How's The Weather

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  • Winds changed from the Southeast to Norwest this morning as I was going to get my haircut. Cooler than yesterday but not cold.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hey guys, we have had storms all around and tornadoes, thankfully our area didn't get hit. A sad day in the state of Alabama. In Enterprise, Alabama some 80 miles south east from me was not so lucky. Apparently the storm hit a high school there and reports say that 13 people were killed. Don't know who, but I think some were high school students. The tornado went through the school and though they took proper precautions, you cannot do more than they did when it hits you directly. The school was destroyed. We have not heard what type of storm we had. Most of the activity was south of us.

    We are not out of the storm track yet. We are still getting hit with more tornado warnings in the west and south west right now. Not as strong as the earlier ones but just as deadly, especially after dark.

    I am alright, and we haven't suffered any problems right now. Rain, lightning, and high winds in my area. I just wanted to let you know that I am fine, and not directly affected with the storms.

    Keep those who have lost their lives today in Alabama and Missouri. Don't have the official count yet. Take care.

    Cheers Mike :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • we have had storms all around and tornadoes

    About 40 years ago the kids, my wife and I experienced a tornado directly. Very scary experience which I don't want to experience again.

    Before that, I used to sleep right through the strong thunderstorms we get in Texas and Oklahoma but no more. Now, when the sky gets black, I start looking for a hole in the ground. :yeaahh:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Well, we had another snow storm. It was about 4 days after the first one. We have a total after the 2 storms of 30 inches of snow on the ground.

    So, I went out and did something completely stupid, I bought another sled!!!!
    Man, I love snowmobiling!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Well, we had another snow storm. It was about 4 days after the first one. We have a total after the 2 storms of 30 inches of snow on the ground.

    So, I went out and did something completely stupid, I bought another sled!!!!
    Man, I love snowmobiling!!!!

    What's that old axiom about "a man and his toys"? :wink_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Had a tornado about 20 miles from where I live. The place I work is about 20 miles from my home. You could look out at the back of the workplace and see where it JUST missed my employer.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Thankfully, I have only seen one tornado land and it was not such a big deal as it was weak and did not last but about 2 or so minutes. Now I have been in buildings right next to where tornadoes did land and destroy. One was back during Hurrican Allen when we made our way to San Antonio to my Uncles place outside of the North side of town. We were sleeping when it hit and it literally does sound like a train. It woke us and we could hear some freaky cracking sounds as it up-rooter trees and unfortunately, neighbors houses. My uncles place had only minor damage--which is good for us as there were about 11 of us staying there that night.

    The next experiance with nearby tornadoes was when we were on our way to California in a mobilehome. We had stopped in Douglas, Arizona, for the night and heard the tornadoes hitting in various locations in town. The warning sirens really were nerve-wracking to hear.

    The last experiance I have had with tornadoes happened back in 2002 here in Corpus Christi. A friend and I were eating at Golden Corral restaurant, when the skies very quickly became black. When we had first arrived at the restaurant about 5 minutes before, we had only seen a small dark area to our southwest and not knowing which direction it was headed and not really thinking about it. Well, said clouds came with high winds, then VERY heavy rain, thunder lightening etc. Ths stom came directly over the restaurant, and made its way to the neighborhood my friend lived in. Same storm produced I think 3 tornadoes one hit Del Mar College. At the time the one hit the college, my youngest Nephew was in class at that moment and was in the building where the roof collapsed killing his professor. My Nephew was in conversation with that professor--when a large metal beam dropped and killed him instnatly. My Nephew only survived bu dashing under a nearby desk--but had several deep cute and many bruises.

    Same tornado destroyed about half the homes in my friends neighborhood--only ripping off several shingles from the roof of his house.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I'm very sorry to hear about that Ringo. The only experience I had with a tornado was a couple of years ago when I went to pick up some groceries. As I came out of the grocery store, I saw a couple of people looking up at the sky. I looked back only to see nothing more than a very dark cloud. As I put my groceries in my car, they were still looking up at the sky. So I got a better look at what they were looking at and my mouth literally dropped wide open. It hadn't hit the ground, but it was coming down out of the clouds. This thing was HUGE. Movie tornadoes don't do a real tornado justice. I called my wife and told her there was a tornado here and she said to get back in the store. I said I'm getting the hell out of here and I did. I don't know if it ever touched ground and I never heard any reports about it so I assume there was nothing to it. But what I saw was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • The official count in this storm that hit a high school killed 8 kids, and an elderly man away from the school. They showed the victims on the news on TV. They were so young. These kids were 15, 16, 17, 18 years old. Looking forward to a long life that was cut short with this killer storm.

    The tornado measured as wide as 6 football fields and traveled some 25 miles through the city. The media jumped on the government and school officials that they could have saved these kids, but how can you say such a thing when this storm came within 5 minutes and right through the school as a strong F3 storm. This storm was calculated with speeds of 155+ miles per hour winds.

    This tornado threw a car 500 feet and landed on top of a house and car parked across the street from the school. They showed 2"x4"s speared through block (cement) walls, a second story section of the high school shifted some 20 feet and crumbled to the ground below a group of kids.

    The school officials were in the process of dismissing the school when the storm was on its way. If the storm came a few minutes later, more would surely be dead.

    Southern Georgia got hit too. They had 9 deaths. We had 10. The other victim in our state was west of the other storm. He leaves a wife and two young boys.

    We are calm now, and the skies are clear, but the cleaning is just beginning. Keep these families and friends in your prayers. They will need to rebuild.

    Tonight we are dipping into the upper 30's. A far cry since Wednesday when we were in the 80's. Suppose to get colder Sunday and Monday morning with temps dipping into the 20's.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Tonight we are dipping into the upper 30's. A far cry since Wednesday when we were in the 80's. Suppose to get colder Sunday and Monday morning with temps dipping into the 20's.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    I think it's those rapid shifts in temperature that causes bad thunderstorms and tornadoes.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm very sorry to hear about that Ringo. The only experience I had with a tornado was a couple of years ago when I went to pick up some groceries. As I came out of the grocery store, I saw a couple of people looking up at the sky. I looked back only to see nothing more than a very dark cloud. As I put my groceries in my car, they were still looking up at the sky. So I got a better look at what they were looking at and my mouth literally dropped wide open. It hadn't hit the ground, but it was coming down out of the clouds. This thing was HUGE. Movie tornadoes don't do a real tornado justice. I called my wife and told her there was a tornado here and she said to get back in the store. I said I'm getting the hell out of here and I did. I don't know if it ever touched ground and I never heard any reports about it so I assume there was nothing to it. But what I saw was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen.

    Hi GT and thanks. Also, same goes for Hurricanes -- I hate em and do not want to go through another.

    I shudder to think of what to do had I been in your shoes that day. Around here, almost nobody has a celler or a storm bunker of anykind. I guess were lucky sorta--which depends on what section of town you live in. Alot of areas around town have large ditches near homes and I guess thats the place i'd head for if a tornado was coming.

    As for those who live in mobilehomes, I think they are pretty brave as such because trailer homes always seem to be tornado magnets.

    BTW, my uncles home was a double-wide trailer home. That is where we stayed--also had zero warning that there were any tornadoes in the area. I do remember the high winds which were tropical storm in strength--and the heavy incessant rains.

    I never understood why my Uncle liked living in trailers so much? especially when he could afford a nice solid built home?

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