Rio Bravo (1959)

There are 164 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 187,170 times. The latest Post () was by Mboat.

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  • This is a real classic, although personally I prefer El Dorado which I thought had a better pace. Also Mitchum and Caan were better actors than Dino and Ricky. I think this might have been improved if Dean Martin had played the romantic lead, because at 51 Duke was clearly too old for Angie.


  • Never realised Harry Carey had a scene filmed for Rio Bravo were he offered his services to John Wayne. Scene was cut from movie. Carey mentions that he accidently called director Howard Hawks "Howard" instead of his customary "Mister Hawks" and that was part of the reason why his scene was cut.


  • This is a real classic, although personally I prefer El Dorado which I thought had a better pace. Also Mitchum and Caan were better actors than Dino and Ricky. I think this might have been improved if Dean Martin had played the romantic lead, because at 51 Duke was clearly too old for Angie.


    Agreed, however Walter Brennan was the ace in the hole for me, which pushes this a bit above El Dorado. It never ceases to amaze me the similarities between these movies, especially the bar showdowns with Dude and Mitchum in their respective roles....

  • In one scene when Wayne's shirt is wet, the shape is different a few times.

    I tried to watch it on AMC today. A commercial break every five to seven minutes. AMC was so much better a few years ago when it didn't run commercials. If Billy Mays yells at me one more time, I'm gonna snap.

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  • In one scene when Wayne's shirt is wet, the shape is different a few times.

    I tried to watch it on AMC today. A commercial break every five to seven minutes. AMC was so much better a few years ago when it didn't run commercials. If Billy Mays yells at me one more time, I'm gonna snap.

    You are so right about AMC. When they were non commercial like TCM they were much better. But, they sold out and now are just another tv channel. They also had better hosts back then, Nick Clooney(Georges dad) and another guy whose name escapes me.

  • John Wayne is his best in this movie. If I had to cast the others, I'd stay with Dean Martin, and Walter Brennan. They were great in their parts. I'd like to see Paul Newman play the part of Colorado. This is different, but I can see him play that part well minus the singing, but that can be skipped. The lady would be Elizabeth Taylor. Now that would be a spitfire. The other parts are alright, but the main ones is what I see in this movie.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I tried to watch it on AMC today. A commercial break every five to seven minutes. AMC was so much better a few years ago when it didn't run commercials. If Billy Mays yells at me one more time, I'm gonna snap.

    For a mere $ 8.80 one could avoid those commercials if you were to go here, and add to your collection.

    Chester :newyear:

  • H.sanada, thank you for sharing this. What else is in the pamphlet?

    Chester :newyear:

    Hi Chester,
    IIn Japan, movie pamphlet is mostly as follows,

    Form:thin brouchure with 8-10 Pages
    published:movie distributor or special company
    main contents:introduce story,review,cast,stuff with pictures
    sale:at the theatre on showing this movie

    It seems that it corresponds to the one that is called"film brochure"
    or"souvenir program" in other countries. and lobby card is almost not exist in Japan.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • I'm glad you enjoyed them, Keith and Jim. I'll be putting up a few more in other movie forums soon. I hope you don't mind, Keith. I know the topic is the movie itself, but I feel that the books add to it.
    You can find the comics on ebay, Jim. Warning, though...they ain't cheap! :stunned:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "