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  • Stumpy,

    Don't feel bad, I was on the Republican Central Committee in our county for 6 years and considered myself a rock-solid Republican, too. I agree with what you're saying 100%. It's sad to realize that probably the majority of Republicans in this country feel the same way we do. If somebody could realistically pull it off, I think it's time for a third party. It seems like anyone that gets near the top in either the Democratic or GOP parties are total lap dogs to the powers that be.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Any predictions who the respective candidates are going to be.


    I'm also at the point where my attitude is "who cares"? IMO, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. As Chester says, we need a third {strictly conservative} party.

    For 20 years, people like me have been hearing this "big tent" crap. I never did subscribe to that philosophy and I sure don't now. I want a president who is totally for:

    1. Small and unobtrusive government.

    2. Low taxes and spending.

    3. No gun control.

    4. A strong national defense.

    5. Opposition to gay marriage.

    6. Minding our own business in the world. Stop playing the freakin' world's policeman and savior.

    7. Defending our national sovereignty.

    There are probably a few other items I could think of if I put my mind to it but you get the point.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm a regular visitor to that lucianne website that had yesterday's article and comments entitled "The Duke of America". Several months ago I was banned from posting there because I criticized their silly little posting rules, but I still read through it each day because of the political kinship I feel for most of their posters.

    In the wake of today's defeat of the immigration bill, most of lucianne's posters are ecstatic (as am I). One of the threads had the following comment, with which I agree 38,967 percent.

    "You know it seems to be the consensus these days by the New World Order if anyone speaks out against Illegal Immigration they are labeled a Racist.

    However; the Hispanics say they are NOT Racist when they speak out in protest, claiming they are just protecting their Heritage. (on American soil I may add)

    Well , funny thing Heritage is , the Hispanics don't want to leave theirs at the Border , the Blacks want to be African-Americans , we have Lil China Towns in every major city, the Muslims don't want to give up the Q'uran and their Islam (PBUH) , and in the meantime; we're told to take that American Flag down , we are told that everything our forefathers fought and died for can be Legislated away, we are told to cover the 10 Commandments and feel guilty about pledging allegiance to the Flag , we can't say a prayer before a High School Football Game and we can't even whistle Dixie down Main Street without being called a Southern Cracker Bible-Belt Vigilante Racist.

    It's not about Immigration and Racism , but Heritage you say ?

    Well, Don't Tread on Mine ! "

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Wow, that is a great post Stumpy!!

    When will the country wake up????

    Just like 9/11, the country will wake up for a little period of time after the next disaster hits our soils. Depending on how big the next attack is will determine how long we stay awake before we fall back into our BS kiss the world's behinds mentality. I keep saying, ship the darn statue back to France and tell the rest of the world to go to blazes. Station troops at our borders and blow away any that tries to cross. Hire who they have to so they can get the passport situation caught up and unless you have one of the new ones, give them a swift kick in the arse right back out the door.

    Did you see the haul of illegal merchandise/knock-offs they captured the other day trying to get into the country from CHINA! Favored nation my butt...

  • Just like 9/11, the country will wake up for a little period of time after the next disaster hits our soils. Depending on how big the next attack is will determine how long we stay awake before we fall back into our BS kiss the world's behinds mentality. I keep saying, ship the darn statue back to France and tell the rest of the world to go to blazes. Station troops at our borders and blow away any that tries to cross. Hire who they have to so they can get the passport situation caught up and unless you have one of the new ones, give them a swift kick in the arse right back out the door.

    Did you see the haul of illegal merchandise/knock-offs they captured the other day trying to get into the country from CHINA! Favored nation my butt...

    I agree with you all. And to answer a few questions I saw posted here (not necessarily in order) but.

    I heard that there was a Constitution Party (as a 3rd party)--meaning that they 100% support the Constitution. Im sure there are minor exceptions to the rule though--such as I think it is the 14th amendment? the one that states all babies born here make them automatically a US Citizen. THAT is one amendment that certainly needs to be changed some but, not fully.

    As a gag, this promotion for a free bumper-sticker of possible candidates for Pres and Vice Pres of the USA in '08.

    Daniel Boone for Prez.
    c/o Liberation Entertainment
    1990 Westwood Blvd, Penthouse 3
    L.A. Calif, 90025.

    Mike, the respective candidates (at least in this gag) are:
    Daniel Boone and his Cherokee Indian friend: Mingo. Pres and V.Pres-respectively.

    If interested in a free sticker--all you have to do is send a SASE that is 5x5, to the address above. I am definately looking forward to displaying mine on my car.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • We've barely had a couple people from a 3rd party get elected to Governor. But to gain that much acceptance to beat out the big two at a general Presidential election is almost impossible. There is just too much clout in those two parties forain independent to even make a good run at it.

  • There is just too much clout in those two parties

    It's not so much the clout as the two biggies have rigged the system so that it's almost impossible for a newbie to break into the club or even challenge the way things are. Which is why I say to hell with the club's two biggies.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • We've barely had a couple people from a 3rd party get elected to Governor. But to gain that much acceptance to beat out the big two at a general Presidential election is almost impossible. There is just too much clout in those two parties forain independent to even make a good run at it.

    Too bad that somehting can't happen--like the breakage up of the two party's hold on power--something akin to what the Govt did to Ma Bell. :wink_smile:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I wouldn't put much stock in it. And we haven't had a 3rd party President since 1853. I just don't see it in the cards.

    I don't put much stock in it either but one can hope, can't one.

    I know there's a tremendous amount of dissatisfaction with Congress and the presidency out here in flyover country. Whether it's enough to force a change in the current system remains to be seen.

    De gustibus non est disputandum