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  • I watched The Dark Knight Rises last night on Demand from HBO. I don't really watch the Batman series but wanted to see this one. And thought it was alright for me. I am not a Batman fan, so I did find it sometimes hard to follow but I can understand why the Batman fans love these series. So, if you are one of those kind of fans, I am sure you've seen this one already but if you haven't, be sure too. As for those who is like me, watch it and enjoy it. And if you are not a Batman fan, don't waste your time. That is the best recommendation I can give you. I probably won't see it again.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • "The Ides of March" 2011 George Clooney Ryan Gosling- A good movie, good acting,good story on politics
    and running for office. Even though, I disagreed with everything Clooney's character said while running for office.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60 ().

  • Trouble Along The Way, found this suprisingly enjoyable and was a nice different type of role for Duke outside his usual fare, he handled it well as a father torn between his daughter and career and a conniving ex wife. The cast was really with Duke showing another side to his ability and Charles Coburn was great as always. The young girl playing Duke's daughter was very good aswell considering child actors can often be annoying or detract from a picture.