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  • If you heard a thud it was because I fell on the floor lmao... most people don't even care about politics. I've seen old ladies come to the polls when I would vote and ask things like who's in there now, Dem or Rep. And the official would say a Rep and the said okay. That's what I was told to pick.

  • One of the most disgusting things about our so-called "democracy" is the vast political ignorance that exists among the electorate. I've read studies showing that 60 or 70 percent of the voters don't even know who their congressional representatives are, yet they traipse into voting booths and vote these clowns in year after year. Well, if they don't know who's representing them, how are they to know what the political positions of these people are. Disgusting.

    Another big complaint I have is the unending resistance of Democrats to any system of real voter identification. Obviously, so they can try to steal more elections.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hopefully, the people in this country's memory's aren't so bad that we would allow those lying, stealing, murdering, whoremongers, back in the White House.

    I wouldn't bet on that. All they seem to be interested in these days are to see who is going to win on American Idol. :stunned:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • One of the most disgusting things about our so-called "democracy" is the vast political ignorance that exists among the electorate. I've read studies showing that 60 or 70 percent of the voters don't even know who their congressional representatives are, yet they traipse into voting booths and vote these clowns in year after year. Well, if they don't know who's representing them, how are they to know what the political positions of these people are. Disgusting.

    Another big complaint I have is the unending resistance of Democrats to any system of real voter identification. Obviously, so they can try to steal more elections.

    I have this old comedy album, one of the "First Family" series and the Teddy Kennedy character says something that's very close to what the world is coming to "The voters go into the voting booth and vote for the best looking candidate". The album is from 1968 and it scares me to think that's about how shallow we've become. I was born in the wrong century.

    "John Wayne is not just an actor and a very fine actor,John Wayne is the United States of America."

  • I have this old comedy album, one of the "First Family" series and the Teddy Kennedy character says something that's very close to what the world is coming to "The voters go into the voting booth and vote for the best looking candidate". The album is from 1968 and it scares me to think that's about how shallow we've become. I was born in the wrong century.

    There are way too many people in this country who get all their news from the left-wing anchors on the nightly news and accept it as gospel. Then they vote for candidates recommended by their local newspapers, who are just as biased as the network anchors.

    What's bad about the whole system is that people like you and I have to suffer the consequences of all this ignorant voting because they vote people like Kennedy, Kerry, Reid and Pelosi into office.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • If you have never seen it I recommend the comedy Distinguished Gentleman to you with Eddie Murphy and James Garner:-

    A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise, Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists. But soon he learns the nature of the game and decides to fight back the only way he knows how, with a con

    It is a great expose of politics which is not just a USA problem.


  • I really enjoy reading the discussions on politics here. Think this is the only place I can go and feel like other's are well informed and actually have eyes that see.

    So thought I would share something and get your thoughts on the matter.

    When I was in Alaska, I met people there who were extremely anti-government. This guy had a whole bunch of tapes from some man named Alex Jones that he wanted me to watch. Have any of you heard of Jones? He really has the ability to instill fear and distrust in citizens, especially those that tend to believe every bit of information other's tell them.

    It was my first taste of that sort of extremism and I did NOT like it at all. It was very unsettling, to say the least. I would describe myself as very conservative, not just politically, but, personally as well. I believe anything worth having is worth fighting for. I like slow but sure methods...Sort of like a man with a slow hand....:wink_smile:

    And like Duke, I am not one to start a fight, but, I, WILL finish it....Just because I'm a woman and only 5' 3", it does not mean I'm timid...Not when it comes to my love of family, friends, and country....I fear we live in a world of cowards and fools....Yes, there's a lot I don't know or understand, so when I find a good source of knowledge, I ask questions...:teeth_smile:


  • When I was in Alaska, I met people there who were extremely anti-government. This guy had a whole bunch of tapes from some man named Alex Jones that he wanted me to watch. Have any of you heard of Jones? He really has the ability to instill fear and distrust in citizens, especially those that tend to believe every bit of information other's tell them.

    It was my first taste of that sort of extremism and I did NOT like it at all. It was very unsettling, to say the least.

    Wonder if they're related? :glare:

    I've always been anti-government, almost to the point of calling myself an anarchist. I don't like or trust government, at any level. If I had my druthers, the entire U.S. government would consist of the Defense and State Departments. Far as I'm concerned, all those other bureaucrats ain't nothin' but parasites feeding on the taxpayers.

    Same with state and local governments. All we need are police and firemen, IMO.

    I understand that views like mine are never gonna cut it in the real world but that doesn't stop me having 'em.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • When I was in Alaska, I met people there who were extremely anti-government.

    Alaska has always been considred a haven for folks who want to escape the rat-race we have in the lower 48. They go up there in that wilderness and try to lose themselves and escape government control. Idaho is a state in the lower 48 where people go to escape all the aggravations of modern life but I think a lot of Californians, with their liberal thinking, have also moved to Idaho and kinda spoiled it for the folks who are trying to get away from it all.

    I've always been amazed that I managed to get through 25 years in the military without ending up in Leavenworth because I didn't kowtow to my superiors. Even retired as a Master Sergeant, which is only one step from the top in the enlisted ranks.

