The Train Robbers (1973)

There are 169 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 161,610 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • One more Train Robber picture -- of Ben Johnson of course. (Sorry, no John Wayne this time.) ;) This actually is a brand-new print, made from a vintage press negative I got from eBay. I took the negative to The Camera Doctor, this amazing camera store near where I live. The store is full of antique cameras and Steve the owner is a wizard with a camera or a photo or slide or anything relating to photography, and he made the new photo for me.

    Edited once, last by Paula ().

  • Just when I think I don't have any more Train Robbers pictures... another one joins my collection. :) This is a real nice still -- the original is very soft, so soft it almost looks out of focus. But thank to the "sharpness" feature in my photo editor program, I think it looks pretty nice now. ;) Not as detailed as I'd like it to be, but it's acceptable.

  • These are old quotes dating back to 2007, but I found them to be quite good. One part Robbie relates Duke's decision not to stop for the night because he heard the crying of a baby. Robbie states that no one could get away with the line Duke had "Did you ever bury a baby? Well, neither did I, and I'm not about to start now. Ride on." Well, I agree, can't think of anyone in those days who could've delivered it. But in the old days, that was a typical Ward Bond line....he got away with lots of them like that and the patriotic ones. Also agree with peoples' assessment of Rod Taylor. He was a fine actor and was great with Duke and Ben. If he had been used more, I think he could have taken Ward's place and the special comraderie that was between Duke and Ward may have been preserved in a manner. Too bad he was not given credit due.....I always liked him when I was young....just never got to see enough of him.

    Thanks for the pictures Paula...they are great. So glad I was "forced" into watching Ben after seeing him give that wooden performance so long ago. I have enjoyed him greatly ever since. I seem to like him more every time I see him..........he grows on you, yep, he does!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • what wooden performance??

    Don't remember, Paula, it was long ago and probably just a line or two when he was "moving up" from stuntman to actually having bit parts. I very much enjoy him now. Was not meant to be anything other than what I had seen and read of his steadily improving acting ability. He worked great with Duke. Wish he had been in more of his movies! KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Interesting review by Roger Ebert. I've seen this film about 10 times since its debut and never thought much about it. Now I intend to watch it with his comments in mind.
    Always thought that Burt Kennedy was a mediocre director until I saw "Hannie Caulder". Loved that montage scene of Thomas Luthor Price training Hannie how to shoot.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • I've collected six more Train Robbers photos and I'll be posting them for the next week or so at my Ben Johnson webpage. There are still a few Train Robbers photos with Ben I haven't found yet for my collection, but fortunately Lasbugas has posted scans of his copies here so I can enjoy them in their scanned versions on this forum. ;)

    Here's the first. ;)

  • Love this one of Ben, Paula...the expression on his face...going into my "To be sketched" folder. KEITH

    I've collected six more Train Robbers photos and I'll be posting them for the next week or so at my Ben Johnson webpage. There are still a few Train Robbers photos with Ben I haven't found yet for my collection, but fortunately Lasbugas has posted scans of his copies here so I can enjoy them in their scanned versions on this forum. ;)

    Here's the first. ;)

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE