Pray for Israel

There are 7 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 3,094 times. The latest Post () was by 4782UU.

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    • Official Post

    Evil is running ramped in our world.

    Israel at war with Hamas after surprise attacks, around 900 Israelis dead
    After Hamas launched the biggest attack on Israel in years, nearly 1,600 have been killed and thousands more wounded with a barrage of rockets as gunfights are…

  • Kevin

    Changed the title of the thread from “Pray for Isreal” to “Pray for Israel”.
  • Was there in the 80's when they hit the embassy and then later when they blew up the Marine Barracks. Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself this time.

    The news shows the Marines in route.

    Have had a sick feeling since I caught that news cast.

    Keep those men and women of that task force on your prayer list.


  • The tactical alliance by the far left with conservative and radical Islamic forces is strange until you remember that said clerico-fascists eagerly kill or main any westerners and Jews they can. (sarcasm mode) Apparently "the liberation of Palestine" requires killing people from distant countries such as Nepalese farming students and Thais? (end sarcasm mode)

  • Anti-Semitism knows no never really went's no out in full force by the Left. It makes no sense...I'm Jewish and I cannot understand why so many Jews in this country support such hatred against their own kind. All I can guess is they're Leftist before they're American...before they're Jewish.

    I'm not a Jewish American...I'm an American who happens to be Jewish. Like Duke said...that little line (the hyphen) has caused more division than most anything else. Nothing comes before my being an religion and ethnicity are secondary to that.

    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • Dear "Friends of Palestine" across this world,

    My name is Gina Goldstein. I was born in Paris on June 5th, 1936.

    I was the daughter of Rachmil, born May 5th in 1910 and Genia, born on the 14th of February 1913.

    We lived in Paris.

    Less than two months after my sixth birthday and some weeks after each of my parents had been deported on separate transports, I was deported to Auschwitz.

    My last memory of this world is when i was processed after the selection upon my arrival.

    gina goldstein auschwitz.jpg