Speaking of Maureen O'Hara . . .

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  • To all,

    The link which I am sharing below is one that may have been shared before, if that's the case I apologize, but with the latest Picture Game, #4, I thought you all might enjoy reading a little more about Maureen O'Hara and some of her thoughts on working with John Wayne.

    Here's the link:

    Scrolling down just a little and you will see a button, "Features on Maureen and John Wayne" that you might enjoy.

    Happy reading!

    Cheers :D ,


  • Says the editor of that website and everyone here says here here who is the editor????

  • Shootister,

    Very close to the top of the page you get to when you click on the link in my original post, there is a box that lists the editor (as well as the web designer and composer) as June Parker Beck. Beyond that, I can't tell you more, except that she is not my mother, my sister, my friend, or even a casual acquaintance of mine. It would appear she is an avid fan of Maureen O'Hara.


  • thank you for the link, loved the info

    Tulalip Wa

  • The following idea is one we saw over at the McCandles Texas forum at Yahoo. We thought it was a terrific way to honor Maureen O'Hara during the week before her birthday, and hope you'll take part.

    This Sunday August 17, 2003 will be Maureen O'Hara's 83rd birthday. I thought it would be a great Group project if we would take this week and all of us post our favorite Maureen O'Hara film memory.

    It could be from a film she did with the Duke or one of her own. I hope all of you will take the time to post your favorite memory sometime this week.

    I need to think about this one a little, so will post mine later this week.


  • Hello :rolleyes:

    What a wonderful site :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Chester I think that is a great idea :unsure:

    Monique ;)

  • Chester an excellent way to honour her I will certainly take part in that two question when do you want us to post actually on the 17th and where do we post.

    Cant believe she's 83, she looks a lot younger.



  • Robbie (and everybody else),

    Post here, and start immediately!

    Here are some favorites from my family -

    I truly enjoyed Maureen O'Hara in McLintock - she shows a wonderful gamut of emotions between incredibly feisty and quietly soft (like when she's recalling to her daughter about her early married years).

    My wife and kids really like her role in the Disney movie The Parent Trap (1961), with Hayley Mills and Brian Keith. She is so vivacious in that one. My wife also has a soft spot in her heart for the movie The Christmas Box (1995), where Maureen O'Hara starred with Richard Thomas and Annette O'Toole.

    And we all love seeing her in Miracle on 34th Street!


  • Hello :rolleyes:
    I really enjoyed the 1998 made for TV movie "Cab to Canada" B) Maureen O'Hara portrays Katherine Eure who calls a cab in Pasadena California and ends up making the cab driver go all the way to Vancouver BC :unsure:
    This is also based on a true story :P It was again on TV about 2-3 weeks ago :huh:

    Monique ;)

  • Ms. O'Hara is one of my favorite actresses, and just loved her in almost everything. I cant' think of anything she did that I didn't like. How Green Was My Valley is most excellent with a young Rodney McDowell, and Walter Pigeon. To the Shores of Tripoli with John Payne was another good movie, also with Randolph Scott.

    Of course she was really great in Miracle on 34th Street, with a young Natalie Wood, and John Payne, and a great and I would say the best Santa Clause in Edmund Gween. Also with Natalie she starred with Fred MacMurray in Father was a Fullback, and also with Betty Lynn (Thema Lou in the Andy Griffin Show {Barney Fife's girlfriend}).

    Going on, she was also great in The Parent Trap, with Brian Keith, and Halley Mills, and also The Rare Breed with James Stewart, Brain Keith, and Halley's sister Juliet Mills. Spencer's Mountain with Henry Fonda is a classic.

    Some westerns that I really enjoyed excluding movies with Duke, is Comanche Territory with MacDonald Carey, The Redhead from Wyoming with Alex Nicol, and War Arrow with Jeff Chandler.

    Who could forget her in The Black Swan with Tyrone Power, and Anthony Quinn. And her most recent release at the silver screen as she teams up with Anthony Quinn in Only The Lonely. This costars John Candy, Alley Sheedy, James Belushi, and a cameo appearance with Macuaulay Culkin.

    I do have all these movies (mainly on VHS). I have seen them all. She is one of the tops as far as I am concerned. She should have been listed as the top 50 actresses in AFI's top stars. She is definately one of them.

    Maureen, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, and you age very beautifully. Thank you for being a part of our lives in many ways. Happy 83rd pretty lady.

    Cheers, Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I agree, she may be 83, but she still does it for me. A natural beauty. One of my favorite scenes of her was in Rio Grand when the Sons of the Pioneers are singing to her character Kathleen and Duke's Sgt. York I'll take you home, Kathleen and the look in her eyes as she looks at her husband speak volumes without a word being uttered. Awsome! Happy Birthday to a great Actress and a beautiful gal. dukefan1

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Robbie@Aug 14 2003, 07:43 PM
    John Wayne watching her from the "Quiet Man" bridge as she herds sheep acoss the beauitful coutryside.

    Happy birthday Maureen


    I just found your great forum and I've been stumbling through this format - it has so many features!!! Yesterday I thought I was posting and it turns out I was sending e-mails. Doesn't "PM" mean "post message?" ROFL Oh well - it's a cool format so bear with me while I figure it out. Duh!

    I have a website on Maureen O'Hara - http://www.moharamagazine.com which has been published since 1996. I do have contact with Ms. O'Hara. I have been fortunate in that she has endorsed my Internet efforts and helps me with facts and other input. She is a stickler for detail...and setting the record straight. Not to worry because her autobiography "Tis Herself" will be published by Simon and Schuster - probably in March of 2004. The book is complete and just awaiting minor edits.

    I did ask her yesterday about the TQM spanking topic...and she echoed what many of you thought already - "It didn't happen." She and Duke carefully choreographed that entire scene and to have stopped for a spanking would have impeded the forward progress of the dragging scene. At any rate - now you know for sure - from someone who was there and whose bottom would have been on the receiving end of such an action.

    When I began my research I quickly found it necessary to read all I could about John Wayne and John Ford so I made some great friends on that side of the coin. Tim Lilley of "The Big Trail" is the absolute expert on John Wayne and most every biographer consult him as they write.

    I'll include my URL of some of my research material over the years.



  • It's just great to have you here June, and I guess I'm speaking for all if I may ask you to send Mrs O'Hara our best wishes. Can't wait to read her biography, we have been waiting for that one a long time, and I'm sure her wit will make the waiting worthwhile. There have been plans once for a Quiet Man - sequel in which she would play the mother of Sean Thornton's sons who leave Ireland for the US. Maybe you know more about that project - will it come off the ground in the future?

  • June,

    We are truly honored to have you here among us - WELCOME!

    I responded to your PM (I guess by now you have learned that means "Private Message" ) shortly before you posted to this thread about the spanking scene that isn't.

    This message board really does have many features that take quite a while to sort out, but once you do, it's great! (Hey, it's a great message board even if you never figure out all the bells and whistles . . . :) .)

    I hope you'll share your knowledge with us on many topics!


  • June :rolleyes:
    Welcome to the board :unsure: I'm still learning the format also B) You will find alot of wonderful people with some great knowledge on the board here :huh: Glad to have you here :rolleyes:

    Monique ;)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by chester7777@May 18 2003, 06:30 PM

    Very close to the top of the page you get to when you click on the link in my original post, there is a box that lists the editor (as well as the web designer and composer) as June Parker Beck. Beyond that, I can't tell you more, except that she is not my mother, my sister, my friend, or even a casual acquaintance of mine. It would appear she is an avid fan of Maureen O'Hara.


    Who was that masked woman? It was me, June Parker Beck. May I extend an invitation to visit my site, which has been published on line since 1996. http://www.moharamagazine.com

    Nice forum you have here... once I figure it all out.

    Ms. O'Hara is kind enough to make her self available to me for consult and text so it definitely makes editing the site quite a pleasure - and more importantly - a learning experience.