WE got the same cold front as passed by Jays home-except not a drop with it and we were supposed to have some thunderstorms with it-which I was looking forward to listening to and watching.
How's The Weather
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Let's see, we will be freezing tomorrow morning, then up to 70F tomorrow afternoon, rain on Firday with highs around 60, and Saturday snow.
And you people have to travel a least 100 miles in California to the beach and to the mountains for a swim then snow ski. Here we just wait a couple of days and travel 0 miles for swim and snow.
Cheers -
Starting to cool down here, starting to actually feel more like Autumn rather than Summer.
Cooler today with overcast conditions. Possibility of thundershowers, although all we have had to this point is a few sprinkles.
Cheers - Jay -
BOY we had a grand entrance for the same cold front Jay just got-i'll start another thread about that in a minute. Anyway, it's rapidly warming up here today, but still nice out.
cooling down didnt have much of a summer this year the temps where kept down because of all of the rain. looks like we could have a much cooler - cold winter. just a couple of showers today didnt last long, they say we are to have showers again tomorrow, just hope its not raining when i come out of work at 10pm dont want to get wet :teeth_smile:
cheers smokey -
The weather forcasters were giving us a good chance of rain for tonight and tomorrow, but they're backpeddling on their predictions now - less than a 50-50 chance for precipitation!!!
. We'll see what results.
Cheers - Jay -
Same here as what Jay is experiancing. Also, today is very windy with the winds coming from the south (already) and is bringing in the humidity Grrrrrrrr.
Getting some delicious, wonderful rain this morning - steady and slow so there is little runoff - it has been so dry here that it would take a heavy downpour not to soak in. Otherwise cool and windy.
Cheers - Jay -
no rain today but they keep saying we are to have some more, the monsoon rains are still falling up north and some of that could come down the coast we wait and see, hopefully none but as duke said .... a little rain must fall :teeth_smile:
cheers smokey -
Jay's cold front blew through here at about 2 PM bringing with it some nice Thunderstorms and another Tornado touched down-and this time, just a few miles down the road from where I sit typing this out to you all. Im beginning to wonder if im a tornado magnet?
Just returned from Nashville, Tennessee, and we had about 8 inches of snow on Friday night.
We were about 77F on Thursday at home and went down to the low 60's on Friday, and down to about freezing that night. Even in Montgomery we had snow flurries on Saturday morning only to see the high around 47F. Then on Sunday got to 58, and today 70F. This has been a roller coaster temps week. But seem to get to more above normal for the week.
Cheers -
To quote Lawrence Welk - "Wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful."
Though it's still officially winter, spring has certainly sprung around here, with the past couple of days in the mid-seventies, reaching low forties at night.
no rain today heat wave happening down south they are having our normal temps in the high 30'sC, on the whole a very plesent day today
and ringo if you attract tornados then maybe you should come down under to queensland for our next summer you might just attract a cyclone for us then you can say that you were the one who broke our 10+year drought
cheers smokey -
no rain today heat wave happening down south they are having our normal temps in the high 30'sC, on the whole a very plesent day today
and ringo if you attract tornados then maybe you should come down under to queensland for our next summer you might just attract a cyclone for us then you can say that you were the one who broke our 10+year drought
cheers smokey
Hi Smokey, i'd sure love visiting Australia. I have'nt had a vacation for about 7 years. One thing about my visit though, I would'nt want to bring my tornadoes with me ;-)) -
We got through the first round of storms and there appear to be tornadoes popping up all over the place. Gotta go, another one seems to be coming through right now.
gt, we've been hearing on the radio about the weather you and Kevin have been having. We hope all is well for you guys!
Our weather has gone from mid-seventies sunny to low fifties, windy, unsettled conditions (torrential downpour one minutes, sunshine the next - CRAZY!). It's quite cold tonight (at least in comparison to what it's been - probably hit the thirties tonight, unless the breeze/wind keeps up (believe it or not, though it feels colder, the wind keeps the temperature from going as low as it would be without the wind).
Its arond 48f daytime here, windy & dry
storm clouds blew in and blew right on past, worked all day in the fridges and freezers so as far a temps go dont know what they were as when i went outside it was hot for me as the freezer is -39.4C and fridge is -2.4C
hope gt and all who have been hit by these tornados are okay
cheers smokey -
Snow... snow... snow. let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
6 inches and counting!