Falc04, did you hear my signature in that movie?
The Undefeated (1969)
There are 158 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 170,564 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.
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A truck in a movie set after the end of the Civil War... looks like a really old truck too. Maybe an old Ford... yuck.
Falc04, did you hear my signature in that movie?
I sure did...it's funny how Duke is almost laughing when saying it.
Good stuff! -
Thanks for replying. I actually enjoyed this movie even though there were several who thought it was one of his lesser efforts.
Thanks for replying. I actually enjoyed this movie even though there were several who thought it was one of his lesser efforts.
As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Hey, I'm one of the few who actually like Jet Pilot and The Conqueror. Doesn't affect my enjoyment of those films in the least. -
I'm one of the few who actually like Jet Pilot and The Conqueror.
Woah dude! I always wanted to find someone who liked the Conqueror! can I shake you hand?
As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Hey, I'm one of the few who actually like Jet Pilot and The Conqueror. Doesn't affect my enjoyment of those films in the least.
I like both of them too. I like most military films and I've always liked any movies about the Khan's.
Woah dude! I always wanted to find someone who liked the Conqueror! can I shake you hand?
Haha, you sure can...consider it extended! -
I like both of them too. I like most military films and I've always liked any movies about the Khan's.
In my opinion, 'The Conqueror' is a highly entertaining film, with hugh production values, a wonderful music score (by none other than Victor Young), and excellent character actors. And besides all this, the out-of-print Goodtimes DVD spots a wonderful transfer and carries the original 2.0 stereo soundtrack, which really booms out of your speakers.
I can certainly think of a dozen other Duke films that I'd pass on to watch this one. -
I thought The Undefeated was great.
It starts quite well but just runs out of ideas. Actors can only work with the material given to them.
Mike -
Just thought I'd let everybody know that Antonio Aguilar who played the Juarista Gen Rojas died the other day at the age of 88. I guess he was a popular Mariachi singer in Mexico and also appeared in over 150 films.
Here's a link to a news article about him -
A couple of posters from this, IMO, forgettable film -
Undefeated-poster.jpg -
I liked the Hugo Montenegro score.
Here's an example of the book from the movie. Enjoy!
Just re watched The Undefeated and it's still not among my favourite John Wayne Movies. For me this movie is just a bit too boring and I miss good action scenes. The end scene in Durango is a disappointment. Overall the story had some potential but it's wasted. The music score is quite good and nothing to complain about the cast and the photography. It's always a pleasure to see John Wayne so the movie is watchable but will never be in my top 10 list of Duke Movies.:smile:
Here's an example of the book from the movie. Enjoy!
Mark, this is one of the cheaper books to buy of Duke's movies.
I have been thinking about getting it. I have seen it for little as 7-10 dollars. -
I've had it a good while, so I can't remember exactly what I paid, but it wasn't much. 5 to 7 dollars is a good price, so snatch one up. :teeth_smile:
I have seen this book on ebay with the seller asking 20 dollars or more also. I never waited to see if anyone paid it. I always waited until books came on that had prices more to my liking. Sometimes the wait was long, but I always got what I wanted in the long run.