True Grit (1969)

There are 251 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 324,801 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • One thing this thread has done is wet my appetite for the book, if I come across it I think I will read it as it sounds rather good.

    Your appetite is about to be sated, Rob. I put it in the mail this AM. You should have it within a week or 10 days.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I don't get it. If you all didn't like Kim's part and you didn't like Glen's part....then do you just like True Grit because Duke was in it? :twitchsmile:

    At times, any artistic effort can be greater than the sum of its parts. I think "True Grit" as a story and with Duke in the leading role (as well as the other characterizations - especially Strother Martin) elevated the movie far beyond merely mudane, IMO.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Actually, I think I should specify my complaint. The actress herself is the one I can't stand, she did a spectacular job in True Grit and indeed played the part so well that I though the written character had come to life.

    Your remark doesn't make a helluva lot of sense to me. You admit she played the part of Mattie Ross to perfection but say you can't stand her.

    I thought just about everyone in the film turned in great, or at least good performances, including Glenn Campbell. In fact, I think Duvall as Lucky Ned Pepper should have received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Perhaps I should stop trying to clarify myself.... I only seem to muddy the waters even more.

    True Grit is the only movie I like her in, she gave an excellent performance, but as for her other work and seeing her in special features as herself, I dislike her as a person immensely.

    As Mattie = good. Anything else = annoying and bad.

  • I don't get it. If you all didn't like Kim's part and you didn't like Glen's part....then do you just like True Grit because Duke was in it? :twitchsmile:

    I think Kim did an excellent job in the part of Mattie. She played the part just as it was in the novel. Glen more than pulled his weight as LeBoueff as well. You have to read the book and you will see that they both portrayed the characters they were as it was meant to be played. That's just my opinion. True Grit is a classic because of the main 3 characters.


    Hi Mark, that's basically correct about me liking the movie only because of Duke being in it. Im sorry but, I never could stand Kim Darby. WHat I did like about Glen Campbell was when he sang one of my all time favorite songs: "Southern Nights." :thumbs_up:

    I have no problem with the two characters-only in just who played the girl.

    Take care and best regards--C.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Mike, I had not known that Elvis had been considered for that role. If he'd been in the film, i'd definately like it more than I now do.

    I can't make any judgement about the Coen Bros as I never heard of them before seeing this thread-even though they do look unkept-same as michael moore.. That alone probably tells you I don't go see movies in the theater often-nor do I rent many from the video store either ;-)) In fact, I can't 100% sure-remember the title of the last movie I watched at the theaters? Possibly it might have been that Christmasy movie with Kathy Bates as Santa (and his Brother-whose name I can't think of) Mother. I can't remember but, I think his Bros name was Fred????

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Your remark doesn't make a helluva lot of sense to me. You admit she played the part of Mattie Ross to perfection but say you can't stand her.

    I thought just about everyone in the film turned in great, or at least good performances, including Glenn Campbell. In fact, I think Duvall as Lucky Ned Pepper should have received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

    I may be right or wrong but, I think what the Lt is trying to say is, that he had no problem with the character and how it was portrayed, but that he just can't stand who played that character. Same as me, I can't stand the actress-no I don't hate-I just can't stand her. Same thing could be said about me for the likes of george cLOONEY. But that's a different story and for other reasons.

    If im wrong, then I apologize.

    PS, I used to think the same way about a few other actors and actresses. For instance, I used to not care much for Eli Wallach, Barbara Stanwyck, James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart. However, every one of these actors and actresses, are among my favorites now-and those who know mw-know that James Cagney is another one of my all-time most favorites. I can watch him as much as I can watch Duke. :wink_smile:

    Not to sidetrack too much but, one of my all-time most favorite lines from Cagney was from: The Fighting 69th. It was: "Take your hands off me you son of a Banshee or i'll knock your teeth down your throat." For many years, I thought the word Banshee was actually one of the words from the curse: SOB-because of the way he sounded when he said it.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Jay,

    The star was Duke and I'm not taking that away.

    I do think that the focus of the movie was both Mattie and Rooster Cogburn. Their relationship was what made that movie a hit. I am not a big fan of Kim Darby, but she did play that part well. But I see this movie as a play on each other and geniune respect for each other and their role.

