The Barbarian And The Geisha (1958)

There are 125 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 109,203 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • This is yet another I have not seen but I think I could easily like this one being that it is so different than what Duke usually made.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Because the sentence that wrote memories of this movie was found to the book
    that a certain Japanese who had been working as a staff during the location in Japan.
    Let's introduce it.
    His name is Minoru Inuzuka and he participated in this movie as a dialogue coach.
    He can be seen also IMDB.

    Hereafter,from his sentences.
    1) John Huston felt dissatisfied in the scenario that the writer wrote first, and was
    being rewritten by himself at the hotel every night. However, Inuzuka says It must be
    already water under the bridge.
    2) John Wayne was coming to Japan alone without attendand. and he was processing
    what one by himself.When taking a meal in the studio,JW waited in a line of the staff
    together.and after meal,he had take away the dirty dishes for the table,even with other's plate.
    There was not affecting the star,and when he was a popular good person,everyone
    felt adimiration for Duke.
    3) Though JW was doing comfortable way to talk when performing at the waestern movie,
    It pronounced in one word plain remark,and the device about which it talked applying
    the intonation in the conversation with the samurai was done,He made it good.
    Inuzuka thought He was not an average actor in this movie.
    4) Inuzuka invited JW to the geisha house in Gion in Kyoto twice. Duke was very pleased
    the geisha play was very graceful.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • hated this movie at first....but years later it grows on you

    I find myself in the same position. I had seen this film years ago and didn't like it. I never bothered to look at it again untill Kevin put the link to the film from hulu. I decided to give it a look and found that I enjoyed it the second time around. I liked the way that Duke played Townsend Harris. The scenery really was impressive and the story line flowed just fine. I loved the part where Duke stood in front of the canon aimed at the ship and shifted everytime the cannon moved.

    So, now this film is no longer on my hate list, and I probably won't wait another 10 years to watch it again. :teeth_smile:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • About Earl Norman (AKA Norman Thomson) who performed as Ship Captain Edmunds
    in this film,I already posted to General discussion thread last night.
    he is a very interesting person, i think.
    i found the site about novel that he wrote.
    someone who knows him, please share more information .


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • A touching story, thanks for posting this

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thanks to the generosity of a member of our message board, who owned and made a copy of this film for me, we were able to watch it last night! I have to concur with what several others have said in this thread, that it was enjoyable seeing Duke in a different type of role. To me, he seemed comfortable and did a fine job. Like Mark, I got a good chuckle out of the scene when he stood in front of the cannon (although in retrospect, his character was probably sorry, since the sailors who jumped ship brought deadly disease to the area).

    Our grandson was fascinated that the story is based on historical facts, and it helped me to place some things in a better historical perspective. It was interesting to learn that the Japanese culture was still so isolated in the mid 1800s.

    All in all, a very different JW movie, but one that I will definitely watch again.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • I am not a good judge because I liked ALL of JW's movies but I too like his off Wayne roles and this was a good example. Watch him in THE LONG VOYAGE HOME, I wonder how many times he lost his character voice and they had to re-take, it must of drove Ford crazy??

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"