What Are Your Favourite Non-Duke War Movies?

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  • one that i like for laughs is Operation Petticoat, others i like are the great escape, 12o'clock high, battle of britain, the desert rats, the lighthorse men cant think of any more at this moment in time

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • A Bridge too Far, The Odd Angry Shot, Kokoda, Dunkirk, Colditz, to name a few. Most would be classified as classics.

    RACMP - For the troops With the troops

  • I just watched it again today. Kelly's Heroes. good action, funny a pure pleasure. Donald Sutherland one of the all time great fun caricatures in flim history.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Many great movies have been mentioned already. :cowboy:

    Some of my favourites are:
    Full Metal Jacket
    Das Boot (pretty good German Submarine Movie!)
    Men in War
    Paths of Glory
    9 rota aka The 9th Company (Russian War Movie about Afghanistan)
    Steiner - Cross of Iron
    The Big Red One (According to the extras of the DVD Director Fuller spoke with John Wayne about the role of the Sergeant but IMO Lee Marvin was perfect in his role!)
    Zulu (Never saw Zulu Dawn with Burt Lancaster)
    None but the Brave (Underrated War Movie with Frank Sinatra)
    Letters from Iwo Jima
    The Train

    "You're too good to give a chance to." John Wayne as Cole Thornton in El Dorado (1966)

  • That was my first purchase of any set that was on the expensive side, Stumpy. I usually can't get myself to drop over 30 dollars on anything involving DVDs. But I HAD to have Band Of Brothers. It was very well made, and the characters mirrored their real life men pretty good. I also highly recommend this set.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • It was very well made, and the characters mirrored their real life men pretty good.

    What was most surprising to me, Mark, was that the entire series was filmed in either the UK or continental Europe and most of the actors shown were Brits instead of Americans.

    As you said, the series was very well made and the (British) actors did a helluva job portraying American paratroopers (and members of the Wehrmacht).

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • What was most surprising to me, Mark, was that the entire series was filmed in either the UK or continental Europe and most of the actors shown were Brits instead of Americans.

    As you said, the series was very well made and the (British) actors did a helluva job portraying American paratroopers (and members of the Wehrmacht).

    Jim and Mark,

    It was made mostly in the UK, by Mr. Spielberg,
    with some scenes in Switzerland.

    It was very well done as you say, using mainly Brits,

    # A large portion of the American soldiers portrayed throughout the series are played British actors.

    Here's the link to the IMDb trivia on it

    Band Of Brothers

    Some of the scenes were shot in the same locations as Spielbergs,
    Saving Private Ryan

  • It was very well done as you say, using mainly Brits,

    # A large portion of the American soldiers portrayed throughout the series are played by British actors.

    I really liked that British-born actor Damian Lewis, who played the commander of the American unit. He did a bang-up job. I'd like to see him in more roles.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

    STALAG 17
    THE 7th CROSS

  • I was wondering if any of you folks from the UK remember this film? It was always one of my favorites. What surprised me was the performance turned in by Anthony Newley, which was surprisingly good.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I was wondering if any of you folks from the UK remember this film? It was always one of my favorites. What surprised me was the performance turned in by Anthony Newley, which was surprisingly good.

    Jim, I do,
    and it's been a long time since I saw it last.
    Mostly filmed in the dark if I remember,
    but a really good, tense film.
    Anthony Newley of course also a singer,
    turned in a better than average perfomance

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • A good movie , based on the true story is "Kokoda" when the Australian Militia prevented the Japanese from crossing the Owen Stanley Ranges to reach Port Moresby. A good follow up to the battle of Milne Bay.

    RACMP - For the troops With the troops

  • I have just purchased two DVD's with David Niven in them. "The Immortal Battalion" previously called "The Way Ahead", and "The Sea Wolves". Both movies are very good to watch. Battalion is set during WW2 and shows civilians turning into soldiers and going into combat. Wolves is about a collection of British ex pats in India who undertake a mission to silence some German radios situated on merchant ships in a neutral harbour.

    RACMP - For the troops With the troops

  • I recently bought a movie I'd never heard of called "Castle Keep" with Burt Lancaster and Peter Falk. It's about a group of men under siege, or are they already dead? Quite an interesting and surreal experience.

  • The Dam Busters is a 1954 film with Richard Todd that has a documentary feel about the RAF's incredible efforts to blow up the Ruhr River dams and flood the German countryside and factories. The amazing ingenuity and heroism was well documented in Paul (The Great Escape) Brickhill's book of the same name.
    I heard a rumor that it was going to be remade and it is one of the few remakes that would improve with modern film technology.
    It's on dvd if anyone is interested.

    We deal in lead, friend.