Why bother? Look what happened to the re-make of Stagecoach!!
True Grit (2010)
There are 484 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 295,708 times. The latest Post () was by Moonshine_Sally.
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Not that it would change my mind about a remake of "True Grit" but if they insist on making it, I'd like to see Russell Crowe as either Rooster or Lucky Ned (I think he'd fit either role).
As for La Boeuf (the Ranger), I could visualize any of the following in the role: Brolin, William Fichtner, Josh Hartnett, Christian Bale, or even Kevin Costner or Brad Pitt.
An excellent candidate for the role of Mattie would be Madeline Carroll, who played Costner's daughter in "Swing Vote". -
Hollywood, has been out of material for years, just about every movie is a remake, maybe the real deal is the there are no great books out there except for Clancy but with him they are all about the same. I would want Tom Sellck as Rooster or even Duvall or Tommy Lee jones. It will take a helluva cast to get me to watch it and if the focus is on maddie then I'll tune it out, I mean how many movies have been done on a vengeful woman gun toting dame. She's better at realizing she's limited but a good negotiator and paying someone to do the dirty deed. Hollywood today also lacks great horseman that we saw years ago. Oh well The Times are changing,
I like the Coen Brothers but they should not touch a perfect movie. They already made a remake of a classic: The Ladykillers with Tom Hanks instead of the great Alec Guiness. IMO a rather mediocre movie somehow entertaining but not as good as the fantastic original.
The same will happen to a perfect western like True Grit. John Wayne is perfect as Rooster Cogburn and no else would come close that. A new Actor as Rooster Cogburn will only be a bad copy. BTW Warren Oates tried to be Cogburn as well in the TV Show and failed.
Some comments like "This one will be closer to the original" aren't promising.
The only good thing about it is that Westerns are still made. -
I think Kurt Russel would make a good Rooster... and not just because he played a one eyed grump in Escape from La/New York.
I can not see why they just don't leave the Great Films Alone, when they try to Remake One of These Films it Never Turns Out as Good as the Real One !
Bill -
I have to agree with you one this one, especially since it starred the Immortal John Wayne.
i heard that matt damon will play .. La Boeuf and josh brolin will play Tom Chaney and jeff bridges will play the rooster cogburn
what do you think about that -
Josh Brolin won't make a good Chaney in my opinion, he lacks a certain sliminess.
Gary Busey might be a good chaney, picture him with a three week scruff beard.
Gary Busey might be a good chaney, picture him with a three week scruff beard.
Murray, I agree, great actor,
I liked him in Under Seige, Barbarosa, and The Buddy Holly Story -
Gary Busey might be a good chaney, picture him with a three week scruff beard.
Only if they decide to make Chaney crazy as well. I feel that Chaney should be a sniveling coward and not someone who scares me.
maybe pat wayne could play rooster otherwise good luck to who ever does
Pat Wayne should definitely have a role in the remake, but not as Rooster I suggest maybe as a by the book marshal.
maybe as a by the book marshal.
You mean like the Duke's performance? -
You mean like the Duke's performance?
A wiseguy, eh?
How could I have not seen this one coming?
The key to this thread is that it's a COEN BROTHERS' remake, so the cast is obvious:
John Goodman is Rooster
George Clooney is LaBoeuf
Frances McDormand is Mattie (Remarkable make up job)
Steve Buscemi is Ned Pepper (No make up needed)
John Turturro is Tom Chaney
William H. Macy is Col. Stonehill
Peter Stormare IS J. Noble DaggettAnyone care to add or to cast the newly announced Mel Brooks remake of The Alamo?
We deal in lead, friend.
Anyone care to add or to cast the newly announced Mel Brooks remake of The Alamo?I do hope this an attempt at humor.
I do hope this an attempt at humor.
It is indeed an attempt at a joke. -
It is indeed an attempt at a joke.
Thank Goodness ! ! Now I can Laugh . . .Chester