It cracks me up how people love to blame Bush (Clinton, Obama) for all the problems we face in the USA... it show a true lack of understanding about how the system works. We are in the mess we are in because of the excedily large amount of APATHY in this Country. This is spurred on by politicians that feel like they are better than the average person and therefor deserve not only to be in power but to be well taken care of because of it. ALL POLITICIANS have been through the same indoctrination and most have been to the same schools and brought up through the ranks of the same political machines. They know how to manipulate the weak minded apathetic middle and lower class voter. No longer are issues truly addressed they are just switched to hot topic emotional buttons used to swing the weak minded from logic to emotion so that their judgment is clouded, which makes them easily swayed. As long as apathy rules, the 535 people in the house and senate will be free to vote themselves pay raises, push their personal agendas on the people, and exploit the freedoms that so many have died for to their benefit and not the people of this once great country. However, there is hope... there is a swelling movement around the globe of people throwing off their oppressive governments and reaching for freedom!! I pray that soon that spark will reach this land and we will remember what our founding fathers fought for 235 years ago (on July 4th, 2011).

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The longer I live the more impressed I am with the wisdom of our founders. They possessed two things that, IMHO, are essential qualities for any politicians: the attitude of a servant and a keen understanding of human nature.
Our founders attempted to put in place boundaries (the Constitution) that would compensate for those who did not posses, or refused to exercise, those qualities. Unfortunately, of late, politicians on both sides of the aisle seem to spend most of their time trying to get around those boundaries.
We need to get this runaway train under control before it's too late. Let's not spend our energy trying to figure out who to blame (there's plenty who are guilty), but rather work on fixing the problem by doing what is best for our country and getting back to the America that our founders worked so hard to establish. -
Murray, you're not upsetting me by denigrating either of the Bushes. They were definitely not my favorite kind of president. Far as I'm concerned, we haven't had a good president since Ronald Reagan.
Murray, you're not upsetting me by denigrating either of the Bushes. They were definitely not my favorite kind of president. Far as I'm concerned, we haven't had a good president since Ronald Reagan.
Agreed!!! -
If I was to attempt an honest review I would have to confess to a lack of information and then do a lot of research. Perhaps that is what impedes many of us of feeling like we can influence change. We have lawns to cut laundry to do food to turn into meals etc etc etc. It seems that in order to get a good person elected the candidate has to pander to so many vested interest groups that they become mired in petty causes. I enjoy the freedom that is left and hope for a time when whats in it for me is replaced by whats good for most of us and not at the expense of too many. In practical application I think we do what we can, when we can, to be a positive part of society.
I live in New York State, home of the most dysfunctional, thieving, hypocritical, ego-maniacal hacks to ever disgrace one State. They can never vote on a budget in a timely manner; they have the utmost disdain for their constituents and all they do is line their own pockets as quickly as possible.
We can boast of former Gov Spitzer and his high priced hooker; his incompetent successor who was fined for putting the arm on free Series tickets; Charlie Rangle, who should be ashamed to show his face in public; Eric Massa, founder of the all male tickle party; Chris Lee, who just resigned for soliciting on Craig's list; and the fawning Charles Schumer. God help anyone standing between him and a camera.
Locally, our police chief was sent to prison for covering up the drug fueled accidents and rapes committed by his officers.
These public officials have one common denominator - a sense of entitlement. They have no sense of serving the dopes who elected them.
Thanks for letting me rant.We deal in lead, friend.
Same here in Texas, Gorch! We just had a former attorney general found guilty of neferious practices involving bribes, etc. Our Republican governor, Rick Perry, made voters believe he was the best thing since sliced bread. After he was re-elected for a fourth term, his allegations that the state was in great shape turned out to be less than factual. So it is a malise that affects both Republicans and Dummycrats (pace Jim).
[/extendedmedia] -
hello All I watched the video Jim and it has humor I can say that. To have as a closer line that people who voted for Obama were both ignorant and stupid are calling the democratic process weak and prone to error. i disagree. When the United States or any other nation with free election deserves and works hard to ensure good leadership, then they will recieve closer to it then by allowing a very few to call the shots. Interest UN involvement in Libya any thoughts members ?
If this doesn't prove our President's true colors, I don't know what does!…07/28/ABfSPtEB_story.html -
If this doesn't prove our President's true colors, I don't know what does!…07/28/ABfSPtEB_story.htmlI agree wholeheartedly! But the article I just read today also shows that they are above the law, and have no problem breaking the law without fear of being held accountable.…ed-by-vice-president.html -
What nonsense. Any sensible employer would never had hired anyone who had made such a request during the job interview. What about the students she teaches? Do they get a sub for the balance of the year?
It's probably because of this job that she can finally afford to make the trip.
Holder should pick his battles better. Is this really one of the pressing issues for the Obama administration?
Oh, wait, I forgot that the dip.... has nothing better to do than pick his March Madness brackets and show off his soccer moves to South American kids.We deal in lead, friend.
Anyone who thinks we aren't at war with Muslims is delusional.
I agree completely. Shrub angered so many conservatives like me so much that we went fishing on election day in 2008. Besides, both choices stank.
I agree wholeheartedly! But the article I just read today also shows that they are above the law, and have no problem breaking the law without fear of being held accountable.…ed-by-vice-president.htmlI read that Washington Post story also noticing that they briefly talked about a Correctional Officer in New Jersey who is also suing because they cant wear a scarf. Dont those stupid idiots even think at all. All they are allowing of that muslim idiot wearing said scarf, is nothing but a tool "weapon" of sorts, that some insane inmate can use to severely hurt said Correctional Officer or kill said C.O. That is, unless they permanently station him in an OUTSIDE Perimeter Picket position.
That garbage wouldnt flush here in the Texas Penal System.
I say, they SHOULD allow that idiot to wear something that can be used against them as a weapon and let some inmate dispatch that idiot to the muslim after-world--maybe-then, just MAYBE, after said Co is critically injured of killed-will they realize that in certain places, one CAN NOT be allowed to wear whatever they want based on religious beliefs.
Im not trying to sound harsh but, just pointing out facts of what could most likely happen to that idiot of a C.O.
Anyone who thinks we aren't at war with Muslims is delusional.
Like Eric Holder and his master
Obama-Lama-Ding-Dong. -
PS, i'd still like to hear a viable explanation of WHY, NASA HAS to reach out to the muslim community????? I havent had a good laugh in awhile.
Typical Dummicrat.
Though he admits to totally inappropriate behavior for a member of Congress, he refuses to resign.
Whereas every single Republican who's ever been caught in a similar situation has invariably resigned ASAP in order to spare their party the embarrassment. -
David Vitter didn't resign. He even got re-elected! And he had actual SEX with hookers instead of merely texting photos of body parts to various ladies.