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  • RED with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freedman, and Helen Mirian. This was a much better movie than I thought, and was really entertained. Gonna get J. Egar on video tomorrow. Hope it is a good one.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Crimson Tide w/ gene Hackman and Denzel Washington. I had forgotten how good this movie was. Wes Craven and Viggio Mortensen also both did a stupendous acting job.

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  • Hugo-wonderful film, see it in 3D if you can;
    Ghost Rider (the new one)-just ok-I like Nicholas Cage (reminds me of Jimmy Stewart for some reason).

  • For the first time, I saw: The Expendables w/ Sylvester Stallone and everybody in hollywood who has not been working much lately. I found it pretty entertaining and glad to have added it to my DvD library. Looking forward to seeing the sequal, as well as Star Trek II when it comes out in May 2013.

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  • I watched some documentaries about John Glenn and his first orbital flight of an American astronaut 50 years ago on DVD. - Senator Col. John Glenn is a true American hero!

    Back to the Future I-III; always great fun to watch these movies...

    "Never apologize. It´s a sign of weakness."

  • Last night, saw: Green Lantern, First Flight. Its animated and since im a Green Lantern fan, I bought the DvD when I saw it at WW a few days ago.

    As I was being lazy today, I decided to watch the classic war movie again-for probably the 150th time: Hell Is For Heroes w/ Steve McQueen, Fess Parker, Harry Guardino, L.Q. Jones, James Coburn, Bobby Darin, Nick Adams and Bob Newhart.

    Two more days till the 89 Season of Mission Impossible hits the stands.

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    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Will finally be watching (sometime this week or early next) Robin Hood w/ Russell Crowe. Have been aching to see it. Also got the 89 Season of Mission Impossible today too. Next month will be two things at least: 1) The Complete Series of: Wanted: Dead Or Alive 2) The Tanks Are Coming (on demand title) because I want to see what S/Sgt Lafayette G. Pool thought so highly of the person (Steve Cochran) who unofficially portrayed him. Apparently the Sarge was very impressed with his portrayal.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Couple of months ago WayneamoJim recommended the blu ray of "Tora, Tora, Tora", so I bought it from Amazon and finally had a chance to watch it last night. It was like a whole new movie! The studio did a fine job of remastering picture and sound.

    We deal in lead, friend.