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  • Hi Arthur,
    WELCOME back, it sounds like you had a great holiday?
    What a lovely suprise for you at the hotel!
    I think those little things, make it so special.
    I am sure you educated our Amigos and amigas,
    all about the great man, El Duque!!
    Perhaps if they watched el hombre grande,
    they wouldn't bother chucking tomatoes, at each other.

    Best Wishes,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi

    On this day 3 September:-

    40 years ago the film In Harm's Way' was released in Finland.

    CaptainRockwell Torrey: Paul, you're forcing me to throw my weight at you. Fish, or cut bait. Get on your feet or take your troubles elsewhere. I've got a ship to run.

    59 years ago the actress Fern Emmett died aged 50 she appeared in 'In Old California'.

    57 years ago the actor Jack Kirk died aged 52 A veteran of over three hundred pictures the majority of which were westerns, he appeared in In Old Oklahoma, and Angel and the Badman.

    58 years ago Back to Bataan was released in France.

    82 years ago the stuntman and actor Terry Wilson was born. probably best known for working in Wagon Train he did appear in many John Wayne and John Ford Pictures after making his debut in 1947.

    83 years ago the director Burt Kennedy was born.

    92 years ago Alan Ladd was born, his place among the list of John Wayne co-workers is based on a reputed appearence in Hell Town, although many will argue that he wasn't in it.

    25 years ago the actor Duncan Renaldo died aged 76 a famous television Cisco Kid, he appeared with Wayne in the Fighting Seabees.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 4th September

    35 years ago Chisum was released in Denmark.

    Justice J.B. Wilson: Mr. Murphy. Just how much of Lincoln County are you after?
    Lawrence Murphy: Well, Mr. Chisum came out here several years ago, put his name on everything he could. I've only been here a little while. Just getting started. Do you have anything to say to that, Mr. Chisum?
    John Simpson Chisum: Well I don't favor talking to vermin, but I'll talk to you just this once. You're not just getting started. The line's been drawn. What Billy did balanced the books so far. But if one of your men cross my land or even touch one of my cows, or do anything to that store, I'm not going to the sheriff, the governor, or the president of the United States. I'm coming to see you.
    Lawrence Murphy: Hmph. Mr. Chisum, that sounds like a threat.
    John Simpson Chisum: [John Chisum belts Murphy, knocking him down with his right fist] Wrong word. FACT

    74 years ago Robert 'Buzz' Henry was born, he played a minor role in El Dorado.

    99 years ago Al Murphy was born. Among a number of films he appeared in with John Wayne was as the boxing referee in The Quiet Man a role sometimes credited erroneously to Hank Worden.

    45 years ago the director Alfred E Green died aged 71, among many fine films he directed was the 1933 film Baby Face starring Barbara Stanwyck and featuring the young John Wayne. The film caused quite a stir in its day and I believe is now approaching cult status.

    14 years ago Tom Tyron died aged 65 an actor and author he appeared with Wayne in In Harm's Way.

    Tomorrow John Ford's funeral



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Howdy Arthur,
    Just thought I'd jump in and say welcome back, and thanks for this thread. I really enjoy reading it.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Hi

    Thanks for the kind regards.


    On this day 5th September

    45 years ago filming began on the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

    65 years ago Raquel Welch was born, although she never made a motion picture with John Wayne, she was in a television special with him.

    104 years ago the actor Don Costello was born he was in A Lady takes A Chance.

    52 years ago Francis Ford, the actor and director and Brother of John Ford died aged 72.

    27 years ago the German actor Gert Frobe died aged 75. Best known as the villain Goldfinger in the James Bond picture, he played the fat sergeant in The Longest Day.

    64 years ago the director Hal Kanter married Doris Prouder.

    32 years ago the funeral of John Ford took place.

    Following the directors death on August 31st his body had been lying in the West Hollywood Cunningham and Connor Mortuary with the tattered flag that had flown at the Battle of Midway draped across the coffin.

    On the day of the funeral the body was moved to the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Los Angles Hollywood where the funeral mass was celebrated. In attendance was a complete whose Who of Hollywood and included actors James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Charlton Heston, Lorretta Young, Pat O’Brien, Gilbert Roland, George Murphy, Raymond Massey, Rod Taylor, Walter Pidgeon and Ceaser Romero, Iron Eyes Cody caused a stir by arriving in full ceremonial Indian dress.

    Directors in attendence included George Marshall, Sam Fuller, William Wyler, Henry Hathaway, Robert Wise and Frank Capra.

    Others not so well known or famous but all who had served in the huge family that had become the part of the family known as the John Ford Stock Company, mingled speaking together almost un-noticed among these were Cliff lyon, stuntmen Chuck Hayward and Chuck Roberson, Ford’s beloved good and bad Chucks. Winton Hoch, William Clothier, George O’Brien, Woody Strode, harry Carey jnr, Carleton Young,Danny Borzage and John Agar.

    Fords daughter Barbara was fittingly escorted into the church by John Wayne, struggling to conceal his emotions, and director George Cukor.

    During the Eulogy conducted by Timothy Cardinal Manning described Ford as the ‘incomparable master of his trade‘ and used as an analysis to describe Fords work some of his greatest pictures all of which were award winners - The Quiet Man, The Battle of Midway How green Was My Valley, The informer and The Grapes of Wrath..

    The coffin then accompanied by the family and John Wayne was taken out. A soloist sang the Battle Hymm of the republic and the organist played Bringing in the Sheaves.

    Sowing in the Morning
    Sowing Seeds of kindness
    Spreading Rays of Sunshine
    Through the Dusty Day.
    Courteous and Kindly
    Friendly and Paternal
    He Shall Come Rejoicing
    Bringing in the Sheaves.
    Bringing in the sheaves, Bringin the Seaves,
    He will come rejoicing, bringing in the Sheeaves.
    Now our livns are mastered, here comes that old gentleman
    He shall come rejoicing..bringing in the sheaves.

    (Word by Ken Curtis)
    (From Company of Heroes - Harry Carey jnr)

    The funeral was at the Culver City Holy Cross Cemetary
    Section M (Precious blood) Lot 304 Grave 5. Ford was buried near his Brothers Francis and Edward and on the twentieth anniversary of Francis’s death.

    A United States Naval Firing party fired the last salute, a bugler blew taps and Dan Ford wearing his United Staes Army Uniform present the folded Midway flag to Ford’s widow.

    John Wayne approached the grave and many thought that he would recite the eulogy Home is the Sailor heard in They Were Expendable but either because of emotion or whatever he declined. The author Joseph Macbride placed a cactus rose on the coffin as it was lowered in the ground.

    On a small hill overlooking the rolling greens Anna Lee watched the ceremony. Always having difficulty crying on screen she had told Ford shortly before his death that she would cry at his funeral, and said later ‘By God I did’

    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    Thanks for the post,
    it was both interesting and absorbing.
    I can imagine, Duke not being able to recite, the eulogy,
    after all, he wasn't above any feelings, at a time like that!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hello All
    I have read that John Ford volunteered to do film work for the government during the war and that he once donated $300,000.00 to provide a rec centre for members of the unit he served with. It doesn't suprise me that he was respected by other members of the industry. Thanks for the info Arthur Kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Hi

    On this Day September 6

    57 years ago Without Reservations was released in Denmark.

    86 years ago the acror and poet John Mitchum was born. Famous for writing America Why I Love Her.

    97 years ago the actress Dortothy Gulliver was born she appeared in Shadow of the Eagle.

    31 years ago Olga Baclanova died age 78 she was in Cheer Up and Smile.

    17 years ago the cinematographer Harold Rossen died aged 93 among many fine films he shot El Dorado.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Also ,Bob denvers death was announced today, although it occured last friday.

    R.I.P Gilligan


  • Hi

    On this day 7th September:

    72 years ago Baby Face was released in Denmark.

    82 years ago Peter Lawford was born he appeared in The Longest Day

    116 years ago the western actor Tex Driscoll was born, he played a minor role in Stagecoach.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Sep 4 2005, 02:49 AM
    14 years ago Tom Tyron died aged 65 an actor and author he appeared with Wayne in In Harm's Way.


    Hi Arthur -
    I didn't realize Tom Tryon was in his 60s when he died. I guess I still pictured him from his more youthful movie acting days. I always liked him and am glad he became a successful novelist in his later years.
    Cheers - Jay ^^

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi

    On this day 8th September

    30 years ago the film Brannigan was eleased in Denmark.

    7 years ago Leonid Kinskey died aged 95

    86 years ago Billy Butts was born, he played a nine year old boy in Lady and Gent.

    106 years ago the actress Mae McAvoy was born she appeared in Wings of Eagles.

    40 years ago the African /American singer and actress committed suicide at the age of 41.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Arthur,

    Could you tell me who you are talking about? I don't understand who this is.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • He may be talking about this woman except according to her biography, she wasn't black nor did she commit suicide.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi

    :huh: Opps

    Sorry if anyone is confused I meant Dorothy Dandridge.

    Hopefully back to normal


    On this day 9th September

    70 years ago Rainbow Valley was released in the UK.

    46 years ago Duke Wayne saw the realization of his life long dream when filming started on the Alamo.

    70 years ago the Israelian actor Topol was born he made a guest appearance in Cast a Giant Shadow.

    106 years ago Cyril McLaglen, the brother of Victor was born he appeared in Reap the Wild Wind.

    106 years ago Abdullah was born, he appeared in I Cover the War. A bit of a mystery character here, he was reputed to have been adopted by Victor McLaglen when he was in Arabia, but didn't get on with McLaglen 's second wife and moved to the Unites States as a boxer. If you read the Mike Mazurzki web he used to hang around Mazurski's restaurant telling anyone who cared to listen that he was one of the men who discovered John Wayne.

    8 years ago Burgess Merideth died aged 89 a famous actor before Rocky and the Penguin, he was in In Harm's Way.

    39 years ago the actor Nestor Pavia died aged 61, a veternan of almost two hundred pictures he was in Pittsburg.

    11 years ago Ptrick O'Neal died aged 66 among many films playing the bad guy he was in In Harm's Way.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Sep 9 2005, 11:44 AM
    8 years ago Burgess Merideth died aged 89 a famous actor before Rocky and the Penguin, he was in In Harm's Way.


    I loved Meridith in IHW. As you say, Arthur, he was a famous actor prior to the ones you mention. He was also in the famous Twilight Zone episode about the librarian who winds surviving an atomic blast only to suffer an ironic outcome. He was quite a ladies' man in his youth, I understand, and was once married to Paulette Goddard.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi

    On this Day 10th September:

    9 years ago Joanne Dru died aged 74, one of my favourite actresses she appeared in Red River and She wore a Yellow Ribbon.

    57 years ago the British actress Judy Geeson was born, she assissted John Wayne in Brannigan.

    112 years ago the actor Al 'Fuzzy' St John was born. Playing the side kick in hundreds of pictures he appeared in Riders of Destiny.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    How time is passes, I watch "She wore a yellow ribbon" last night and enjoyed the film and all the actors, and I didn't thought at all that most of them are passed away. I like Joanne Dru in both movies very much. Haven't seen her in any other film.
    By the way in the Riders of Destiny Duke sing himself or not. I can't decide. In Lawless Range as I hear not he is singing.
    Vera :rolleyes:

  • Hi Senta

    John Wayne didn't sing in any of his Monogram films, Some say the singer was a character called Smith Bellew, but in an earlier thread Chester analysed this subject pretty well and although I can't recall who actually did his singing Mr and Mrs Chester nailed it down pretty accuarately



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 11th September:

    64 years ago Commander John Ford USNR, was ordered to Washington to Form the Field Photographic Unit.

    85 years ago The British Actor Scott Forbes was born. Using the name Julian Dallas he appeared in a couple of British Films before moving to the United States where he changed his name, developed an American accent and an American or South African backround and for the remainder of his career passed himself off as an American. he appeared in Operation Pacific.

    123 years ago the actor Erville Alderson was born he appeared in Back to Bataan.

    24 years ago the actor Frank McHugh died aged 83. A tubby comic actor he appeared with John Wayne in The Telegraph Trail.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low