    In 1977, Carter fired a General Singlaub who criticized Carter's plan to reduce American military forces in Korea. I wrote Carter and told him that if he wanted an Army of yes men, to count me out. I'm sure one of his flunkies shortstopped my letter and Carter never saw it but at least it made me feel better to let those Washington jerks know how I felt.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I think possibly 25 years in the Military may have something to do with that line of reasoning.

    After all those of us who spent a good part of their lives with the Military know for a fact what a bunch of liars and hypocrites compose our government.

    "John Wayne is not just an actor and a very fine actor,John Wayne is the United States of America."

  • I knew I could count on getting straight answers here! And just in case you don't know about Alex Jones, here's his site.


    In his tapes he tells the viewer to make copies of them and spread the word. Which was funny when I read an anti-Jones comment saying Jones was just in this for the money.
    I have been told that I am too bold at times and it could get me in a lot of trouble. That only tends to make me more outspoken...because there's free speech and all, right?

    There's a situation that affects my life on a most personal level. One in which I have been warned to keep silent about. And Stumpy, I think you could appreciate how crazy it makes me. This place, JWMB, although I trust many of you, is not where I could discuss the matter. Since we know it's viewed by freaks and no telling who else. When government is being discussed, there are all sorts of eyes and ears monitoring the discussions.

    I will say this much...When an attorney and private investigator is scared off, and another BIG attorney tells you he is afraid to pursue things further, tells you how dangerous it is, and you're advised to watch your back, it's a very good indication that this is not a time to be careless. If it was just myself that I had to be concerned about I would go full speed ahead. I have family to be concerned about and it really chaps my hide that I have to sit back and witness what I know is taking place!

    I have a friend who's one of the private investigator's that worked with that BIG lawyer years ago on a case that's related to my situation. This man has connections all over the planet. He told me that there's a journalist in Las Vegas, that he told about me, who wants to do a story. I worry about that because it would bring out the crazies and expose my family to who knows what. They said if the public knew it MIGHT help....I don't like might's when it comes to my loved one's.

    Again, I love this country, but, I HATE seeing what is going on at the hands of those we pay to protect us within our own government. I fear freedom is now just an illusion, at least the kind that Duke stood for and loved. The things that I know, added to what I learned in Alaska, makes me fear for our beloved America. And the thoughts and feelings shared here by some of our precious servicemen really strengthens my concerns.

    Guess I've probably already said too much here...Thank you for your candor on such sensitive subjects....It's men like I see here that made our freedom possible, I pray we can keep what you fought so hard for.


  • I fear freedom is now just an illusion, at least the kind that Duke stood for and loved.

    I agree one thousand percent, Cindy.

    And please, be careful what you post on a public forum like this, because as you already discern, there's no telling who's monitoring it. If there's something you want to say without everyone being privy to it, send me a private message and we'll correspond that way.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • When I was in Alaska, I met people there who were extremely anti-government. This guy had a whole bunch of tapes from some man named Alex Jones that he wanted me to watch. Have any of you heard of Jones? He really has the ability to instill fear and distrust in citizens, especially those that tend to believe every bit of information other's tell them.


    I enjoyed your posts. Ten years ago, when I was active in political programs, Alex Jones was out with some videos which were quite good. In one of them, he went around to about ten national parks and found plaques (which he showed on the video) indicating the park had been donated to the United Nations, implying that they now had sovereignty over them. The people involved in this New World Order movement are working in many areas trying to condition us and our thinking to accept these things.

    I don't know what Alex has been up to lately, but at the time he seemed credible.

    Sadly, these folks are still working on these world government plans. Have you heard about the International Corridor going from Mexico to Canada, right through Texas? That's sure not on the national news, is it? Yet they are trying to accomplish it behind our backs.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Again, I love this country, but, I HATE seeing what is going on at the hands of those we pay to protect us within our own government. I fear freedom is now just an illusion, at least the kind that Duke stood for and loved. The things that I know, added to what I learned in Alaska, makes me fear for our beloved America. And the thoughts and feelings shared here by some of our precious servicemen really strengthens my concerns.


    Freedom is not an illusion as long as you can sit here and say what you feel. Go where you want to and do what you want to within the laws of this country. If freedom was lost we'd be living in a much different situation.

    Chester, the International corridor is going to take some of the hugh 18-wheeler traffic off our already congested Interstate system and put it on an independent and privately funded highway with very few exits. The trucks usually only stop for gas and food anyway. So let them rip up this private/tolled highway instead of the taxpayers Interstate system. You'll only be able to get on it at two point in southern Texas with a few exits between the US border and the Dallas/Ft. Worth. Waco, Austin and a few others. We have millions of our tax dollars paying to fix our highways because of the mass imports this country has from down south... why not let the trucks pay for it's upkeep with the tolls they will be charging.

  • [quote='DakotaSurfer','http://dukewayne.com/bb/index.php?thread/&postID=49628#post49628']Freedom is not an illusion as long as you can sit here and say what you feel. Go where you want to and do what you want to within the laws of this country. If freedom was lost we'd be living in a much different situation.

    Hello Gentlemen,

    Being that I am a very analytical person, I tend to take the information I have and analize it to pieces. What might be a perceived reality to some, about conditions and or terms of the meaning of freedom, is not what I am gathering in my mind. Again, I cannot speak openly here so as to better elaborate.

    The things I can say that might better explain my feelings of freedom being an illusion are this. We are led to believe we have free speech, yet, each day it becomes increasingly more dangerous to express things without being labeled a terrorist. We have the government watching us, listening to us, monitoring even what we check out at the library, etc., etc. And all under the cloak of national security. Now I am not saying that we should not do whatever is necessary to protect our country. But, I am not a complete idiot either. Hitler used such tactics to project a false image of what he stood for and was actually planning to accomplish. Let the people THINK they have liberties for a time, gain their trust.

    Maybe I sound like a paronoid extremist myself. What really gets me is that so much information is out there for the entire world to see and no one is addressing it, at least not on the level as they should be. We have elections where the parties bash one another and we have to try to choose between crook #1 or crook #2. We learn many things for the first time about these officials, things that are completely illegal and immoral, and for the most part it's brushed off like a simple traffic ticket. Then there's our local government officials making rules and regulations that take away even more of our freedoms, just so they can appear to be doing what we pay them for. Oh, and so they can get their little power control fix...For example, my friend in Idaho has an 80 acre farm. In his county it is illegal to have a circle driveway on ones property, or put up signs that are not approved...And the commissioners meet and come up with even more ways to push the farmers out so these big developers can take over. The town of St. Anthony, Idaho has been a farming community since the 1800s and now the government is trying to make a tourist playground out of it by pushing the farmers out. They even tried, and will try again, to make my friend sell his farming equipment, some that's still operational and has been used by his family for over 100 years. And why? Because the tourist might not like to look at it!

    I am not one that really likes to debate politics or religion because I believe it's every person's right to believe as they will. But when my rights are trompled over I tend to rear up...Have they ever taken a vote on who wants prayer in school, God in the pledge of allegiance, a bible outside a courthouse, The Ten Commandment's, in a government building? No, they are allowing the minority to make that determination. Well what about the fact that I am offended by that? If all it takes is someone saying they're offended by something, why can't I have what I want? Our news media all sound like programed robots, the television commercials are insulting with adds for feminine products and almost naked women.

    Freedom seems to mean, more of a choice to be stupid and for over indulgence. Not the freedom to do what's right and good. And it's also apparent to me that the ones that really have the freedom are the powers that be...As they take more, we lose more.

    For those who believe in God, I can best sum it up like this....Satan is at the door and because he knows if he breaks it down, or lets you know he's coming, you will prepare for the fight. So instead he appears as a friend or savior. He makes you believe what he does is for your best interest. And just to be sure he does not spook you, he starts slowly by desensitizing you to the depravity of his ways. Or in other words he first gets his little finger in the door, then his hand, then his foot. And by the time you realize what he is really up to, his power is so encompassing, so complete, you cannot hope for escape.

    When I was in Alaska someone accused a certain person of being Satan himself. I responded that Satan would not be holed up in a town living without any of the comforts of life, he would be in the biggest mansion living like a king...It is not green pea soup and books flying around the room that indicates evil is present, it's the suttle, hidden acts that only those who have eyes to see can see. Evil does not want to be discovered anymore than the thief in the bush...

    As for the international corridor through Texas, that's a new one on me....I have gotten to the point I can bearly watch the news because they don't even take a breath between listing the murders and other horrible events...

    Please understand, I am not here spending time with you to upset or offend. I am limited to who I can actually discuss things of this nature with. And I felt I could come to you to learn and find understanding. I can always go back to only discussing Duke...

    I truly appreciate how you responded to my previous remarks....

    Thank you Stumpy for offering to listen via pm...I might take you up on that at some point. Still a bit concerned about that being intercepted. If you know how high the situation with me went, you'd understand why.

    Hope I have not made you all feel like I'm an eccentric nut.....eccentric yes, nut...welllll:stunned:


  • Freedom is relative.

    Surfer insists we are free but I can remember a time and place when the only contact my family had with any sort of government agency was when the mail carrier delivered our mail. Nowadays, it's hard to think of any aspect of daily life over which some branch of government does not exercise control. So his idea of freedom and mine are worlds apart.

    Four or five years ago I got a questionnaire from the Census Bureau that was so intrusive of my personal privacy you wouldn't believe it. They even wanted to know how many bathrooms I had in my house. About 150 questions altogether. Naturally, I refused to complete the questionnaire. Several times, they sent threatening letters that they would fine me if I didn't return the completed questionnaire. I told them fine away - that there was no way in hell I was gonna give them the information they asked for. Finally, I guess they realized I was serious when I said I wasn't giving them all that personal info and dropped the matter. I never did get fined.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Chester, the International corridor is going to take some of the hugh 18-wheeler traffic off our already congested Interstate system and put it on an independent and privately funded highway with very few exits.

    Surfer is obviously unconcerned about property that will be stolen from landowners through the use of eminent domain to build this "International corridor". So much for freedom and property rights.

    De gustibus non est disputandum