    And one without the other would have not worked. They could have left Mattie out of the movie while Cogburn went after the others. But this would have been a much different movie. And I don't think it would have worked.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I thought the same thing, then I learned they are the guys who did O Brother Where Art Thou? which in some ways was a good movie, and other ways it wasn't.

    Chester :newyear:

    Im kinda wondering if these guys will make a few movies and then move on-kinda like what happened to Golan-Globus, that were popular in the 1980's and early 1990's.

    I THINK I have heard of the title you mention above, but if so, I know nothing about it. :wink:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • The only two films that I can recall seeing of the Coen Brothers and they were both highly recommended to me were Fargo and Miller's Crossing. Fargo I didnt think was that good and Miller's Crossing was way too slow. The best part was Albert Finney with the tommy gun.

    I think they are the "luvvies" favourites in the way Brando and Kubrick were hyped.

    Ringo, I think Elvis in the role Le Boeuf in True Grit was a strong possibility as Wallis and Colonel Parker had business relationship but by that time Elvis was fed up with movies after the dross he has churned out and the Colonel fought over money and billing so it came to nothing.

    I have also heard that Elvis was considered for the Ricky Nelson role in Rio Bravo but I think that was wiped out by other commitments and his induction into the army.


  • The only two films that I can recall seeing of the Coen Brothers and they were both highly recommended to me were Fargo and Miller's Crossing. Fargo I didnt think was that good

    Today I rented and viewed the latest "highly recommended" Coen Brothers offering, "No Country For Old Men", starring Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and some Spaniard I've never heard of named Javier Bardem. It won four Oscars, including best picture. It wasn't what I would call a bad movie, though the plot had more holes than a sieve. Not sure I would have voted it best picture though.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Today I rented and viewed the latest "highly recommended" Coen Brothers offering, "No Country For Old Men", starring Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and some Spaniard I've never heard of named Javier Bardem. It won four Oscars, including best picture. It wasn't what I would call a bad movie, though the plot had more holes than a sieve. Not sure I would have voted it best picture though.

    I almost rented that one today myself but decided to wait and see what others had to say about it. Stumpy, would you recommend a rental?

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • I almost rented that one today myself but decided to wait and see what others had to say about it. Stumpy, would you recommend a rental?

    If you are a Coen Brothers fan, then I recommend the movie. It is not a favorite of mine, and I own a lot of movies, but will not own this one. It is violent movie, and sometimes hard to follow, but fortunately it does come together after a while, and the story sort of comes together before it goes crazy again. Just a twisted movie like Coen Brothers movies are. And I agree with Jim that it would not be my best picture pick on the Oscar nod.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I almost rented that one today myself but decided to wait and see what others had to say about it. Stumpy, would you recommend a rental?

    Save your money - I think you'd be disappointed and quite puzzled by a lot of the plot holes (and there are dozens), not to mention the much-less-than-satisfying ending. I figure in a few months, you'll be able to buy the disc for little or nothing.

    In the meantime, you might want to read some of the viewer comments on the IMDB site. Though many are highly laudatory, there are just as many that trash it in no uncertain terms.

    Like I said, it wasn't what I'd call a bad movie - I just don't understand how it won the Oscar for best picture. I guess the Hollyweird bigwigs figured it was the brothers' time.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hopefully. as has been said, they will give the film another name, as I would not like people thinking they are re-doing Dukes fine film

  • This is a movie that is in the top ten favorites of most fans. The only movie he won an Academy Award for, and well deserved. Here is my copy of the award program from the Awards show on April 7, 1970 and part of the page with the nominations listed. Not bad company to be up against, in my opinion.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • A littlte (ot) but I feel the Duke was robbed of an oscar in "Red River" and "The sands of iwo jima" but definitely got his due in this movie. First Duke movie I saw, one of my favorites of all time

    "Fill your hand you son of a b--ch"

  • does anyone know if a 40th anniversary special DVD of True Grit is in the pipeline ?
    if there is one due out i would hope there are plenty of extras on there ie: Duke's oscar win and speech,movie locations etc.
    thanks for any help

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit