How's The Weather

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  • Well, about an hour after I posted this and got home, the cold air came in with some drizzle. Today is still cold but not as cold as last night was. Still overcast as well.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • But.....but.............Algore won a Nobel prize for denying such weather exists, Todd. :wink_smile:

    Well, I don't know much about this global warming, but I do know that if Santa comes to the southeast, he'd better check the freon in that sled of his. Unless something drastic happens in the next few days, I'll be in shorts and t-shirt on Christmas day.:glare:

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • it was a warm day again was glad to be at work in the fridges and freezers was able to duck in and cool down, had a shower last night as i didnt see the weather i dont know what we will be having. hopefully no rain as i want to mow the lawn again

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • We've had mostly fair weather the past week. Overnight lows have been in the high twenties to low thirties (it's 33º F as I type this at 6:40 AM). Not as cold as many of our members see on a typical winter's day, but cold enough. Daytime temps range from mid-fifties to mid-sixties, mostly sunny. We need the rain, but we're hoping it will hold out until after Christmas, and/or confine itself to midweek, so as not to interfere with our hot dog selling, which is on weekends.

    It's supposed to be sunny and nice today, though.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Colt front blew through this morning and the colder stuff will be here tonight. Were actually supposed to dip into the mid 30's tonight :D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • It's been cold as hell in Oklahoma with over a million without power. The outages are a couple hundred thousand now The sun is shinning today for the first time in 10 days what a magnificant sight. Merry Christmas

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • another warm day reached the mid 30C i think it went to 35 or 36, it is still warm at 28.6C at 12:34am they say we are going to have another day like yesterday today only a week to christmas hopefully it will get warmer and not rain on the day

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • It's been cold as hell in Oklahoma with over a million without power. The outages are a couple hundred thousand now The sun is shinning today for the first time in 10 days what a magnificant sight. Merry Christmas

    brick, we're sure glad to see you still have voltage and sun! :shades_smile: We've been hearing the weather reports for your part of the nation, and wonder about different members. I wonder how Baby Sis and her family are doing, as she is in Kansas (which has also been mentioned in the news lately).

    Chester :newyear:

  • it looks like in some areas that winter has come in like a lion, keep warm and safe all those who are affected by this weather, we only hear about it when it is at its worst.

    alother warm day a bit overcast could get a shower or two dont knowyet

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • the rain came in about 3pm and we have had showers since, bek what do you call stinking hot as i call stinking hot when it gets into the 40s it is only warm till then :teeth_smile: glad to see you have rain out your way wont have to fill the house tanks for a while if we keep getting these showers.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Smokey, Bek, glad to hear you Ladies are getting some much needed rainfall.

    Today it's much milder-not as cold but still gloriously overcast. Had to let the Cats in last night as I didn't want them freezing their little ........'s off.

    Heh heh, Shasta jumped on my bed and lay between my feet-keeping me pinned in that position for over 6 hrs. Everytime I tried to move or turn-Shasta would give me a ""gentle reminder" not to move-by poking her claws into my right leg-thinking I was playing with her. My other Cat, slept in one of my chairs all-night and as far as I could tell; never moved a muscle.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • It feels like Christmas but we are in need of rain. Over 20 inches behind this year while behind some 15 inches last year. Not very good. We did get .70 inches over the weekend, so it was good, but we need lots more and it seems that we won't any until Thursday. Reached 26F last night and only a high of 52F today with sunshine. Tonight the forecast is 25F. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Oh, if we could only have snow! Or even rain!

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • We had 0.75 inches of rain overnight, and it's supposed to rain through the day. Boy, do we need it (but not as much as other places in the country). It's the most substantial rainfall we've had in quite a while.

    Overcast, probably won't go much over 50º F.

    Fortunately, we've been able to run the hot dog cart on the weekends (and it looks this coming weekend will favor us as well).

    Chester :newyear:

  • Its warming up, and it stinks!!!! Talking a storm for this weekend for 6-10 inches of snow, so I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Finally everyone has electricity back and things are starting to melt off....but they are saying another snow storm is on the way for Sat. Everyone is leaving their generators in place just in case.

    Baby Sis
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    "Give me a man like Duke Wayne"...Marueen O'Hara

  • Smokey, I start to call it stinking hot when it hits the 40's, it probably wasnt that on Monday but being out in the paddocks all day working sure made it feel like it.

    Quite cool today, overcast the whole day.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!