Careful Please (1926)

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    Is this Duke, to the left of the man in the white shirt,and looking out of the window??
    Sceenshots, with thanks to Elly

    Information From IMDb

    Plot Summary
    A bill collector working in a tough neighborhood manages to rescue a young socialite from kidnappers.

    Full Cast
    Lloyd Hamilton ... Bill Collector
    Marcella Daly ... The Girl
    Louise Carver ... Mrs. Riley
    Stanley Blystone
    Dick Sutherland ... Tim Riley
    Eddie Boland
    Glen Cavender ... (uncredited)
    Theodore Lorch ... (uncredited)
    John Wayne (as Marion Morrison) (uncredited)

    Leonard Smith


    Filming Locations

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 14 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Careful Please a 1926 movie, was one of the Ham Hamilton's Comedies.
    It was written and directed by Norman Taurog,
    and produced and released by Lloyd Hamilton.
    It starred Lloyd Hamilton and Marcella Daly.
    It is now widely believed after studying screencaps,
    that this movie is the very earliest one known,
    where John Wayne appears, and his visibly seen

    Thanks to our member Elly
    we are now pleased to add this rare 25 minute two- reeler,
    to our ever growing list of early movies appearing Duke.
    Although only just noticeable, from the screenshots,
    it sure looks like Duke.

    User Review

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 24 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Hi

    I am convinced this is JW in Careful please 1926 Lloyd Hamilton comedy short.

    Careful please 1926 Ham 3.jpg

    Please could you look at the Video Clip posted here and let me have your comments. thanks Elly

  • Hi Keith

    its not hard to tell when you watch the clip but I agree the screen captures are not great. Sorry I cannot get better quality ones. or post the clip.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Elly,

    Thanks for posting these wonderful frames.
    So hard to tell, but in the 3rd Photo,
    it sure looks like Duke's nose!!

    I agree with Keith. That sure does look like Duke in that window.

    And in the last shot, is that Duke behind and left of the man in the white shirt?


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Here is part of an email I received in reply to me sending these screen captures to Tim Lilley (BIG TRAIL MAGAZINE)

    Hi Elly,
    What an exciting possibility. I'd love to know how you came upon this. It certainly is a possibility judging from the images. I had covered JW's career, two films at a time in a bimonthly format. I kept pushing Ham Hamilton back, hoping some concrete evidence would surface, but no luck. Finally, in one of my last issues, I said what I could about the subject.
    Thanks for the sharing.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • I agree with Keith. That sure does look like Duke in that window.

    And in the last shot, is that Duke behind and left of the man in the white shirt?


    Hi Mark,
    That would be a very young John Wayne. I am with Elly on this one, as I too am convinced that this is John Wayne in this film.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Elly and Bob, you two are doing an awesome job. The tenacity and hard work really pays off. Great job!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Elly and Bob, you two are doing an awesome job. The tenacity and hard work really pays off. Great job!


    Thank you

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

    Edited 2 times, last by Elly: spelling ().

  • Elly sent me the video. I have edited it for brevity and also included stills at the end.

    May I take this opportunity on behalf of the JWMB, of also thanking you
    for all your hard work in researching these early movies.
    Along with Elly and Bob, you have achieved so much.

    Thank you for the work on the screen shots,
    and in my mind,there is doubt that we see Duke,
    being even more recognizable in the last few stills!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thanks, but it's really Elly's tenacity and dedication that's key here.

  • Thanks to Elly,
    This 'find' also changes the history of
    Duke's Filmography.
    It has been long considered that
    Brown of Harvard was the first movie where Duke was first visibly seen,
    now this has changed, well at least for the time being.
    If the production dates run true, which I feel sure they do,
    then Careful Please now becomes that 'first' movie!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hello Everyone

    Here are a few enlarged screen captures.

    However, a few poor quality screen captures, do not a performance make!

    You really need to see the film. Fortunately you can view the clip here

    JW would have been 18 years old and a viewing of his performance in some other films of that time might be helpful. See Hangman's House, Bardelys the Magnificent , Black Watch, Four Sons for example.

    Fortunately you can see clips of these films, and many more, also at the above website!

    Oh you lucky people! LOL

    I myself have watched thousands of hours of often, poor quality films at 1/4 or 1/2 speed, in large parts frame by frame, to try to find these tiny appearances of JW.

    Careful please 1926 Ham 3.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 4.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 5.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 06.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 07.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 13.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 15.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 16.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 18.jpg

    Careful please 1926 Ham 19.jpg

    regards Elly

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

    Edited 2 times, last by Elly: spelling ().

  • Hi

    Looking at those clips I don't think that there can be any doubt, it certainly rewrites Duke's history well done everyone.
    Regards, Arthur

    It may well do some rewriting of Dukes film history, I would recommend sending what you have found with a written explanation to Wayne Enterprises down in Newport Beach, California, Att: Ethan Wayne.
    Then send another packet to Brian Downes at the John Wayne Birthplace Museum in Winterset, Iowa, as a start.

    Don't bother sending it to DS at the "Official" site, as, ridicule would be forthcoming.

    Chester :newyear: