying you were safe and undamaged.

    Glad to hear that everyone made it OK.

    Embers still burning this morning at 5, so fire easy to start......roaring away now. Soon, with the blower I have in the fireplace it will take the chill off the house. My fingers aren't even cold typing already.

    Once again, Mark...sorry for not personally checking up on you. Really DID have you on my mind though. Posting the last Rhino is a doosie! Some really good shots. Hope yall like it. You know who is choosing the next is Irish Duke's turn. HAGO, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE