Politically correct insanity

There are 27 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 6,550 times. The latest Post () was by DukePilgrim.

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  • I was bemused to listen on the radio some days ago about how 'Political Correctness' is at odds with the making of the latest 'Indiana Jones' instalment.

    The item that is causing the controversy is Indiana Jones’ whip, heath and safety experts have deemed this item to be very dangerous and have insisted that if a whip is to be included in the movie it must be a computer generated whip.

    Harrison Ford has stated that he is not in favour of a computer-generated whip and has insisted on using an actual whip, as of yet the matter is unresolved.

    I don't care what people's politics are but surely this is another example of people in power over stepping the mark.



  • A day or so ago I said that illegal immigration is my biggest pet peeve but you just reminded me of something I detest even more, Rob, and that's political correctness.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I don't who's got it worse about Political Correctness,
    but I tell you what, here in the UK,It's getting worse,
    we'll be having ethnic Christmases, if the do-gooders, have their way!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Do you realize how many movies would have never been made if those same folks were around 60+ years ago!?!?

    Oh they were, Jim. Didn't you ever hear of the Haye's Commission?

    Of course, I sometimes wish it was still around. Especially after I see a movie scene with raw sex and 14 F words in the first 10 seconds.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It seems everyday that some insane suggestion, directive or proposal spouts out of the mouths of these a--hole.

    When will somebody make a stand and tell them to GO TO HELL:headbonk: :headbonk:


  • Now I have heard allot of stupid. outlandish things in the name of political correctness but this one is plain and simple the most stupid yet. What is the big deal if its computer generated or not? The generated one would do the same thing as the real one. I have no idea how civilization has made it this far with idiots like this getting "air time" with there brain farts called thoughts!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I sometimes feel I stumble to stupid rules at every step in everyday life, I can´t do this and that for my own safety. I know Finland's going down the same road, but England and Ireland are FAR ahead. And now they need to organise survival courses for kids, because they haven't learned how to relate to smallest risks in life.
    Having recently watched the General, I'm thinking of Buster Keaton's admirable stunts, would any of them be possible today?

    I don't believe in surrenders.

  • Then don't stand anywhere near the *#@ whip!!! God give patience to deal with these idiots....

    Baby Sis
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    p.s.....what Pilgrim said...Go To Hell!!!

    "Give me a man like Duke Wayne"...Marueen O'Hara

  • Oh they were, Jim. Didn't you ever hear of the Haye's Commission? .

    Yes I have, it's too bad that Hollywood can't remember what was commissioned there.

    With respect to political correctness, you know it's really getting bad when you find yourself in jail for saying or thinking the wrong thing.:ohmy:

    Chester :newyear:

  • I ran across this topic and it made me realize how much the government has gone out of its way to protect us from ourselves. We used to ride our bikes when we were kids without safety helmets or knee and arm pads; child protective car seats were unheard of; etc., etc.. We got along without these pretty much and survived.
    Does anyone remember the "Frito Bandito" or "my name is Jose Jimenez?" Too stereotyped for our sensitivities.:sad:
    The government is trying to insinuate itself into all aspects of our lives; but my bedridden wife is not eligible for medicaid or any number of supposed government programs because she is not "sick enough." GO FIGURE!!:glare: :headbonk:
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I ran across this topic and it made me realize how much the government has gone out of its way to protect us from ourselves. We used to ride our bikes when we were kids without safety helmets or knee and arm pads; child protective car seats were unheard of; etc., etc.. We got along without these pretty much and survived.
    Does anyone remember the "Frito Bandito" or "my name is Jose Jimenez?" Too stereotyped for our sensitivities.:sad:
    The government is trying to insinuate itself into all aspects of our lives; but my bedridden wife is not eligible for medicaid or any number of supposed government programs because she is not "sick enough." GO FIGURE!!:glare: :headbonk:
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Hi Jay, I completely agree with ya and hear ya. I never heard of the Frito Bandito but I have heard (and seen) Bill Dana playing Jose Jiminez on the Bill Dana Show-which will probably never see air time again. :glare: Anyway, I thought his Jose Jiminez character was great and I had not had a great laugh in a looonnnggg time as when I saw his show. I think it used to be played on A&E and was shown (in re-run, of course) about 20 years ago.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ahhh yesssssssss, now I remember! I remember the Frito Bandito from the commercials about the Frito Lay product. Thanks for jarring my lousy memory :thumbs_up:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..