must have movies

There are 27 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 24,064 times. The latest Post () was by taw.

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  • Hi All Donovan's Reef, The Quiet Man, True Grit, Chisum, Big Jake

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • 1. Big Jake
    2. McClintock
    3. Rio Bravo
    4. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    5. The Cowboys

    [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life..." ~John Wayne~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

  • That is a really tough question, my 5 movies would be as follows:

    1. The Searches.
    2. Wake of the Red Witch
    3. 3 Godfathers
    4. Rio Bravo
    5. The Quiet Man



  • The Conqueror
    Jet Pilot
    Reunion in France
    A Lady for a Night.

    These are the five Duke Movies that would inspire me to leave wherever it is I am, and go to a place that lets me have more than five movies!!!:evilgrin:


    Seriously, my five would be...
    "Rio Bravo" (or El Dorado, either one will do)
    "True Grit"
    "The Searchers"
    "The Comancheros"

  • Whoa!! You had me going there for a minute!! I was relieved to see your five at the bottom of the post! :biggrin:

    Chester :newyear:

  • The Alamo - widescreen director's cut only
    The Searchers
    She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
    El Dorado
    Rio Bravo

    Duke gave his finest performances as Ethan Edwards and Nation Brittles.
    Rio Bravo and El Dorado are two variations of a fun theme with co-actors who manage to hold their own against Wayne's formidable on screen presence.
    The Alamo is magnificent to see large and the fulfillment of all Duke's dreams.
    I could watch these any time, any place.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • I'll go with-

    The Alamo (definitely director's cut-a must have)
    Big Jake
    The Shootist
    The Searchers
    The Quiet Man

    These I watch the most, but love 'em all-

  • Bringing this back, since I havent' seen this thread, so here is mine if I'm only to have 5 John Wayne videos only in my collection.

    1. The Quiet Man
    2. Rio Bravo
    3. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    4. The Searchers
    5. Sands of Iwo Jima

    Had to get one war picture of his, as well as his greatest and my favorite Duke film, then just able to pick three westerns, that is almost impossible, but the three IMO are his best westerns.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Mine would be

    True grit
    Big trail widescreen version
    then all the rest in any order!

    True Grit My favourite all time film
    Stagecoach First JW film I ever saw aged about 6 or 7
    Cowboys My grand daughters favourite but she is only 3 and has not seen many!
    Big Trail Gorgeous to look at including a young JW LOL

    AT LEAST FOR THIS WEEK BUT whilst do change my mind depending on what I have watched recently

    True grit is and always will be my Number one ALL-TIME favourite

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind