How's The Weather

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  • Not to get into a big discussion but the wacko's are coming out in force now blaming this all on global warming. I think most of those people are nuts and we don't have near enough data to call it global warming or not. I personally believe weather is cyclical and we will be back to normal before too long.

    And the answer to the question to where does it snow? The UP of Michigan or the North Shore/arrowhead of Minnesota always have snow in the winter, no matter what.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • An update to the story of the HOTTEST year ever in 2005.

    It was reposrted on CNN that this is the hottest year in over 10,000 years. That's amazing considering that the Western Hemisphere was discovered a little over 500 years, and the famous inventor Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, who was born May 24, 1686 and came up with the temperature scale in 1724.

    That's not hardly 10,000 years as a matter of fact it isn't even 300 years.

    And you wonder why this world hasn't fallen apart according to those wackos that say that the sky is falling down. <_<

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • It wasn't really bad here today, until I hopped on the bus to come home from school, it was hot on there.

    Going a little off-topic my new bus driver Cowboy(real name Craig) is a massive JW fan, we have so much to talk about :D

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • hi bek

    well if you think of the bus as a sardine can you wont go wrong once you have the hot bodies of the children on the bus it will make the heat inside the bus all that much hotter, when i was going to school back in the dark ages :lol: we used to fight for the window seats otherwise you used to really cook.

    it has been a really lovely day with humity about the 80% range and temp was 33C maybe a little more temp has just dropped to 29.9C

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • The bus is a sardine can, today was hot here, and it's going to be 42C(107F) tomorrow, I'm sure going to feel the heat!

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Bek@Jan 30 2006, 12:55 AM
    Going a little off-topic my new bus driver Cowboy(real name Craig) is a massive JW fan, we have so much to talk about :D


    I hope you told Craig about the John Wayne Message Board! :D

    In a more back-on-topic tone :rolleyes: , our weather has been quite mild recently - we had a high of 62º F yesterday, with last night's low being a "balmy" 52º (that's quite warm for overnight around here, for this time of year).

    And for those in the US and Canada, today (February 2nd) is Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow - read more about it HERE.


    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • hi all

    it is 30.3(86.5) at this time

    bek hope they let you take water into class just think the trip home will be like a traveling sauna take lots of water with you.
    its a pity that they wont let you go home once it hits 40+ but thats policy of qld edu sorry little mate. my little bloke is in a demountable and it has aircon so the heat wont affect him so much this year.


    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • I did tell Craig about the JWMB, and then he said he doesn't use his computer much, oh well. I sure took plenty of water on the bus and it was full today, very, very hot :stunned:

    And in Ag Science today out working with the cows in the middle of the day when it's the hottest I thought I was going to :dead:

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • I did, it's been a bit cooler today, not much but a bit.

    PS Craig said he'll think about it.

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • That stupid rodent has been seeing his shadow the last 5 years or so and we still haven't had a decent old fashion winter in the midwest since 1999-2000.

    If he see's his shadow again I am driving over there and putting him back into his hole.....permenantly!!!! :lol: :lol:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Yesterday we were at 95--that's SUMMERTIME temps! :angry: Doesn't Ma-nature realize that were supposed to be a bit cooler this time-o-the-year? :rolleyes:

    Today not as hot and we got only into the upper 80's. :(

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • well folks looks like our cool spell might just be here only 33.4C(92.1) TODAY at 6.30pm.

    wont be here till next weekend so will let you know how we faired

    bek sorry to hear that they had you out in the paddock in the midday heat working with the cows, but if you want to go down this track most farmers/vets also have to work through this sort of heat they could be trying to toughen you up for work with large aminals or on the land. just think when winter is here it will be the other way round when the winds get up you will be wishing that you could have staied indooors

    well till later hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • It was a bit better today, I was able to take my horse for a gallop today so it was cool enough for that, last night it didn't cool down which was annoying.

    And smokey I know what you mean about them trying to toughen us up, I'll be glad when its winter, I have early, cold mornings washing horses and cattle to look forward to. :P

    The youngest member of the JWMB! And proud Cowgirl!

  • 88 degrees "F" here so far today and expecting a cool front in sometime late tonight or early tomorrow. Ah well, at least the Groundhog saw it's shadow on Feb 2nd. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D More WINTER! :D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Temperature Conversion Calculator.

    Always like to put this in for conversion purposes. :D

    Since Thursday we've been going down in temps. On Thursday we topped out at 67F {19C}. On Friday we only hit 58F {14C}. Saturday we were 54F {12C}, and today we were only 50F {10C}. There is a hint of snow on Monday in the area but likely going to stay well north of us.

    Right now we are at 33F {0C}. What a weather season. :uhuh:

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote