John Wayne could have a park named after him in Newport Beach

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  • Kevin added a new article:


  • I'm surprised they don't already have one. Duke lived among them for years. He was only born in Winterset, and they have a museum. I think it is a fine idea and hope to see it happen.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • We were in Newport Beach in 1997-8? Took the Duke cruise. Saw the last house he lived in, and several yachts he had owned.
    What a great place to have a park, Duke loved kids. Make it a family park.
    God Bless you all, reading this. It's kind of hard to find things on this site now.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower