The JWMB Trivia Game #1

There are 13 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 9,370 times. The latest Post () was by Hondo Duke Lane.

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  • Hi,

    Thought it would be good if we had trivia questions,
    that can be answered by
    looking into our forums, for the answers.

    No need to look at books,
    No need to go anywhere
    else on the internet.
    The answers are here, on our own board,

    Question 1

    An easy one to start off with

    On the set of Red River

    What did Duke teach Montgomery Clift, to do?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Smoke?

    Just kidding!

    Seriously, did you want us to answer here in the thread, or send answers via PM?

    No need to go on the internet.

    Of course you meant that we don't need to go anywhere else on the internet, since of course we would be online to read the question in the first place.

    But the answer is someplace here on the JWMB already, right?

    Sounds like a fun "hunt" to me!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Thanks Jim,

    Of course! Silly me!
    I've modified the initial post accordingly.
    It's something I discussed with Kevin, last evening,
    and thought it was like 'hunt for the easter bunny!'

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Keith

    According to one of your earlier posts Wayne taught Clift how to use a gun and throw puches etc. Never tried to etc how do you do it:teeth_smile:



    ps Good game should catch on

    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hello Keith.

    As answered earlier, he taught him how to use a gun, throw punches etc..

    Is that the answer? Or do we need to dig deeper?

    It's kind of like homework.....I hate homework! :glare: lol


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Keith,

    To bring this to life I think the answer is to shoot a gun.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote