John Wayne Picture Game

There are 9 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 5,654 times. The latest Post () was by LittleDuke.

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  • Come up with a funny or serious caption that you think fits the picture below. Post them below and we'll let the members vote on the best one. I'll try to get more interesting pics to post. Let me know if you like this game or not, please!

    Good luck! :D

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • :D

    "Well you won the bet, and I'm wearing your top, but hell if you think I'm taking off my bandana and cap!"




    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I'm too tired to compete with all the good ones that come before, but I picture the Duke tired, exhausted and somewhat ornery saying simply "Yes Ma'am"

  • Ummm...What?? I didn't do nothin'! I didn't forget our ummmm....anniversary? yeah! thats it! And I got you this towel.
    Yeah baby. Happy anniversary?? OK? I love you. :D
    ( I write this from personal experience)

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • Kevin

    This picture game is a great idea but I was just wondering when we get to vote for our favourite caption for this particular picture as there is is another picture up now.