How's The Weather

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  • Very cold...just a bit of ground covering snow but icey. ( I love winter!!!) Most all churches in the north half of the stated cancelled services this morning now am just waiting to see about school and business's for Mon. It is supposed to be worse tomorrow with more ice expected. Am just making the best of the winter day by lighting the fireplace, putting on a pot of homemade ham and beans and watching some movies.

    Baby Sis
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    "Give me a man like Duke Wayne"...Marueen O'Hara

  • I put 79 miles on my snowmobile yesterday around SE Minnnesota. I was alot of fun to get out and ride this early as the last 6 years have been very bad in the snow department. Looks like we might continue on this trend for the immediate future. Snow and cold!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • We're getting beat up down here in the Indian Territory. Freezing rain is snapping trees right and left. Pretty sad as some old trees that predate my folks have even been lost.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Well I think it'd be a favor to my bad shoulder to let you guys keep the snow as well as the awfully cold weather you guys get. We don't see much snow round these parts, but when we do, it all just seems to turn to ice and make a mess!!!!

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Seems like Christmas in July around here. We reached a freezing 80 degrees here today. Doesn't feel like December at all.

    We beat you guys with a brrrrrrrrring 85 degrees. Christmas in July sounds about correct. :stunned:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • If it gets a good snowfall I'm in!

    We have had around 12 inches so far this year. Places abot 4-5 hours north of me have about 30-35 inches already. About 6-7 hours they have around 4 feet already. In the UP of Michigan it has snowed everyday but one day since the 20th of November.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • This crazy weather - cold one day, warm the next. This last cold front came through San Antonio and chilled things off for one day, then the next day, here we are in the eighties!
    The front stalled out south of town and didn't even reach Carl's neck of the woods in Corpus, so while we were struggling to get out of the low sixties, he was left high and dry with eighty degree temperatures.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Lots and Lots of ice and rain....luckily I still have electricity. The assisted living center my daughter works at evacuated early this morning because of no elec. and she and my mom are both without power. I have only one bedroom so my daughter and her little family are staying with friends but I am watching her cat since we don't know how long it could be before the elec. is restored. My mom is a true farm gal and had provisions in place and alternate heating available so she is fine. But everything is a mess with trees down everywhere. Lots of closings still but it looks like I have to try and slide to work in the a.m. Oh well.

    Baby Sis
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    "Give me a man like Duke Wayne"...Marueen O'Hara

  • We have had around 12 inches so far this year. Places abot 4-5 hours north of me have about 30-35 inches already. About 6-7 hours they have around 4 feet already. In the UP of Michigan it has snowed everyday but one day since the 20th of November.

    But.....but.............Algore won a Nobel prize for denying such weather exists, Todd. :wink_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • had a storm come through and drop 50mm in 20mins which caused flash flooding and soil to wash away from the main road which resulted in traffic slowing to a halt in some places.

    when to about 30C today and is about 28C still

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • But.....but.............Algore won a Nobel prize for denying such weather exists, Todd. :wink_smile:

    I know, so far this year it has been colder then normal for the month of December.

    Like I have always said, we need to be mindful of pollution and waste but this global warming thing is just another way for the government to give us excuses to raise taxes and "spend" money to "fix" a problem that no one is even sure exists or is a fault of humanity.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • But.....but.............Algore won a Nobel prize for denying such weather exists, Todd. :wink_smile:

    Al Gore is full of prune juice!!!!:vomit: How he even got nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, much less being awarded one, is beyond my reasoning. What does the weather have anything to do with peace, anyhoo?
    Cheers (with a hefty shot of lemon juice) - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Lots and Lots of ice and rain....luckily I still have electricity. The assisted living center my daughter works at evacuated early this morning because of no elec. and she and my mom are both without power. I have only one bedroom so my daughter and her little family are staying with friends but I am watching her cat since we don't know how long it could be before the elec. is restored. My mom is a true farm gal and had provisions in place and alternate heating available so she is fine. But everything is a mess with trees down everywhere. Lots of closings still but it looks like I have to try and slide to work in the a.m. Oh well.

    Baby Sis
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    Baby Sis,

    We've been hearing about the harsh weather your way, so we appreciate you checking in and letting us know you're OK. The rest of your family will be in our thought and prayers.

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1: