What are you listening to?

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  • Wow, that is quite a long trip then.

    Back to the topic, I just picked up "The Eagles" new CD and was not impressed at the beginning but after spinning it a few times I am beginning to like it. The 2nd CD is more like the Eagles from the 70's, which is what I liked.

    I quite like the new CD, not their best by a long shot, not bad either though. "How Long" is being played over & over on the radio stations over here.

    I'm listening to "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • I'm the oddball here! I a fanatical classical music aficionado. Sometimes I can't get enough of it. Besides having over 5000 recordings in various formats (LP, cassette tape and CD), I'm a founding member of our 24 hour classical music station here in San Antonio. Who do I like best, you ask? Generally the composer I'm listening to at the moment!
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hell yeah, Bach from Skid Row and Axl from G n R. That is actually a pretty good remake of the song. If I remember right its from Bach's latest release "Angel Down". gt if you like that I know you will like this new band I was talking about previously that are from Australia. Check them out at www.myspace.com/airbourne or www.airbournerock.com . Ther album will be released on the 29th of this month.

    Who says real rock is dead? You just gotta know where to go find it and I can definitely see me owning this cd in the near future. Thanks for the links Viper and oh yes, I can definitely see the AC/DC influence.

  • there is more than an acdc influence to airbourne, their single sounds just like acdc. I heard it on the radio and had to listen hard to tell it was some one else. It seems like alot of rock music now is just a real rip off of seventies stuff. The band Jet, they had a single that sounded exactly like a guess who song (are you familiar with the guess who, up here in canada, they're still a big deal!) and another song that sounded just like iggy pop lust for life.

    Right now I am listening to jungleland by bruce springsteen from born to run

    [SIZE=3]That'll Be The Day[/SIZE]

  • there is more than an acdc influence to airbourne, their single sounds just like acdc. I heard it on the radio and had to listen hard to tell it was some one else. It seems like alot of rock music now is just a real rip off of seventies stuff. The band Jet, they had a single that sounded exactly like a guess who song (are you familiar with the guess who, up here in canada, they're still a big deal!) and another song that sounded just like iggy pop lust for life.

    Right now I am listening to jungleland by bruce springsteen from born to run

    I am very familiar with The Guess Who and Jet and which song by Jet sounds like The Guess Who? BTW, I'm listening to Miracles by Jefferson Airplane (Starship), whichever you prefer.

  • I'm listening to This Cowboy's Hat(Live) by Chris LeDoux

    One of my alltime favourite songs. I can really relate to this song.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • I'm listening to a major radio station in the San Francisco Bay area via live streaming. I can get the news and weather while tooling around the message board - it's one of those news/news talk stations, but between 5 and 9 AM, it's all news, sports, weather, traffic reports, and financial reports. Since I'm not using headphones, everyone in the room is listening to it by default - but they're all used to it.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • I am listening to a flemish singer at the moment. One of my Canadian cousins had a fire in her home the other year and she used to have loads of records and cassettes from Will Tura but which ofcourse where all destroyed. For all the lovely memories she used to share with her mom (my dad's older sister) she asked me if I could sent her some cd's with his "older" music. So I went and bought some and will mail them to her next week. In the meantime...I'm listening to these cd's... :teeth_smile:

  • I'm listening to the Garth Brooks "Ultimate Hits" cd at the moment, it's one that I just listen to over and over and over, this is the third time today. Usually at least once a day, I never get sick of Garth.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • there is more than an acdc influence to airbourne, their single sounds just like acdc. I heard it on the radio and had to listen hard to tell it was some one else. It seems like alot of rock music now is just a real rip off of seventies stuff. The band Jet, they had a single that sounded exactly like a guess who song (are you familiar with the guess who, up here in canada, they're still a big deal!) and another song that sounded just like iggy pop lust for life.

    Right now I am listening to jungleland by bruce springsteen from born to run

    I like Jet as well, not a huge fan but I liked some of there songs. I am not a very big fan of bands from the 70's, little too weird at times.

    As far as Airbourne goes, they do sound alot like AC/DC but then again alot of bands in the 80's sounded alot like each other. And since AC/DC haven't come with any new material in about 8 years and there last album in a word, sucked, then I think its just great the we get this release from Airbourne.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I'm listening to Good Ride Cowboy by Garth Brooks.

    It's a tribute to Chris LeDoux, which I must say is very fitting aswell :)

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • I know Bek love's country but I just picked up on another rock band with a 80's sound, gt will love them. They are called "Hardcore Superstar". Here is the link to there myspace page and some music: http://www.myspace.com/hcssgbg If you want to buy the cd it is rather tough and alittle more expensive then usual as it hasn't been releast in the states yet. I did find it at Amazon.com for $17.00 pluss shipping.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I was listening to some Airbourne the other day SXViper, it was great! I'm surprised I hadn't heard of them before, being Aussies.

    I'm listening to Two Pina Coladas by Garth Brooks.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • I have 3 or 4 hundred songs on my computer that I listen to occasionally. Mostly older stuff from the Forties through the Sixties. Everything from R&B to C&W.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I was listening to some Airbourne the other day SXViper, it was great! I'm surprised I hadn't heard of them before, being Aussies.

    I'm listening to Two Pina Coladas by Garth Brooks.

    Yup Bek, straight ahead rock and roll. No weird rap stuff mixed in, just like AC/DC. Good stuff.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne