Carl's Update on WWI and WWII Veterans

There are 138 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 32,179 times. The latest Post () was by The Ringo Kid.

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  • All good things come to a end and all the heroes ride off into the sunset sometime. Don't cry for them, celebrate there lives and what they gave to make our country better!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Having any still alive is a blessing... the war was over 85 years ago. I'm just glad we got a WWII memorial before they were all gone. It's something to see too. If your ever around DC you need at least a couple hours to tour all the memorials they have in that area: WWII, Korea & Vietnam.

  • I am hoping I am wrong on this but, it looks like we might not have any WWI vets still alive, before the end of this year. :(

    The way the statistics make it, you may be right. Unfortunately, it won't be much longer before we start losing our WWII vets in greater numbers as well:ohwell: !
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • This past December when I attended the 65th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, one WWI survivor showed up and he was treated like a rock star. Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera with me as we were at the actual ceremony and I thought it was distasteful to film the occurence (of course as soon as I showed up, it looked like all 400 survivors had cameras). Anyway, this gentleman was in his uniform and any chance at shaking his hand was next to impossible as he attracted a mob. It is sad that we are losing so many vets (about 1000 a day for WWII vets), but I would agree with SXViper who said to celebrate their lives and sacrifices. Just another reason to reach out a hand of any vet (no matter the age) and thanks them when you get a chance.

  • I agree with you all. Also, I just got this bit of news in:

    Corporal Howard V. Ramsey was Oregons last living WWI Veteran & last known U.S. combat Veteran of WWI. He passed away in his sleep at the age of 109 on Feb 22-2007. Ramsey inherited this title just two weeks before he passed away. Ramsey inherited this title when Massachutsetts Vet, Antonio Pierro passed away on Feb 8.

    Ramsey's life spanned three centuries & 19 Presidents. He was born in Rico, Colorado on April 2-1898, when the US flag had only 45 stars and Pres McKinley was preparing to declare war on Spain.

    The only WWI Veteran I remember knowing, was a Captain Cole, who lived two blocks from my house. Sadly, he passed away about 30 or so years ago.

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  • WWI Navy Veteran a Mr. Lloyd, just passed away over the weekend at the age of 105. He had the distinction of being the last known American WWI Navy veteran. He was 105.

    As far as it is known, there are now only four American WWI veterans still living. I wonder if there are still any WWI Britich Tommies still living? Does anyone here have any info on them? If so, i'd like to know.

    Rest in Peace Mr. Lloyd. :-((

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  • Hi GT, yeah. And good thing im not posting about the WWII vets, or this would quickly get out of hand. The Chaplain of the Air Force (at my Uncles funeral in San Antonio a few years ago) said that at that time, we were losing 1,000 WWII vets a day. Now that figure is 1,700 WWII vets passing away daily. :-((

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  • Mr.J. Russell Coffey was 109 and living in Ohio at the time of his passing. He was one of only three known WWI vets living (American)

    Rest in Peace Mr.Coffey.

    The other two are:

    Mr.Frank Buckles, 106, of Charles Town, W.Virginia, and Mr.Harry Richard Landis, 108, of Sun City, Fla.

    This year we also saw the passings of most of the remaining WWI Vets including one who was the Oldest at the age of 115, and he was Mr. Emiliano Mercado del Toro and who was also briefly known as the worlds oldest living person - for about 3 weeks.

    Charlotte Winters, 109, was the last living American WWI Female veteran.

    The last Canadian WWI Veteran still living is: Mr. John Babcock, 107, of Spokane, Washington.

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  • Interesting information. Said to see there era has almost past. May there sacrifices never be forgot.

    RIP Mr. Coffey

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I often hear about WWII veterans that are dying off. I never thought about how many WWI veterans there were left. Thanks for sharing that with us, Ringo.

    Rest in Peace, Mr.J. Russell Coffey. Thank you for your service to this great country.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • It's sad when we lose any one who has fought for our freedom, no matter which generation. You will be missed Sir!

    On a side note, I just recived a photo of my grandfathers WWI draft card. He was in North Dakota at the time but ended up in Spokane, Washington. That's where my dad, mom, sister and I where born. Just found it interesting that there is still a WWI vet living there.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • . . . and then they were gone.

    I don't mean that irreverently. It just brought to mind that when I was a kid, there were reports of the last Civil War veteran dying. It kind of makes you wonder if there is someplace within the Dept. of Defense where they finally close down some little division because there's nobody left from that war.

    Thanks, Ringo, for sharing the news.

    Chester :newyear:

  • You all are quite welcome. I never thought to expect this day to be so near. I don't know, there is just something that is really special about the WWI guys that is different about the WWII guys which is different than all to the current happenings. Meaning no disrespect of course for anyone who has served.

    To the best of my knowledge, I only really knew onw WWI Vet-who was a friend of the family. He had been a Captain in command of a Company of Infantry-by the last name of Cole.

    Also, it's probably really possible that I will live to see the last of the WWII vets as well. That is somehting else I am not looking forward to.

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  • Mr. Bertram "Jimmy James" was one of a few Britich Prisoners of War to avoid being executed for joining the "great escape" from a German POW Camp Stalag Luft III - located in Sagen, Poland.

    He was a pilot in a Wellington Bomber that was shot down near Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on June 5th 1940. He was captured the next day. Despite 13 escape attempts from several pow camps, he spent five years as a pow.

    On the night of March 24th 1944, James was the 39th man to escape out of the tunnel. He and a Greek companion made it to the railway station, caught a train headed toward the Czech border, but was recaptured two days later. "We were on our way, we hoped, to freedom."

    All but three of the escapers were recaptured and 50 Shot. James was one of eight men who were sent to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp just outside of Berlin. He escaped from that prison sometime late 1944, but was recaptured two weeks later.

    The James Garner character was based on Mr. James. Also, there were no American prisoners who were in the escape group.

    May Mr. James Rest in Peace.

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