The Quiet Man (1952)

There are 470 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 405,854 times. The latest Post () was by Tbone.

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  • Hi Chester,

    I'm glad I found you too :) This is such a nice board.

    That's great that you'll be able to make the showing. Please be sure to stop and say hello and let me know you're from the Duke board! (I'll be wearing a nametag)


  • Hi

    There is a romance in seeing films on the big screen which you are not aware of until later when you reminisce. I first saw the Quiet Man around about the time I was fifteen about five years after it came out and by that time it had started to take on that colour that happens to all films of those day, it didn't look crystal clear but it was still a brilliant story, and a joy to watch.

    Pester Sue and Jim have a good evening watching it. and enjoy the diddly eye di music



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Antioch, California....only wish it were closer, I would truly love to see this particular film on the big screen. Enjoy the show, no doubt it truly will be something to remember.


  • I'll try to "beam" over.Wish I could be there :rolleyes:

  • I agree. I saw the film Thursday evening (first time ever in a theater!) and both times when water is thrown on him he says, "Thanks" through clenched teeth so his lips don't move much. When liquor is thrown on him he says, "Bar towel."

  • Hi all

    Did you know, that in Ashford Castle
    in Cong, County Mayo, where Duke
    and John Ford made
    They show the movie on every TV
    in the Castle at 5.00pm every day,
    365 days a year!

    I hope you all enjoy seeing it on the
    big screen.



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Emmanuel@Mar 10 2006, 01:25 AM
    Did you know, that in Ashford Castle
    in Cong, County Mayo, where Duke and John Ford made THE QUIET MAN, they show the movie on every TV in the Castle at 5.00pm every day, 365 days a year!


    Wow! That is pretty neat! They must charge people to come in, I guess. Is it very much?

    I learned last night that one of the members of our little group will be unable to attend due to a death in the family. :( We will miss her, it will take away from our time a little bit to not have her with us.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi all

    Chester, Unfortunately there are no TV's
    in any public areas of Ashford Castle. you
    must be a guest and watch it in your room.



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • It's been a few very busy days, but we are finally here to share with you that we did make it to the El Campanil Theatre in Antioch, California Saturday to see The Quiet Man. It is an old theatre from the 1920s, that has been lovingly restored within the past two to three years. It really was special to be able to watch the film in this venue, in a theatre full of viewers reacting to the different aspects of the movie (especially the funny ones :lol: ).

    The Mrs. and I (and our youngest son, Christopher) met Esther, the lovely lady who made us aware of this event in the first place. It was great to put a face to the name, and although it was an over 200 mile round trip, we would consider doing it again for a similar happening.

    We had over a hundred flyers printed up, advertising the JWMB, which I passed out at the door, at both showings. As I was dressed up in my Western JW garb, quite a few people focused in on that right off. I indicated that if they were JW fans, they should check out the message board. Hopefully, we'll pick up a few new fans in our merry little band.

    As to the film itself, it was in fairly good condition. The color was very good, although at times there was a line running along the side, or flecks or spots. Nothing serious for the average viewer - a critic might notice or be distracted. However, I have viewed some pretty poor quality films, and this was highly watchable. The sound system in the theatre is excellent, better than the original to be sure.

    The seating was quite comfortable, and in the upper seating, there was a curtain-like thing between each row, so you felt very private. That was really cool.

    Thanks again, Esther, for letting us know about this special event!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Hi Chester, Mrs C and Christopher

    I'm glad you all enjoyed THE QUIET MAN
    on the big screen. it really is the best way
    to view movies.

    Best wishes



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • We took some pictures, but someone had set the resolution on the camera so high that the files were too big to post, so we had to resize the photos in order to be able to share them with you here.

    [ATTACH]573] * * * * * * * [ATTACH]574]

    The pretty lady in green , picture on the left, is Esther.

    The other pretty lady with me, picture on the right, is Mrs C.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Sorry to have to do this in two posts, but even after resizing the pictures, I could only post two in the last post.

    Here is a picture of me and our son, Chris, out in front of the theatre, with the poster advertising the movie.


    I don't know what that kid was doing - he sure has a funny look on his face :lol: .

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi all

    Chester and Mrs C, thanks for sharing
    the photos with us, I know it's been said
    before, but Chester you do look a little
    like the Duke in your cowboy gear.

    Best wishes



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi Chester/Jim, Sue, and Christopher!

    It was wonderful to meet you all. Thank you so much for coming to our screening, and for promoting it in this forum. One meets the nicest people on the internet :) Of course, meeting you in person was even better- your JW costume was FANTASTIC and I was really bowled over (as were movie patrons) by how much you looked like John Wayne. We'll definitely let you know about future JW screenings at the El Campanil. Thanks for posting the pics... I have some too which I will try to send along. I'll also send them (with your permission) to our local newspaper's community scrapbook editor- they have published photos of our events in the past.

    Thanks again for everything!
