Newport Beach might try to acquire John Wayne statue

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  • Things are 'very preliminary,' but city officials are considering an application for bronze sculpture of famed actor and longtime resident.


    NEWPORT BEACH – City officials might soon try to acquire a well-known bronze statue of onetime resident and legendary actor John Wayne.

    The plans, which could be acted on by the City Council later this month, were first hinted at earlier this year, when a film festival celebrated what would have been the late actor's 100th birthday. But officials don't want to raise hopes. "It is still very preliminary," City Manager Homer Bludau said.

    The sculpture depicts Wayne, who once lived in the Bayshores neighborhood off West Coast Highway, mounted high on a horse that stands atop a base decorated with cattle drive scenes.

    The artwork was commissioned by Great Western Savings and Loan, for which Wayne was a spokesman, after the actor's death in 1979, and was dedicated during the 1984 Summer Olympics, according to

    Now owned by Washington Mutual, the statue is in a plaza outside a building the bank once occupied on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.

    The building now houses Larry Flynt Publications of Hustler magazine fame, but Ethan Wayne, son of the late actor, said the proximity to the notorious company has nothing to do with the possible move.

    Larry Flynt, in an interview, said that when he bought the building in 1993, the deal called for the statue to be replaced if it was ever moved. "I don't mind them taking that, but they've got to replace it with something," he said.

    City Council approval would be needed to apply for the statue, and other areas might compete with Newport, Bludau said.

    Ethan Wayne said he would support the city's efforts. "I like the statue, and I hope that it comes to Newport, where John Wayne lived," he said.

    "I doubt that any piece like that will ever get made again," he added, noting that the statue was crafted in Italy.

    Officials at Washington Mutual did not return calls for comment.…/abox/article_1953079.php

  • I have been told that the people at Winterset are also looking into buying the statue. they can aford the statue but are looking into the cost of moving it across country.would look nice at the birthplace.of course it looks good anywere.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • I'm a member of the Birthplace Board of Directors in Winterset. And, yes!. We'd be very interested in obtaining that statue. Ethan wrote a letter on our behalf sometime back, but nothing came of that.

    Transportation would not be a problem. We have a standing offer for fetching the statue back to Winterset should it become available to us. But, we had understood (I don't remember from where we obtained the information though) that Beverly Hills would not allow the statue to be removed without replacing it with a piece of art of similar value and magnitude. Would anyone here have any solid information on that concern?