The Quiet Man (1952)

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  • That you are talking about was happen in Sean's first night on White O'Morn, not on the filts with sheep dip.

  • Hi again. Here is a new quote from the same Larry King Live.
    KING: There's a story that you broke your wrist hitting Wayne in "The Quiet Man?"
    O'HARA: Yes. Yes, I did.
    KING: How did that happen? I thought in hitting scenes you're not supposed to strike.
    O'HARA: No.
    KING: Aren't you supposed to miss?
    O'HARA: No. Yes, there are times when you have to, and they have you hit on the upstage side.
    But if you look at the film, at that time I was mad at Duke and I was really going to sock him...
    KING: Mad at him off stage?
    O'HARA: Off stage. OK. Accepted.
    I hauled off to hit him and he, being fine stocked man and a boxer and everything else, he saw it coming. And if you look at the film, you'll see that as I came, he put his hand up and my hand snapped off of his because his hand was much stronger than mine.
    And I was taken immediately to the local hospital near Republic Studios and I had cracked a bone in my wrist.
    You must remember that John Wayne kicked Maureen O’Hara’s ass in that field.


  • John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara choreographed the entire sequence of events which involved Dukes character dragging Mary Kate from the train station to her brothers farm. John Ford never said anything about this scene, but he must have liked it as he kept it in the film.



  • Andrew McLaglen asked John Ford to clean up that field from all sheep dip but John Ford was saying no. That scene there John Wayne dragged and kicked Maureen O’Hara in her ass been a scene the Irish people hated when they got a feeling of that was they John Wayne dragged on the dirty ground. Maureen O’Hara told that she got a feeling about that was a deep revenge from John Ford after they had shot the scenes on the Inisfree Race in Connemara.

  • Ervserver,

    Duke saw the swing coming at a better clip than he knew it should have so ohe put his hand up to block it and Maureen broke her hand.

    wow i had no idea that she broke her hand i wonder how duke felt after that

  • John Ford got his dramatic scene so he was very happy. But I haven’t could find anything about John Wayne’s feelings about Maureen O’Hara’s cracked bone. We can only guess about John Wayne’s feelings in that scene, but we know he was a really Gentleman, so I think he not was happy for her brooked bone in her wrist. That was a big happy for her when it happen in US and not here in Europe.

  • Definitely the best John Wayne Movie which wasn't a Western, War Movie, Action Movie or Adventure. I always liked it and think is next to THE SEARCHERS a Highlight of his work with John Ford. Maureen and Duke already shown in RIO GRANDE that they have a great chemistry together. I always see this movie as a beautiful adult tale and the Music is great too. :teeth_smile:

    "You're too good to give a chance to." John Wayne as Cole Thornton in El Dorado (1966)

  • Hello I have been a john Wayne fan all my life. My favorite move was the Quiet man. Does anyone know who makes the cap he wore in the movie? and can a person still get one today? Thanks and any help would be great.

    Moderator note - I've copied Inova's question here to this thread (from the Newbie forum), in hopes that it might draw the attention of those who possibly have an answer to her question. Chester

  • Inova,

    You might check out this web site.

    I think now they only limit themselves sweater making. I have to tell you though, my son was over in the Old Country a few years ago and bought me one of those sweaters for Christmas. It is wonderful! He had a big time talking with the folks there about The Quiet Man as it's one of our family's favorite movies.

    If you want a fine Irish hat though, check out these folks.

    They make a quality hat.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • The Republic of Ireland was only two year’s old in that time The Quiet Man been recorded so all about politics was very sensitive. Some people have told that was John Ford who was afraid for that politics and other say that was Yates. Other told that John Ford not was afraid for anything.

  • From what I remember original Quiet Man story was part a political drama with the recent 1920s troubles as a background and part love story between Sean & Kathleen.

    I think the political part of the story was jettisoned early on in the drafting process by Ford and he concentrated on the love story with Sean & Mary Kate.

    Yates had zero interest in making The Quiet Man and was only funding it as Ford Wayne & O'Hara had done Rio Grande for Republic for a certain budget.

    The Quiet Man must rate as one of the most unusual movies Ford & Wayne ever made. I certainly have started to appreciate the movie more as I grow older than I did in growing up in my teens or twenties.

    I think Maureen O Hara's book gives quite a lot of detail about the making of the movie and there was also a book The Making of The Quiet Man released awhile back in UK.

  • You told that Herbert J. Yates had zero interest in The Quiet Man but so is it not when he was trying to destroy his own agreement with John Ford about two movies for Republic. TQM was a movie Yates hat like poison.

  • In prowling around to find information about the new movie being made in Ireland, I stumbled across the Quiet Man Movie Club. On their site (the tab entitled "Latest News", they had an interesting tale about how the old railroad (and station) that was used during TQM was being refurbished to be used again for the tourist industry.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Yes ...... it's got to be this for today..... I love the movie !!!! The only bad thing about it is the dodgy accents !!!! But after a few " pints " ...... I'll probably be joining in !!!!! :hyper:

  • Yes it is. The man (in America) that owns it. Wants to restore it so people can sleep in the Cottage. I don't know if it ever happened.

    Apparently nothing has been done since a fire in 2002! The roof was destroyed and the building is coming apart, to the point that individual stones have been carried off as souvenirs! Why didn't the owner have, and use, insurance to restore and preserve the building? For that matter, didn't a family live in it at the time of the film, and what became of them?

  • John Ford got his dramatic scene so he was very happy. But I haven’t could find anything about John Wayne’s feelings about Maureen O’Hara’s cracked bone. We can only guess about John Wayne’s feelings in that scene, but we know he was a really Gentleman, so I think he not was happy for her brooked bone in her wrist. That was a big happy for her when it happen in US and not here in Europe.

    It was a couple of fingers, not a wrist, and she said on the DVD narration that he asked her how she was right after it happened--he knew she must have been hurt.