
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 936,723 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Jim, I was only thinking of you yesterday! With the Forum reorganization, it got us thinking about our friends. You being one of them of course, got me also thinking about the Politics thread, spurred on by Robbie mentioning it.

    Now we have made it a sticky thread, it will I hope become a lively place again.

    OK, my views on the EU are simple, I want out, brexit we call it.
    Never wanted to be in, in the first place!

    I agree entirely with you about national borders etc.

    I could go on, but haven't got all day ha ha

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Must admit Robbie, I don't see what difference a new thread would make. Being 'dead' since 2015 is hardly a lifetime. Since the slow down many existing threads have been dead a lot longer.

    Surely we're not suggesting making new threads for all those as well?

    We could have course close this thread and start a new one, but what's the point?

    Furthermore, members do enjoy looking back through past discussions

  • Hi Rob,
    Good to know that most of my buddies on Duke's website are still around. Sorry it's been so long since I posted here but I don't spend 8-10 hours a day on the computer like I used to.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The new format has confused the heck out of me. Will take awhile to familiarize myself with it.

    Good to hear from you. Hope things are going great for you and my other buddies across the pond.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • There are a few too many older threads being resurrected and causing confusion, this one may have more merit as it's got some substance to it but some of the others are creaking around for no good reason.

  • Hi Rob,
    Good to know that most of my buddies on Duke's website are still around. Sorry it's been so long since I posted here but I don't spend 8-10 hours a day on the computer like I used to.

    So happy you're still about. The new format is a little confusing but you'll soon get used to it.

    Will we be hearing more of you soon Jim?

  • I'll make an effort to participate more, Rob.

    My biggest problem anymore is old age. I'm not nearly as sharp as I was 5 or 6 years ago. And I don't stay on the 'net like I used to.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Let me just say this, Kevin - it's good to STILL be around these parts. Lol I'm 78 years old now and not nearly as mentally and physically capable as I once was. Dammit!

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Jim, as Kevin mentioned
    you alone don't have a monopoly on getting older!

    Bad day in the UK
    as campaigning MP Jo Cox
    is murdered by just doing her job
    in conveying what she believed was best for her constituents

  • Far as I'm concerned, here's what REALLY counts.

    I'll be damned - I used to know how everything works on this site but not anymore. Guess I'd better do some research before I make any more posts.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

    Edited once, last by Stumpy ().

  • It appears that the "In" camp are going to record a resounding victory on Thursday, it's a shame as their campaign has been focused on project fear rather than presenting a positive vision of the UK in the EU.

    Brexit have suffered from having the media and the establishment completely against them, they are portrayed as "Little Englanders" who are bigoted, racist and financially inept who seek to isolate the UK and destroy the economic systems in place.

  • It appears that the "In" camp are going to record a resounding victory on Thursday, it's a shame as their campaign has been focused on project fear rather than presenting a positive vision of the UK in the EU.

    Brexit have suffered from having the media and the establishment completely against them, they are portrayed as "Little Englanders" who are bigoted, racist and financially inept who seek to isolate the UK and destroy the economic systems in place.

    I cant see it going any other way than a remain. As you said its unfortunate how leave voters have been portrayed as bigots to the point where i'd feel embarrassed to say I voted leave.

    At the end of the day though these polls mean nothing compared to the actual vote. The actual result could be the same or wildly different from the polls you see in the media.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."

  • Was certainly surprised at that. I believe we've done the right thing though, hopefully stuff eases off after a while.

    What does slightly worry me is that Scotland becomes independent for the sole reason of joining the EU again.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."

  • Was certainly surprised at that. I believe we've done the right thing though, hopefully stuff eases off after a while.

    What does slightly worry me is that Scotland becomes independent for the sole reason of joining the EU again.

    The EU would not want an independent Scotland, besides other countries are now looking out of the EU.

    I'm surprised with you CelticFCDuke you strike me as someone who would favour the breakup of the UK based on your name.